Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Iris and area news

My Mom’s Irises are in full bloom.


No wonder my eyes are all itchy.

Iris with pollen

The buds are covered in pollen..as is just about everything else.  It rained a bit last evening just enough to settle the dust.


There was a bit of a rainbow amongst the smoke that was in the air.

Little fire

Someone started a fire with some accelerant..maybe some old tires on the old Jack and Ella McGrane place. I used to love to visit this pretty little farm with the stucco brown two story house with the big porch that faced east and was always in the shade of huge Oak trees.  Their Granddaughters were my favorite playmates. There isn’t much left there that resembles that old farmstead..an old white shed is all that remains.  There isn’t even a footprint left of where the house used to be…but I know right where it was.  I can almost taste the Kool-Aid and the cookies and feel the cool breeze on that porch.IMG_8593

It was such a cold spring that many of the potato fields are empty.  The seed potatoes rotted in the ground because it was too cold.  Some of the fields were dug up again..but it is getting a little late to plant anything. Long French Fries in a box may be going up in price…who knows what the potato plant in town will do…it employs lots of people…perhaps they will transport in potatoes from other areas.

What crops are in are slow growing except for the small grains.  The corn will have to grow some to be knee high by the 4th of July:)

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  1. Morning, pretty Irises, the neighbors are blooming now too...nice rainbow through the smoke, :)Francine.

  2. Lovely photos ! The crops here faired pretty well with the late spring we had but the few hot sunny days we had in between it all helped ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. It was sure a strange springtime in your part of the country. I didn't know that about the potato fields. It's really sad. I hope they ship them in from somewhere else, for the sake of all those people's jobs.

  4. Still cold around here at night . My flowers aren't growing as well as they normally have because of that. Your Mom's Irises are very pretty. Ours were late and didn't bloom long at all. Corn around here had better get a growth spurt or it won't make it "knee high by the Fourth".

  5. Oh, I know, I have that yellow-green pollen dust everywhere!!! Most potato fields around here made it and are coming up.

  6. Those Irises are just beautiful! I love the color the best!

  7. I sometimes remember stuff like kool aid and cookies better.

  8. Your memories of the McGrane place created a vivid mental image for me.

    Sadly, agriculture is a risky business.

  9. We were driving down a road with cornfields on either side. I saw how short the stalks were and I thought the same thing. Our saying is "by the fourth of july, as high as an elephant's eye..." Guess our Jersey corn will be late!

  10. Irises are some of my favorite summer flowers. They remind me of home. My mom always grew them. Always had intentions of planting some for myself, but never did.

  11. I'm wondering if the seed potatoes rotted because it was too wet? I think you've had a wet spring. Unless the ground froze to potato depth after they were planted? Potatoes here will overwinter if they are deeper than the ground freezes. I know one Fall when we had a lot of rain, some of our potatoes that were still in the ground and were sitting in water, started to rot.
    Actually, just had new potatoes for lunch today from a 'volunteer' plant that came from a potato left in the ground from last year. Mmm, with some butter and salt and pepper:)

  12. Old abandoned homesteads bring back strong memories. It's too bad these things had to be abandoned.

  13. Gorgeous flowers. Wonderful memories. Sorry to hear about the potato crop. Hope something can be done to keep people working.
    Have a good Wednesday. ♥

  14. I love how you described the old farm and your memories of it. I was recently thinking about my old farm neighborhood. I remember the flower gardens and the wild flowers in the woods and the roadsides.

  15. Love your memories...but the fire, not so much! My heart breaks for the farmers and the potato factory. I had a dream last night that the world didn't have any food any more...I sure woke up in a hurry.



  16. My dad used to plant irises alongside the house when I was growing up...and tiger lilies!
    I hope that fire was contained alright. Shame about the spuds. I hope there's work somehow for all those people. I feel so badly for the farmers. Been one rough spring.

  17. I had forgotten that you grew potatoes up there. I guess Idaho has a cool climate and that they would do well in your soil.


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