Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Goose Jam

Goose Jam 1

Goose Jam 2

Goose Jam 3

Goose Jam 4

Goose Jam 5

Now you have seen a Minnesota Goose Jam:)

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  1. Cute. Slow down and wait. Just about like a regular traffic jam, except this one is more fun to see.

  2. Ha ha... so adorable.

  3. Ahhh, sweet Goose jam, love the little ones.......Blessings Francine.

  4. Sweet family. Sad only one baby left, but hopefully they'll be able to keep it safe.

  5. The babies are always so cute.

  6. Awww, so cute! Love the adorable little guy. :-)

  7. Awwww... the little ones are so cute! :)

    I was involved in a "Turtle Jam" this past weekend... actually had to stop and wait for one in Maryland (a kind-hearted soul coming the other way got out and assisted it across the road).

  8. I'd rather be in this jam than a traffic jam in the city!

  9. I could use going that slow right about now...

  10. Only you could come up with a goose walking down the middle of the road! Nice one.

  11. lol Cute ! They do that here to on our road it is quite comical really to watch them ! Nice photos ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  12. Only one young'un? They are taking care of that one baby, though. ;)

  13. Darling!!! I love this!


  14. They must have been tired of walking in the tall grass. We usually see on batch of Canada's each spring on one of our road side ponds. They raise them quickly and then go elsewhere. The highway traffic would send the packing I am sure as soon as that can get them to fly.


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