Saturday, June 29, 2013

Getting Older

After the fundraising dinner last week, Monday meetings, Monday program and a class on Thursday I was tired.  If I had a rope I would have been near the end of it.

Far Guy has pericarditis again.  At least this time he recognized the signs early before an ambulance and air ambulance ride was necessary like back in 2011.  Pericarditis can happen after a virus…he is feeling “almost normal” after 36 hours on the anti- inflammatory medication.  Hopefully after this course of medication he will be all better.   If it ain’t one thing it is another.

My Doctor finally found a blood pressure medication for me that doesn’t cause hives.  It remains to be seen if it lowers my blood pressure significantly or sends me looking for a potty every hour or so.  I finally printed out a list of blood pressure meds and circled the ones in red that I cannot take.  Some make me sleep for 20 hours straight, some make me lose hair in gobs, some make my joints hurt so bad I have a hard time walking, some make me real short of breath, some rob me of potassium, some just don’t lower my blood pressure at all and most give me hives.  When I was first diagnosed with High Blood Pressure I gave up coffee and staved off medications for several years. I don’t like taking medications..and the stupid blood pressure pill is the only one I take except for vitamins. I “think” that The Lyme's Disease may be mostly behind me and if the blood pressure medication situation is resolved I might feel like a real person one of these days.

Getting old is not for sissies.Loon and two babies

This Loon parent has two babies, one is on his/her back.  We stopped to walk Chance at a Public Access and saw this Loon.  I only had my idiot camera..I was bummed big girl camera would have captured this wonderfully. We were out looking for garage sales not wildlife. Yesterday was one of my days off.


I was happy to see a successful loon hatch! Now if they can avoid the Eagles, Snapping Turtles and Northerns..everyday is an adventure in survival for a loon baby:)

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  1. I empathize. I like as few meds as possible, too. Even the ones that help have side effects.

    And with your loon photoss, also. Reminds me of the time we went to Magee marsh, saw a large flock of snipe and only had my little camera. Those little ones are handy but they just can't do what their big sisters and brothers can do.

  2. Having just read your potato salad story, and now this, it would seem that you are not having much fun lately. Good grief!
    Is there anything you can do to lower your blood pressure besides taking medication? I know I was borderline until I lost 50 pounds. Now I'm fine, blood pressure at healthy level. But my slim husband is on BP medication, and he eats very healthy food and much less salt than I do. It's all hard to figure.
    I hope things get better soon. The loons are lovely.

  3. I hope and pray both you and FG feel better soon. So sorry each of you have had such a difficult time. What a treat to see the loon babies! Hope you have a good day.

  4. Finding the right thing to take and it works too is a bonus. I really like seeing the mother and baby loons. They seem to get them raised early in the season so they have all season to get strong enough for the migration.

  5. Still a great shot, a rare view.

  6. I'm so glad that Far Guy's pericarditis was handled early. I've heard it's terribly painful. And your BP medication problems! Yikes! I do hope you will find something that works for you that doesn't make you sicker. I take a small dose of lisinopril and have taken it for years. It doesn't seem to do anything except help keep my BP in line.

  7. Loons, Far Guy, and Far Side...........every day is an adventure in survival. Hope you get the BP resolved soon!!!!

  8. I agree that growing old is not for sissies. I hope this BP medication works for you. Fun to see the photos of the loons. Remember to always take your camera even if you're only out looking for garage sales. :0)

  9. Growing old ain't for sissies:) the meds side effects can be bad, hope it works for you

  10. I have a long list of BP meds that I am allergic too also. I hope your current med works out ok for you.

  11. Hope you and Far Guy are now feeling a lot better!

    Love the loon shots.

  12. Oh thank goodness Far Guy got his pericarditis treated early. I remember how scary that first episode was. Sorry to hear you are having problems. I went through that BP med issue too. It was frustrating finding the right one that worked for me. I think loons are fascinating birds. Unfortunately I have only seen them in pictures. I would love to see and hear them in person.

  13. They call it the golden years...HA..I think they are really brass years!

    I'm so glad Far Guy got his pericarditis early...the last time was very frightening.

    This med thing sure is a struggle...Terry and I sympathize.


  14. My mom used to say that and must agree with her since I am getting old. I take my vitamins before bed with my cholestrol med as the Pharmasist advised and it has made a difference with the other meds I take. I guess I am lucky with my BP meds it is an old tried and true which I have said to my PCP that I do not want any new drugs only ones that have been used for years with good results. I just started a new old drug. A thyroid med and hope I have no probs. Good luck!!!

  15. I totally agree with you... the aging thing. Yuck. It sucks!
    Hmmm... I have been experiencing shortness of breath - now I have to figure if that started with BP meds. I am so dense about things like that. I may have been a Math teacher but when it comes to my body, I can never put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4!
    I love the loon picture. So cute! We saw a mama duck and her 8 or 9 ducklings riding the current of the river. I did not have a camera, and the water was moving far too swiftly to go get it and capture a picture. Maybe next time!
    Happy 4th to you and your's.

  16. For a minute there I thought maybe you were the person that passed me on the Blackbird Trail yesterday when I was stopped taking my pictures of the far off loon and babies. ;)

  17. I question how much medication we need and if it does any good or causes other baddies like your hives. I have one that influences my balance. I must take it or they will take my license away.

  18. Getting older is definitely not all it's cracked up to be.

    Happy to hear about the Loons, too. Let's hope the little ones survive. :-)

    Hope you're both better soon, Connie. ♥

  19. So glad FarGuy caught it early this time. I remember that scary trip last time!
    I just started BP medication and don't notice anything at all, even though they warned me about dizziness and such. Maybe that's a good thing. Won't know till I go back if it is actually doing anything. I hope you have found one that works this time and doesn't give you problems. :)
    Love the loon babies and how they will ride on mom's back like that! All those little water bird babies have it rough. So, I guess young or old--life ain't for sissies. ;)

  20. I hope you feel ALL better soonest.

  21. I have problems finding medications I can take without all the horrid side effects. I was wondering what you were finally able to take. I have been on one for several years, and the side effects have altered my lifestyle. My doc says I just have to live with it. E-mail me if you have a chance....I would like to hear more about it.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie