Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day Off and Adam Broke His Arm

Sleep late, go for a long drive, rummage around in many antique shops, buy some memories, play ball with Chance in an old cemetery, walk in the rain, stop for supper, admire all the crops coming up and the green everywhere.  I can afford one day to totally goof off!  I have three more days to enjoy..but they will be spent at and cleaning and catching up on all my “stuff.” Gene Autry

Far Guy has more to add to his Gene Autry collection.  I suggested he build another display case.   I have several Gene Autry  books that are not being displayed.  I passed up a book today..too expensive for the shape it was in.

Of course I bought some old photographs. 

And a bear.

Bear in a log

A bear at least as old as I am.  My parents had this exact bear planter/container.  I dusted it many times in the knick knack shelf at the farm.  I think they may have gotten it as a wedding gift.  Not sure what I will do with him yet..where he will go or what he will hold.  Some things take time to figure out.

Grandson Adam broke his arm yesterday.  His Grandfather said “ Tell him thank you for waiting for his parents to return before he broke something.”  (His parents had been home less than 24 hours.) When I first heard the news..I pictured him flying off his bike or off the four wheeler into the street.  Instead he tripped over a board in his own yard, and put out his hand to catch himself and broke his arm in two places just above his wrist. Owie!  Adam will get a cast next week.  Poor arm hurts for him:( 


  1. I feel bad for Adam. I'm sure that cast will slow him down a bit!! For a short time anyway, until he learns to maneuver with it.

  2. Glad you are getting some time to yourself. Well, sort of. Anyway, too bad about Adam's arm; I hope he heals up quickly. Be sure to tell him it will be twice as strong as the other one once it heals! :-)

  3. Poor Adam. I hope his arm heals quickly!

  4. Poor Adam. Hope he heals quickly. Glad you enjoyed your day off.

  5. OUCH is right poor kid ! I fractured my wrist in two places by falling and trying to catch myself years ago ! Hang in there Adam and take it easy ! Sounds like you have had a nice day off goofing off as you put it lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Love your new header . Have a good day !

  6. Glad he waited - the guilt factor would have been very high. He'll have to come up with a magnificent story to tell that makes a better picture than tripping over a board!
    Cute old things!

  7. Great that you take some time off to have fun.
    Tell your grand son that I know what it's like to break something. I did the same thing only my excuse is better ...I was on ice. It was in 7 pieces and it really hurt!

  8. Gosh, my arm hurts too! I wish we had neat antiques shops...we have one and it's way too expensive for my blood. I need to do more things just for fun...


  9. Such timing! But what a bummer that it had to happen at all :(

    Hope Adam is all wrapped up and on the road to recovery soon.

  10. Oh, no! Casts are for school not for summer time.

  11. Poor Adam, glad the parents were home at the time! Nothing worse than something happening to a child when the parents aren't home!

  12. So sorry about Adam's arm. I know that is painful and will take a lot of rehab.
    Happy you found that planter; you'll have to share where you decide to place it.

  13. Ouch, poor guy...hope he heals quickly, and is back to normal again.

    Good for you to take a day to just be...


  14. I can't count the number of times I have tripped and put my hands out. Sorry to hear about Adam. Hope he heals quickly.

    Good post. Let us know what you do with your bear!

  15. Oh no, poor Adam! it's no fun to spend summer in a cast...

  16. Poor Adam! But I had to giggle at Grandpa's comment. I would have felt the same way. ;)

    Nice day off! Both you and FarGuy made some finds! Funny how we are drawn to the things that we were around when we were kids. I have a big clunky ceramic teapot with a boy and girl on the front--only because my mom had one that cracked. Had to have it when I saw one for sale many years ago. Mom never used it for tea. Neither do I. It holds books of matches--LOL!

    Take care. Enjoy our sunny Sunday (supposed to me, anyways).


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