Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bath time

Chance and I were entertained by an American Redstart.  Look at him! He is poised almost like a high diver!

Redstart checking out the bird bath

He checked out the birdbath…it must be Saturday night?  When I was little we bathed on Saturday night so we would be good and clean for church on Sunday morning. Yesiree we bathed once a week whether we needed it or not.

Water splashing all over

Water was splashing all over.  I was laughing and Chance was looking at me like I was nuts, he of course spends much time surveying his he is used to the bathing birds activity.  I think he is a little jealous..his pool is still in the grain bin.

Drying off

The little Redstart had a blast!  I watched to see if I could spot a female American Redstart..I think I saw one but didn’t get her photograph.  Perhaps she is shy.

How did we survive with just one bath a week ?  In the summer we went swimming or played water games in the yard squirting each other with the hose.  I was in third grade before we got a real bath tub and toilet (Yay!!!!) in the house.  After that we took more baths.  Nowadays we would never think of missing a daily shower/bath:)

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  1. Wonderful photos ! I love watching the birdies have a bath here to splashing about and face diving into it ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  2. That is a bird I don't think I have ever sen here in S.E. WI. It is so funny to watch them take a bath. Yup, I remember Saturday night as bath night.

  3. What a pretty little bird! Surely stinky working men must have cleaned up really good in between the weekly bath nights? :)

  4. I take four or five showers a week and miss a day now and then. I haven't had a bath in years, but when I was a kid we took them regularly. Always more often than once a week. :-)

  5. Oh, what brilliant and wonderful shots! Such a pretty bird too.

  6. The weekly bath was a routine for my family, too. I bathed in a galvanized tub in my mother's bedroom until I was six. The year I started school, we had a real bathtub - such a luxury.

  7. One reason we bathed less often than once a day years ago - is that we had to heat the bath water on the stove. I remember carrying a very large pot of water to the tub - and rather than do that, I sometimes bathed in cold water. What a trip that was! And we were not supposed to wash or hair very often either. I now wash mine in the shower every day and hate to miss a day. O course I have shorter hair now but it still gets oily. Ugh.

  8. At one point in my life, I thought we only had a bath once a week, but maybe it was more often. My sister would have a bath first in a few inches, and then I got to add more water to that for my bath. Gross:(
    We were expected to wash our face and 'pits' every evening though.

  9. Those are great shots, I have never seen one of those birds before. I don't seem to get any bird to our birdbath.

  10. Interesting comments on the Red start bath and your own bath. We went through the same bath routine when I was a kid. I can hardly believe the bathing routine when i talk about it now. To miss a bath or shower now would be a major worry. I have gone with out baths for five days while back packing.

  11. Love the birdbath photos! Isn't it amazing how captivating they can be ... and how many memories we enjoy while watching them!

  12. The year I was in the third grade my parents got an electric replace the wood burning wonder. In the fifth grade we got a TV.

    I love your little bird bath!!


  13. I remember those once a week baths...I kind of prefer the everyday shower myself.

    You got some great shots, what a cutie.


  14. The daily "spit bath" was the lifesaver. I was older when we got our bathroom. Thought I had died and gone to heaven!

    Great photos.

  15. Now, that's some country living! :)

  16. Great fun reading the other comments about baths and is funny how things change with time. Although, truth be told, if I don't break a sweat, I take a shower every OTHER day. There's my big secret, LOL. But with summer and over 100 degree temps already in place, I feel like I need to take TWO showers a day now!

    Love your pictures here Connie.... so cute, that lil bird taking a bath and splashing around. Having a good ole time.

    Nice to stop by and say "hi".... and good to hear from you on my blog too. :-)

  17. I was about 5 or 6 when we got an inside bathroom. I remember baths in the big round tub in the basement!!! Wonder what our grands would do if they went back to 1950 for one week!!!

  18. What a cute, colorful bird! I don't know what it is, but I love watching birds take their splattery baths. All our barn swallows that nest all over these buildings, sparrows, and the occasional crow come to our parking lot puddle for their absolutions, but I never see anything colorful.

    We never seemed to bathe every day when we were kids even though we had a suburban bathroom with tub and shower. I remember our mom trying to corral us all in the tub and having to scrub all the dirt off us in the summertime when we were small. We ran barefoot and I always seemed to have sand in my hair and underpants--ROFL! ;)

  19. Chuckled at that last memory. I still remember the days especially at my grandparents house where you had one bath a week - Saturday night so you were clean for church on Sunday! We also got bathed in order of dirtiness, dirtiest kid last and that usually meant the water was cold.


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