Friday, May 24, 2013


Catbirds are not much to look at.  However they sure can entertain you with their sounds and songs.  We have one..maybe two in the yard..mostly they sound like cats in a tree…grumpy cats in a tree.

Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird

I have a hooded sweatshirt that says “Grumpy “ on it.  I usually wear it on School Tour Days.  The Dwarf that is named Grumpy is also on this shirt.  40 kids were through the museum on Wednesday.  One of the classroom helpers said “I need a shirt just like that.” 

I organize the tours, I split them into four different groups. 40 little squirming, can’t stand still, can’t shut up, runny nose first grade little darlings. I got stuck with the downstairs communications, medical, resort and high school memory room and the hands on fur and wool exhibit.  All the kids were freezing..some were shivering..and complaining that it was too cold to be downstairs. Ya..think?  Welcome to my world.

Most of them knew about Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone..but had no idea what a pay phone would be used for.  They also didn’t know what the word “disconnect “ meant.  Such as in “If you didn’t have more money to put in the pay phone the operator would disconnect you.” Perhaps they thought it meant you would be beheaded or something…I don’t know.  I was glad when their time was up. I was shot. They were a rowdy bunch.  One of the teachers just shook her head and said “It is getting near the end of the school year.” She looked like I felt.

Some teachers have wonderful control of their students and some do not.

I came home and crashed and Far Guy said “I think I feel good enough to work for you tomorrow so you can have the day off.”  What a doll!

So I had a day off yesterday, I had a Doctors appointment, she is changing my blood pressure medication yet again.  I did some shopping for the museum.  I stopped by the museum.  I took many museum phone calls here at home..gosh it is no wonder my blood pressure is up..I had a call yesterday morning before I was even awake for the day.  For those of you that don’t know me well or how much I hate the telephone ringing, we only have a phone in the house because Far Guy insists that a phone booth at the end of the drive would be very inconvenient for him.

Grumpy Female Baltimore Oriole

Grumpy Female Baltimore Oriole:)

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  1. Morning Grumpy, :), I will never phone you.....kidding......Hope you enjoy a wonderful long weekend, Francine.

  2. My you sound Grumpy - just kidding. You really do have the patience of a saint. So glad Far Guy was able to help you out. Have a great weekend. Relax and enjoy.

  3. Nice to have a stand-in like Far Guy. He is a doll. Hope your doctor can get that blood pressure under control. I know what you mean about rowdy kids. I see them at the Y and wonder how anybody can do that all day long, day in and day out. :-)

  4. I hear you on all counts!!! Noisy, unmanageable kids drive me nutz. And I quit answering phones when my kids were teenagers, and almost plowed me down to get to the phone. Hope you get to have a rejuvenating weekend!!

  5. We rarely see orioles down here. I do remember hearing the calls of cat birds when we would be in Minnesota.

  6. I hope today was a relaxing day compared to yesterday. Earlier this week I guided a group of first graders exploring at the pond and down at the creek at the nature center. One girl lost her brand-new Croc (or Croc look alike) in the mud at the creek. I told the teacher, "In thirty years of trailguiding, I've never had a child lose a shoe." She said, " It doesn't surprise me that it happened with my group." Later, when we trailguides were comparing notes, I learned a child in the another guide's group had lost a shoe, too. Wonder if a mud hole ever coughs up what it swallows.

  7. School trips can be a little hairy for included. I was involved in many school trios and am thankful to all those who did their best to make it a successful experience. 200 kids five buses and teachers and supervisors? Fun times.You remind me of those times. I also got to do school tours from the other end since I retired.

  8. I almost get that headache again, remembering school field trips.

  9. Make that The Phone Booth at the End of the Universe.

    Hmmm...maybe you could write a book...

  10. My sis was a 2nd grade teacher for many years and I never understood how she coped! We have lots of little kids in our neighborhood but thankfully they have a long sidewalk that they play on!
    Hope the new med does the trick. Feel better and hope you get some rest this weekend.

  11. Your comment about the phone booth at the end of the driveway made me laugh out loud. What a story about the visiting school kids. I read your posts every day... Love your photos.

  12. Many years ago I was a day care teacher for a while and my group was all the kids labeled "behavior problem". Whew! I know that feeling of exhaustion at the end of the day. ;) That FarGuy is a sweetheart!

    It is so strange to think the kids growing up today have no clue what a phone booth is...or a typewriter...or a record player. Nowadays when they leave the house they are asked if they have their cell phone with them and not if they have a dime for a phone call. In fact, they probably never have to ask if they have their cell phone because they are as good as a body part--LOL!


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