Tuesday, May 28, 2013

For the birds

A Scarlet Tanager was here for about four days.  He loved the oranges.


Even the grand boys were impressed with this colorful bird.


Most of the Baltimore Orioles have left, we still have one male and two females hanging around.   We hope they stay and nest.


I think this is an immature Pine Grosbeak..this guy was listless..and looked like he was cold and wet…although later in the day I saw him at the bird bath drinking so maybe he will make it.

Far Guy saw a Blue Bird.. I have not seen one yet.


Canada Geese on Shell Lake.  I didn’t realize that they banded  geese around the neck.


815A  I imagine there is someplace to go to look up the number and find out where it was banded.  We go over to Shell Lake quite often, it will be fun to keep a watch out for this goose:)

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  1. Oh Connie, love the Scarlet Tanager, we had one at the lake two weekends ago, I was so excited....such a beautiful bird and your pictures are amazing....great shot of the geese, love that, Francine.

  2. I love the Scarlet Tanager - have never seen one before. My Baltimore Orioles stay around all summer. I have 2 pair this year, so I'm anxiously awaiting "babies".

  3. You are so lucky to have a scarlet tanager at your feeder and to get his picture, too. I wish you good fortune with the orioles sticking around. That would be great.

  4. Beautiful, colorful bird! I guess I live in a place where the birds are not so flamboyant. I'd love to see a bluebird, which do live around here, I've heard. :-)

  5. Great pictures, beautiful birds.

  6. The tanager is awesome!!!! Your cold bird looks to me like a finch and I didn't realize they banded the Canadian geese. Have seen other geese and swans banded around the neck though. Interesting.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wonderful photos ! The birdie in the photo all puffed up is a Purple finch , we have lots here ! Thanks for sharing ! They band some geese so they can keep track of their migration. Have a good day !

  9. I usually stop putting seed out during the summer months, but Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal are trying to convince me otherwise this year.
    You have a wonderful, colorful assortment there. Beautiful pictures!

  10. Great photos. The goose band does not look that comfortable, but I guess those who do the banding know what they are doing.

  11. Wonderful shots of that gloriously vibrant bird!

  12. You are seeing great things with the tanager and a banded goose. I think there's a place to send in the number. Cornell may be a good place to start looking.

  13. Great shot of the Tanager!! You have to have a quick eye to get those migratory birds!!

  14. Great photos. I didn't know they banded geese around the neck either. I envy you the Orioles AND the Tanager....we have had Orioles but I don't think we have enough cover for them to stay and the Shrikes drive them off anyway :(

  15. That orange bird is amazing! Thanks for capturing its beauty for us Far Side!

  16. Beautiful shots! I saw my first Blue Bird today while driving!

  17. I love the orange birds!
    I'm surprised about the banding around the neck too.

  18. I love the vivid coloring of the tanager. Saw one a couple of summers ago; it visited near our rented cabin. Hope to see it, or its relative, again this summer!

  19. Now that's a striking bird!! wow!
    The neck band just seems wrong somehow. I never knew they did that.
    I hope the scruffy little bird makes it.


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