Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day Off?

Appointments and meetings filled the day off.  I did get about an hour nap to help recharge..and then was interrupted by a phone call..bummer.

I have another busy week, appointments, tours for first grade students and a pile of “stuff” sitting on my desk at work.

My other day off was filled with doing the necessities, laundry, cleaning bathrooms, grocery shopping, cooking a decent meal and having a long nap.


This would be a great shot if that darned Forsythia would bloom.  I swear it has only bloomed one year out of twelve.  I should rip it out by it’s roots and compost the darn thing.  I know I have said that before..but this time I could be serious.


Our first Historical Museum program is now behind us…we had 45 guests..quite a group!  It was an interesting program..at least I thought so.  We had 1953 film footage of a celebration in nearby Ponsford.  That was the year that a local resident and first Trading  Post owner was inducted into the Chippewa Tribe along with the Park Rapids High School Marching Band.  It all happened sixty years ago…some of the band members were there..it was a fun evening.  Many of the people that showed up were Ponsford residents..or former Ponsford residents so I knew many of them personally.

When I have long board meetings and a program on my day off it really doesn’t seem like a day off:(


  1. Very interesting at your little Museum, would love to visit sometime......Sweet Goldfinches, there back here too, Francine.

  2. You need a 'real' day off. Great turn out at the museum!!

  3. Your museum sounds like an interesting place to visit. The Goldfinches are so very pretty. Naps on a day off are a good thing.

  4. You reminded me what I did on my days off when I was working: the laundry, cleaning, cooking. Not much of a day off. Your program was a definite success, with 45 people attending. :-)

  5. I remember my working years and how busy I was when I was home.

    Sounds like you had a successful program.

  6. If all people in charge of our history preservation were as dedicated as you, we would have no worries about keeping history alive.

  7. I think I would figure out some comp time when work is work and not just a meeting. My one forsythia is going to disappear this year. I have no attachement to it. It would grow great if it lived two blocks away from my property or in southern Iowa.

  8. At least you got some napping in! LOL Love the goldfinch, I saw mine the other night be he's still to skittish to get photos!

  9. If you remove the Forsythia, the finches will have no place to sit. Your photos are lovely: the change is focus is dynamic.

    Glad to hear that the museum program was well attended. You are doing great work, and people are responding. Keep it up!

  10. You are a busy lady. I hope you are paid for the programs and meetings on your day off, but I'm guessing not.
    I have a Peony like your forsythia, this year it didn't even try to fake me out by producing small buds that never do anything. Time to turf it!

  11. I love your little yellow birds...they are so cheerful. We don't have those up here. I did see the cutest little chickadee this morning as I was bring the plants out of the garage for some sun...harding them off from the greenhouse.
    Perhaps some bloom fertilizer would encourage that darned Forsythia? Just a thought : )

  12. Maybe try pruning the Forsythia ? My Forsythia I got from the road side in a ditch and I had planted it last year it took well amazingly and I pruned it back in the fall and it had fully bloomed this year for me . Hope you don't have to rip it out they are pretty . Glad to hear all went well at the museum ! It is windy here and hot and humid waiting for some rain ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  13. If you're a n executive director on a contract it seems like you get to do all the extras on your day off.
    It always feels good when a program has been successful. I wish there'd be a few more dollars for valuable endeavors like local museums.

  14. No it wouldn't seem like any type of a day off. I had to stop my volunteer work until after harvest...sad...but I can't seem to stretch myself far enough. :(


  15. You need to be firm, a day off is a day off. If they ask you to work on a day off, take another day off during the week.

    Make sure you get some rest...or you might get sick again.


  16. They say no rest for the wicked, which means me too! I thought now that school is done for the semester that I would be able to get things done, NOT! Nap sounds good.

  17. In our part of Ohio we don't have beautiful Forsythia every year. If we get a warm spell, then another cold spell, often that means there will be few or no blooms. This year was a good year for forsythia in our area. Hope you eventually figure out how to get a forsythia to bloom for you. You are a lot farther north than we are.

    The drummer who accompanies the Banans Slug String Band is originally from Minnesota. He said when he came to California, people couldn't identify his accent. He said, "I told them 'what accent? I don't have an accent.'

  18. I think you will get your real day off about...oh...the end of next fall. :(

  19. Of course it wouldn't. I hated going to Commander's Call and office meetings on my weekends, too.
    I don't know. Looks like your forsythia blooms Goldfinches. ;-)

    *hugs* Hope you and Far Guy are feeling better. ♥

  20. Oh, those are wonderful shots with the vibrant birds on the bare branches! Perfection.

  21. Yes, I remember well how when you work full time it rarely ever seems like you have a true day off. There's always so much to do in those precious hours that you barely have time to relax and recharge. I hope you are feeling a lot better by now. :)

  22. The goldfinch seem to like it even without the blooms, you would rip it out and deprive them of a perch? Forsythia was always a favorite of my mother's. I on the other hand struggle liking anything yellow, dandelions are yellow, dandelion removal was my job as a kid. My parents were sticklers for weed removal. This fruit fell far and rolled down hill on that one.


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