Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Some Signs of Spring

The Fish Hook River is open.  It is a gathering place for Canada Geese, Ducks and Trumpeter Swans.  The river froze this past winter..so there was no open water for waterfowl.

Fish Hook River April 8

There was only one pair of Swans when we drove by.  Usually there are more.  On our way into town a pair of Trumpeter Swans were running along in the ditch..maybe looking for water.

Hiding under a snow ledge

This group was huddled under a snow ledge.  The wind was cold.

We drove on to “the point.”   The point used to be a place where you could meet friends for a swim on warm summer evenings.

The point April 8

Not much swimming happening there yet.  The GFO will be here in a month and two days..will the ice be gone?  ( Governors Fishing Opener)

Our weather is cool..cold..miserable..


Here is the snow stick..there is still 12 inches of snow at the stick.  It could start raining any day now..the weather forecast is for temps about 35F (1C)during the day.  HEATWAVE!!

We called a repairman for the oven..we can bake again.  We both watched how the repairman went about opening the locked oven..he stuck a coat hanger in through the side and unlocked it..and then replaced the sensor…if it ever happens again we could repair it ourselves because the sensor just plugs in.  A service call out here in the boonies is $80 plus the part.  So next time we can save the $80. I am glad it is fixed with the days so cool having a meal in the oven baking makes the whole house seem warmer:)

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  1. Morning, love the Swan`s, so beautiful.....no open water here yet....Freezing this morning,-22......Glad you got the stove fixed and next time you can save $80.00.....Spring Blessings Francine.

  2. I wonder how cold the Swan's feet are? Laughing.... because I know the water must be very cold.

  3. Love those majestic Trumpeters. This weather is ridiculous. Maybe snow here today....

  4. I knew this was going to happen. We are already too hot and too dry here. Sigh.

  5. Glad your oven is fixed now, even if it did cost you and arm and a leg. At least you know how to fix it yourself next time. It sure does look cold and uninviting outside, Far Side. I think I would be huddled out of the wind, too. :-)

  6. I think swans are such a beautiful creature. Glad your oven is fixed. Been raining here for 2 days now with more expected through Thursday. Of course, now we have a flood watch until noon on Friday. I am getting very tired of crappy weather.

  7. I am glad your oven is fixed!! I hope the snow finally melts soon.

  8. I'm not going to mention it was 78F here yesterday and they expect it to hit 82 today... nope.. not gonna say it...

  9. Thanks for showing the snow stick. We are having snow today... but it doesn't look like the storm is coming your way. I'm just glad I don't live near Pierre, SD - they might get two feet! Ugh! I want spring!
    So, what wonderful thing will you bake now that you are up and operational?

  10. Yesterday, it snowed all day and today the wind is howling. At least the snow is heavy and FULL of much needed moisture, so I won't grumble too loud.

  11. So many things are easy to repair when you watch it done. Have you noticed that those things never break again?

  12. Always surprising how much bird activity there is when the weather is so nasty.
    Don't you just like repair jobs that are so simple you could do them yourself if you knew how. I've had a few of those.

  13. Yes we saw swans on Saturday who are now headed your way.

  14. Glad your oven is going again! Warms up the kitchen - what are you baking?

  15. Well, doesn't that sound scientific! So...the guy gets paid $80 to go take a drive??? Glad you two are so observant! Bet it wouldn't cost you $80 to drive into town to buy that part. :)

  16. These are pretty pics....look so cold, I hope spring is here to stay

  17. Nice photos ! Oh I hope the rain washes all that snow away for you ! Glad to hear the stove is all fixed ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  18. Beautiful photos. Glad your oven is working again. Hope you get the warmer weather soon. We are in the 80's today. Our pollen (especially from the pine trees) is horrific!

  19. No doubt about it, Spring is on it's way. Just wish it would get there faster for you. On the bright side, the snow stick at 12" is better than at 31".

    Karen in Oliver

  20. I'm glad you got your door open!!!! It's terrible weather here and heading into the heartland tomorrow. Side wind, snow, -5* wind chill just plain ugly.

    I'm really ready for SPRING!!!! oh! I guess this is spring. :)


  21. Love your photos.
    Hope you get your heatwave!

  22. I wonder if some of the migrating birds may pass over you all with all the snow and cold still there....or maybe they will be a bit later. Still amazes me how different your weather has been from ours this year....the Missouri here never froze over.

  23. Bet and I will sing "Havin' a Heat Wave" for you today, maybe it will help. We don't need a heat wave, we need a dry spell.


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