Saturday, April 13, 2013

Snowing some more

As if we didn’t have enough snow..we got some more.

Chance April 12 2013

You can see the snow stick on the left of the photo..still pretty much covered in snow..about 12 inches I think.

In a month the GFO (Governors Fishing Opener) will happen in Park is a big deal for fishing/tourism for the area.  This morning they went out and measured the ice on the lake, there are 32 inches of ice.  It must melt at a rate of an inch a day in order for the ice to leave the lake in time for the Governor…he may have to just fish from shore in waders..or float around on an iceberg.  

Many of the snowbirds are disgruntled, they came back and couldn’t find anyone to remove an entire winters snow from their driveways.  What snow is left is hard as a is nothing but ice a big old ice cube.  Septic systems were froze and needed to be unthawed..just one of the perils of leaving Minnesnowda for the winter.  Just one of the reasons we stay home all winter and wash a load of laundry everyday.

I have been busy “winter cleaning” the kitchen.  I am about half done.  I took down the flannel valance and put up a summery cotton one…maybe that is what made it snow.

Snow in the yard

Welcome to Springter or is it Wintering?  A whole new season.  More snow is forecast for Sunday..7 to 14 inches of winter wonderland..I can hardly wait:(

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  1. More snow?! And more in the forecast! I'll bet changing out your seasonal curtain is what did it! Take care.

  2. Not more of that white crap, yuk!!!! Some day I hope, Francine.

  3. This is just terrible for you in the frozen North. I arrived yesterday in southern California to 87-degree heat! And smog. This is really tough for a Pacific Northwesterner whose blood has thickened up considerably! :-)

  4. Oh no - how awful for you! It's raining today and very cold, but at least it's better than snow...

    Here's sending you all sunny thoughts.

  5. I heard on TV that the Twins held batting practice in the snow! Maybe by August you'll thaw out!

  6. Holy Cow.... you guys are really getting it! At least our snow from earlier this week is gone - but more is expected on Wednesday. Ugh!
    I hope spring comes soon!!!!

  7. Oh, my, I am so grateful for our rain.

  8. Another winter storm is coming in here tonight. You are in worse shape than us for winter (although in way better shape for water). This is the winter that doesn't leave.


  9. We are getting lots of snow today and some for most of the week. You know what we do with it here...we send it to Minnesnowda! Usually by this time of year I have my yard cleaned up and my sweet peas planted. So we'll just have to hang on and wait till the real spring comes.

  10. Alas I put the snow suits away.....then we got another dump.....stay tuned, it's coming your way:(

  11. Oh my? More snow?? Keeping my fingers crossed that your real spring comes sometime before summer officially begins!

  12. We always left a faucet run.
    Your governor will have to have an ice classic!
    Maybe you should hang one of those little flag things. With sunflowers or something!
    Spring is bound to find you sometime. Keep warm! ♥

  13. Brrrr. We had 45, rain, hail and thunder showers today. It's winter again here too, with lots of snow in the mountain passes. That may mean more cold air moving your way. Sorry.

  14. I can't believe your snow!
    I would have thought that with all that snow, a septic system would have been well insulated?

  15. Oh dear it just seems to go on and on. Fingers crossed for a thaw and some warmer weather for you.


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