Thursday, April 4, 2013

Snow stick and bird butts

The freaking snow is not melting fast enough for me.  It is cold here, the wind is raw and bone chilling.

My garden flag holder reappeared.  It has been under the snow for months.  There is a flag on it..Chickadees I think.  It will be days before I see the flag and know for sure. 


That is the garden flag holder in front of the snow stick.  The snow stick is on the west side of the should get the warmth of the afternoon sun.  I am not sure how much snow is at the snow stick..but it is plenty.

My bench is clear of snow..Chance and I sit there and watch the birds after a good ball game.  I love to sit in the afternoon my parka.


This White Breasted Nuthatch entertained us…and gave us a real show!

Tail feathers of a Nuthatch

I think I have told you before I call these birds Assups because that is what my Aunt Marie called them.. this one gave us a beautiful view of his/her tail feathers whilst his ass was up in the air.

Now some of you may not find a bird’s butt beautiful..but look at those feathers!

I got an email from a reader in North Dakota..he said “I saw a robin had a snow shovel.” :)

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  1. Sorry to hear the snow is so slow to leave your yard this year. It was windy and cold yesterday in Southwestern Ohio but Tom and I saw lots of hepatica blooming in the woods. I KNOW spring is headed your way.

  2. That last shot is gorgeous!

    I hear you about the snow!

  3. Morning, oh I hear ya, come on Spring, where the heck is any sign of Spring????? Great pictures of the Assup, Still cold here and more snow on the way, UURRGGGG!!!!!Blessings Francine.

  4. That is a funny name for a nuthatch, but so so true! I love your pictures, except that pesky white stuff that isn't going away fast enough! :-)

  5. What a beautiful butt. Don't think I ever payed attention to a Nuthatch's butt before - now I will. We are finally coming out of the frigid weather into cold mornings and a little warmer afternoon. Still a bone chilling wind though.

  6. Tell that Robin to get digging lol! I love birds and do the same as you do , sit in the sun and just watch and study them with Miggs by my side . Nice photos ! I do hope all that snow is gone soon for you and it warms up ! Have a good day !

  7. Assups I like it! I saw our first robins this past weekend as well but ours didn't need shovels.

  8. You got a good photo of the Assup! I saw my first robin last Friday. I got an email from a friend in northern Minnesota that said the Easter bunny came wearing snowshoes.
    I hope your snow smelts soon.

  9. Your snow has got to melt soon, but I can imagine your frustration. We've had it beautiful here, shorts weather, but we've got rain returning this afternoon.

  10. Now I am going to have the image of a robin with a snow shovel in my head all day. Thanks, for the giggle.

    I actually saw a robin on Tuesday and another yesterday (sans snow shovel), so MAYBE spring is nearer than I thought.

    The snow stick is going to be visible soon. I promise!

  11. It looks like my guess for snow being gone is going to be so wrong. I'll bet when you were on the farm you liked to sit on the south side of a haystack. It was very warm with the hay protecting you from the wind.

  12. Brr... I know it has been cold. We saw robins down at Lineman Sons last weekend... spring has sprung there down south.

  13. I live in upstate NY, but I've spent the past 6 winters in Hawaii. Your posts remind me exactly WHY I come to Hawaii for the winter. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your photos.

  14. Welcome to Spring...such as it is....

  15. I had to laugh at the visual of Robin with a snow shovel...of course living in that would not be laughing matter for sure.


  16. Great shots of the nuthatch. I love to watch them, too, and from now on I'll probably be thinking, "There's an assup." :)

  17. Oh darlin'...I do believe you've been mooned!!! Heeeeehehehe!

    I adore watchin' the little nuthatches run up and down the big elm in our front yard...'funny little birds.

    Four months....I'd go nuts! Prayin' for spring to melt that stuff for ya!

    God bless and have a great day! :o)

  18. Great photos. Hopefully spring will show up and hang around soon!
    Have a great weekend and stay warm! ♥

  19. Whenever I post about spring here, I have to mentally apologize to you and the other bloggers who are still living in snow. Hopefully it is now old snow. Hopefully you are finished with new snow.

  20. We have them male robins here but no females as of yet. Cardinals are fighting for territories which is new for us when we use to only have one pair. It has been a different spring down here also. Assup is a new one for me.

  21. Beautiful bird! Hope you get a warm up soon.


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