Monday, April 1, 2013

Dinner and Family

We headed North to Jen’s for Easter dinner.  There is still snow there.  In places where there is bare dirt in the fields the steam was rising causing a bit of a fog.  There is no work happening in their fields.

Fisher Minnesota

Jen and Andy are great cooks.  Andy smoked both a turkey and a ham and made an Italian Sausage dressing/stuffing.  Jen made scalloped potatoes, a relish tray, vegetable tray, lefsa  and her famous Carrot Cake!  It was a wonderful dinner.

Carrot Cake

I made a “salad” that the boys will eat.  Granny Smith apples chopped into fine pieces, chopped Snickers candy bars and Cool Whip.  Easy peasy. And corn..some we froze up last summer, nothing better than corn that tastes like summertime.

Eggs were colored

After church eggs were colored for dinner.

Chaucer Supervised

Chaucer a much loved old kitty cat supervised.

easter eggs

I showed Adam how to do an egg in two colors.  He thought that was pretty cool.

Jen and Andy did a Easter Egg Hunt with clues for the boys.  They had to work together as a team.  The first clue said they should clean up their room before starting on the hunt.

Noah and Adam

Eventually the clues lead to their Easter Baskets.  As soon as we arrived, Adam told us he no longer believed in the Easter Bunny.  When asked if he was still getting an Easter Basket..he said “Well of course.”

On our way home there was snow in the seemed more like Thanksgiving weather than Easter weather:)

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  1. Sounds like a fun and active day. It's a challenge to make it fun for those boys as they get older, isn't it? :)

  2. Happy April 1st.....looks like a great Easter with good food and family...that carrot cake looks so yummy.....Blessings Francine.

  3. Happy April 1st...seems like it took forever to get here. Happy you had a nice day with your family. Even though we have had warmer temps we still have snow on the ground. The piles in the shade may take a long time to go away. Maybe Spring will get here this year after all.

  4. I LOVE carrot cake - - and I love that the boys - - though older - - will still do holiday traditions. Those memories will always be with them. Snickers in a fruit salad? That's a first for me. And once again, I have learned something - - - lefsa - - I looked it up.

  5. What a fine way to spend Easter with family, food, and good friends. I had a quiet day with my partner, and we had a nice breakfast out to celebrate the day. We have incredible sunshine and everything is exploding with blossoms and leaves! :-)

  6. Wonderful photos ! Oh Papa and I would devour that cake looks YUMMY ! Sounds like all the food was YUMMY ! Glad you had a nice dinner and visit . Spring has sprung here except for the chill in the winds still ! Have a good day !

  7. What a wonderful day! Our kids came over. It was a simple day, but the best part was that my family was together. :)
    Laura @ The Sweet Simple Things

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day!

  9. We used to get to do clue hunts for our birthday presents. Thank you for bringing back that fond memory!

  10. A wonderful day with family:)

  11. Nothing better than spending the day with family. Jen's carrot cake looks delicious.

  12. The carrot cake is beautiful. It's our favorite vegetable dish.

  13. I have copied down your salad and I am going to have it for the next family dinner!!!


  14. Wow, the food sounds delicious! Enjoyed your pics.

  15. The experiences your grandchildren have will be priceless later on in their lives. they are doing good things that many other kids never even hear of.

  16. Sounds like a good day with family. Always great to visit with the grands.

  17. What a delectable carrot cake!

    It looks like Chaucer took his supervision duties seriously :)

  18. Loved hearing about your holiday with family! We also had ham, lefse, carrot cake, frozen corn and Snicker apple salad!! among other good things. Happy Easter!

  19. Am I the only one who thinks it is hilarious that the boys had to clean their rooms before getting their Easter baskets? Bravo to the parents, and Happy (belated) Easter!


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