Thursday, April 11, 2013


It is too cold for the snow to melt.  Honest. It is fairly disgusting.

Chance and I had to go to the Post Office so we  stopped a few places to take photos.

The beach April 10

The beach April 10 water..but no swimming anytime soon.

The road home

The road home, there is a spot/approach at the top of this rise where I can pull over get out and take  photos now that the snow has left the edge of the road.

Still plenty of snow

You can see we still have plenty of the white stuff.  More is forecast for today. FUN

Chance is good company. We turn the heater up full blast and I roll down his window so he can stick his head out.  He has been known to touch the door locks and lock all the doors so the open window is kinda a safety feature when I get out of the vehicle. 

I was lollygagging at the top of this rise..just appreciating the silence..when I heard a vehicle approaching and slowing down.  I hurried up and took the rest of my shots..

a big voice said “ You’re not broke down are you?”


I just taking photos.. I am just fine but thanks for checking.   Nice to have a nephew that will stop and check on his old Aunt.

Chance and I checked the snow stick because we are sure that everyone wants an update. 

Ten inches of snow at the snow stick

We still have ten inches of the beautiful white crap  stuff.  This is one of the most miserable Aprils I can remember in quite a long time.  It is just not warming up.  Where is that global warming that everyone talks about?  It certainly is not in Minnesnowda:(

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  1. What lovely pictures! Maybe you'll have a long warm summer instead...

    Our lake is still iced over and no sign of open water yet. But I have seen a few patches of ground and grass!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that it's still winter up in your parts. I know it will be turning to spring SOME day... won't it? Mid-April seems a bit on the late side to me.

  3. Those are some good pictures. I can't believe you still have that much snow on the ground. Here in S.E. WI were have had nothing but rain for the past week. Our ground is sooooo saturated and there is flooding everywhere. Our sump pump hasn't quit running all week. In fact, if I didn't go down and physically turn it it off it would run continuously. And to boot the weather has us forecast for another week of rain.

  4. Morning, I hear ya all to well, snow banks high in the yard still, come on!!! Still waiting for Spring and not patiently......Blessings Francine.

  5. Yegads... and I wore shorts and was sweating under a record breaking 88F sun....

  6. Nice photos ! It is chilly and damp here as it has been raining with thunderstorms since yesterday , rivers are flooding and huge puddles are on the lawns ! It is to rain til Sat they say ! Parts of our Provence will get freezing rain and a winter storm . Mother nature really is mixed up this year ! Hope it warms up for you and your snow disappears soon ! Have a good day !

  7. I'm right there with you on the white "stuff." It's 20 degrees out there, so the blanket of snow here is not melting much. Another storm headed my way this weekend: I'm ready for moisture of the more liquid variety, thank you very much.

  8. Nice photos, but I'll be happy for you when you can share photos with no snow. :) We've had rain almost constantly since Monday. Now there are flood advisories, but I don't even want to imagine if it would have been snow!

  9. Brr! I could hardly get past the swimming platform. It sent a chill straight through me. (I'm no polar bear swimmer for sure.)

  10. Buggers on the weather, but how nice on the nephew stopping for his Auntie.

  11. Ugh. Looks like those of us who predicted the snow would be gone by April 15 were optimistic. Let's hope that a lot more ground is showing by then.

  12. My sympathies, wow, enough with the snow already!

  13. It's the winter that never ends. All of our snow had melted and now we have about 6 inches and it's still snowing lightly.

  14. Here in ND, we are still waiting for Spring as well. Right now it's snowing again. Hate to complain but this getting old.

  15. I don't like when I hear or see cars coming when I am pulled over ... I usually swiftly try to hurry and take off before they get there... :) Yes this weather is something - I have to agree...

  16. So my guess on the snow stick was for yesterday. I am the eternal optimist. It really hurts at a time like this when they fore ast more snow. they are forecasting 5 to 10 cm ( 2 to 4 in) here for Sat.

  17. Sounds like someone is getting tired of the snow :~) Don't blame you, we are getting rain and we have lots of mud, don't know if that is worse than snow. Nice to have family to check up on you!

  18. Not a state for me. I grow tired of snow very quickly.

  19. So maybe by July we'll see all of the snow stick?
    Hope it starts warming there, soon!

  20. Lovely pictures but I'm certainly glad I'm here in good ole Tennessee. We are actually having some really nice days finally. I hope the sun comes to visit you very soon and melts all that snow.


  21. It is more like global storming than warming. The cold wind continues to howl around here.

  22. Not here either :(



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