Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chance: A sign

Far Side bought me a sign.

Chances sign

It says “ A spoiled rotten Border Collie lives here.”

Wanna see me and my sign?

Chance and his sign

I am sure that “spoiled rotten” must be a good thing..cause Far Side says that all the time.

We got five inches of snow.. Far Side is a little cranky..more snow is due on Wednesday and Thursday.  She said “Oh Joy” not really but it sounds better than what she really said.

Snow fall April 15

There is almost 14 inches at the snow stick now..some melted and compacted down during the day.  We were at an important meeting all afternoon..well they were, I was holding down the fort (car).  We didn’t get home till late and immediately after supper Far Side grabbed her towel and headed for her bench..and it snowed on us whilst we were playing ball:)



  1. Chance, you may be spoiled rotten but you are still the most handsome border collie I know. You are getting all the snow and we are getting all the rain. I know exactly what Far Side is saying because I am saying the same thing at my house. Stay warm.

  2. Wow! Your very own sign! I bet its because you are a good fort holder downer!

  3. Duke would say that it's good to be spoiled rotten! :)

  4. Love the sign, Chance. It's a good likeness, too.

  5. Tucker, here. I know about that spoiled rotten thing. Isn't it great? Our humans love us so much they celebrate our greatness with a sign. Lucky you.
    It snowed here yesterday, too. We are also supposed to get more snow. Hooray!!! I love running and playing in the snow with Gypsy. I don't understand why my Mrs. Owner doesn't like it. She also grumbles about it.

  6. Miggs here ,love the sign Chance ! My Mama says the same thing to me but I just give my Mama my teddy bear eye look and she is mush in my paws ! No snow for us just sun , warm temps and the odd rain fall Mama likes that ! Well got to go chase squirrels and chipmunks bark later !

  7. I like you sign Chance. In reality, if you don't look out for yourself, no one else will. Barney is certain every morning that I am going to forget to give him his milk bones and he really knows that a place at the table should be set for him. He also knows that we should never go to bed at night and should stay downstairs with him on the couch. He also knows that the toilet lid she always be up just in case there is a drought and he has to have a drink at the last moment before he perishes. I am sorry about all the snow. I am sure that it will eventually straighten out.

  8. Chance, you are indeed one lucky pup to get to do all these travels AND play ball in the snow!

  9. I wonder if those signs come in Poodle.

  10. I need to get some kind of sign like that, but with two different breeds it would have to read "Two spoiled rotten dogs live here!" . I love your comment to that sign.

  11. Winter that never ends.................. bletch! And when it does (if it does) it will be with a huge MELT!


  12. Chance, "that spoiled rotten" part means you are very well loved. I have the same sign except it's for a Husky. I am so sorry the snow won't go away. Far Side language is understandable after 6 months of this stuff. I'm sending you guys sunshiny thoughts every day!


  13. I need a sign like that for my spoiled rotten Aussie Cattle Dog

  14. Let's get that intervention going...this is silly..14 inches?


  15. We had a big thunderstorm this morning and Iris has apparently finally gotten too old to crawl under the bed so she decided she'd just jump ON the bed. First time ever. Guess we need to get her a sign too :-).

  16. This winter, er, spring, must be good for Far Side to get lots done on the inside. I could use some inside time, but still, I'm no longer jealous of your snow Chance. So is this like some nightmare weather record or was '35 way worse? And how much trouble are the farmers in?


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