Monday, March 11, 2013

Chance’s Colors

Sometimes winter is best viewed in black and white.


Chance went out and sat in a snow bank for me.

Driveway March 10

The driveway.


We have enough snow for a bit.  This is the most snow I have seen back here in the woods since we moved here in 1998.  I am thankful that we have a steel roof and the snow slides off even if it does scare the heck out of you know who.

I am still working on cleaning and resealing the grout in between the tiles.  Every time I move the furniture around Chance clings to Far Guy.  Chance does not like change…he likes things just the way they are..and doesn’t want me messing with anything.

Chance is getting more vocal in his old age.  Last night his water dish was empty and he laid in the kitchen and yipped until I went to fill it.  He likes ice in his water too..can you say SPOILED!

Lately he seems like he cannot get filled up in the evening.  He eats his supper and then lays in front of his treat drawer.  He will see how many treats he can get out of each of us.  I have started putting a jerky treat into a kong like ball so he has to work for it. On occasion he hides that ball from see how long I will wander around the house looking for it before giving up and just handing over the treat.

Soon we can begin the after supper rides that Chance enjoys.  That is one of the only good things about day light saving time…it is still light after supper:)

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  1. Our massive amounts of snow have started melting. Saw my first robin yesterday along with some redwing blackbirds. Spring is on its way. I love your black and white pictures. Chance sounds like a very much loved and spoiled dog. He is very lucky.

  2. Chance is such a beautiful dog. I miss having a dog. We decided against getting another one after our last one passed away. They are such great company but also very expensive to take care of. All of your pictures are just beautiful. Good work with that grout!


  3. I don't comment much but I read and look forward to your posts everyday. Just wanted to say I love Chance! You make it seem like he has such a wonderful personality and he's so cuddly cute! Love from St. Paul, MN.

  4. I've heard good things about the treat toys which give a pet exercise and time-filling games...and it seems that Chance gives you the same time-filling games...teehee...glad you still have snow...ours is leaving fast, but we might get your B&W's...

  5. Such a fine looking dog. It's interesting how little the picture changed in tone when you make it only B&W. If you hadn't told me, I don't think I would have known. I don't like change, either, so I can understand why Chance doesn't.

  6. What beautiful shots! Chance is a doll!

  7. Good photos. Sounds like Chance has you both trained well!
    Oh yes, Chance loves to ride!

  8. That's a beautiful photo of Chance in B&W. Who wouldn't want to spoil him.
    You do have a lot of snow yet.

  9. That first shot of Chance is STUNNING!

  10. Border collies are the most photogenic dog ever, and Chance is a good example. How old is he now? My Reba will be 12 this year, and she is starting to get sore, too much trying to keep up with the horses. I' m going to have to leave her at home when I ride now. Sigh.

  11. Took the words right out of my mouth. Though I'da said black&Tan and white...:)

  12. Handsome Chance . Miggs try's and does the same thing .Yup same here with a tan and black , only our snow is almost all gone just a few patches left all though after today's rain it may be all gone. The weekend was warm and sunny reached the 60s . Spring has sprung here for the most part ! WOW ! you have been busy . I to love it when it is still day light after supper . Have a good day !

  13. Dogs....Chance sounds like he's a very good people trainer:)
    Just remember, if he's getting lots of treats, reduce his meals accordingly. Overweight dogs are a big pet peeve of mine.

  14. Connie, you are in the middle of the snow before the's all going to go away and soon...I hope.

    Great shots of Chance, and I bet he will really enjoy those rides.


  15. I think Chance is not adjusting to DLS time as well as his human caretakers!!! He really has you guys trained!!!

  16. Gorgeous photos! Love to hear about Chance :) Greetings from East Central MN.

  17. Beautiful bw images. What a great portrait of your dog. Do you take the images in bw or do you convert them? I think my favorite of the two scenics is the last one.

  18. Lovely pictures. I especially like this one of Chance. He looks like he wants to play. There's nothing better than owning a great dog! Except, maybe, owning a great dog and a good lap cat, too.

  19. Oh my goodness I love the black and white photos...especially when my boy Chancey is in one of them! Too cool for school that boy is...and smart too...getting all those extra treats!! You go Chance!

  20. Wonderful black and white pictures, love Chance.....he is really funny, sitting by his treat door.....Francine.

  21. That picture of Chance is just lovely! Just keep thinking that spring is just around the corner!

  22. Why, yes, I'd be glad to say it: spoiled! And I'll confess, I've joined right in with that routine. Only our dog tries snorkeling to get her ice cube out of the water bowl.

  23. Not only is Chance getting smarter in his old age but he has some people well trained to do what he wants! What a dog!

  24. Yes, Barney keeps adding new things to his routine to aid in his increasing his calorie intake. He gets pizza crust now along with treats if he stands right at the bread box location and barks very loudly. The moaning thing comes around every once in a while and we don't know what he wants as he won't speak up. Great shot of Chance. He has great markings.


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