Saturday, March 23, 2013

Busy week

One more week left in this miserable month of snow and cold.  It seems like the weather forecasters completely miss how cold it is every morning.  They predict –7F  (-21C)and it goes to –24F (-31C).  We are supposed to be done with that bitter cold now..we will see.


It was a busy week.  I made some headway with my “Winter Cleaning.”  I wanted to be all done by Easter but that probably won’t happen.  I finished up the downstairs bathroom, bedroom and living room…all had been in various stages of cleaning and are now done.  Onto the laundry/furnace room and the kitchen/dining room.  Sometimes I start with one project and get way laid for days in some other more fun direction.

I spent a day in my photo backup system deleting copies of photos.  I should spend another day in there deleting some photos..with my new big girl camera more space is need per photo.  Who needs six different views of Chance in the same snow bank anyway..keep the best one and delete the rest.  (You know how hard that is?)  I am not so good at editing.

Whilst cleaning out the bathroom..I took inventory of my makeup.  I only wear make up on special days and to work.  What a bunch of  junk I I made a list and purchased what I small bag and $50  later I still need some lip gloss and hypoallergenic mascara.  As I was tossing things in my shopping cart..I thought..self you should really replace some of this crap every few months and then you wouldn’t have to spend so much time in the make up aisle.  Far Guy came to check on me twice to make sure I was okay, one time he pretended he needed me to answer a highly technical toilet bowl cleaner question…bleach or not..clinging gel or regular? ( I gave him the other shopping list that didn’t include makeup.)  It was good for him to have the other was a learning experience.  He knows I am fussy about some things..toilet bowl cleaner not so much.

I ordered some new shoes for work.  Two new pairs of pair black with a sling back which might be real sexy if I didn’t have winter dry heels that feel like sandpaper.  The other pair is a red Mary Jane type..oh I love a red shoe they are one of my weaknesses.

I need to think about some new work clothes soon..a red sweater is on my list..and most likely a couple of red go with all the red shoes:) 

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  1. I admire all the cleaning you are accomplishing. The story goes that mama was wearing red high heels when she met daddy - we always teased them about that!

  2. Morning, wish I had some of your cleaning energy.....Need to start my Spring Cleaning......Same weather here, yuk......Red is great, jump starts the mo Jo........Blessings Francine.

  3. Love your description of the shoes. Red is good for the soul, if you ask me. I don't wear makeup any more, but I haven't been able to make myself throw out all that expensive stuff just yet. :-)

  4. I have never had a pair of red shoes but now I think I would like a pair.

    Kudos on all of the cleaning. I need to get started

  5. You are on fire!!! I still don't have an ounce of energy and a case of don't cares. I do believe Spring may be the remedy...or some red Mary Janes.

  6. This time last year spring was beautiful and I had got all my spring cleaning done by the end of the month , this year it is a cold and yucky spring and I haven't touched any thing to spring clean it and don't feel like it either ! We don't have a lot of snow just a dusting and that is mostly melting but still the cold doesn't help ! I know what you mean about the photos I do the same but I have lots of space thanks to Papa who set up an external hard drive for me just for my photos but I still like to get in there and clean it up a bit every now and then ! I love Crocs to they are soo comfy my fave colour is pink ! Have a good day !

  7. I love the new Croc colors. I'm waiting until my SS check comes in then I want to order so new flip-flops for me!

    I'm so tired of this winter..........terribly cold here today, wind chill zero, with a wind that scrapes your face off your skull!


  8. Minus 32 C is more than bitterly cold it's just damn cold. This morning we wee minus 21 which is cold enough for Mar. 23. Here our spring could come very quickly .
    Enjoy the shopping.

  9. pictures of your new shoes. I love red shoes!!!

  10. CeraVe lotion was recommended to me by the dermatology doctor. It has stuff in it that dissolves the rough stuff off of your feet within weeks. It is pricey but it really works. You have to go to your unfavorite Walgreens to purchase it.


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