Friday, February 8, 2013

Super Disgusted

I am super disgusted with our satellite TV provider.  After several emails back and forth..they are immovable on the charge for the service call.  I keep telling them that I am not  happy customer..they do not care.  At first they were going to credit me $1.20  plus .08 cents tax for the six days we won’t have TV. I explained simple math to them.. and now I will get a credit of 17.00 and some tax.  They are idiots.

They have no oars for their boats, they have no sandwiches for their picnics..they are morons.  I am through emailing them.  I pointed out that they should all take classes in customer service…right after I pointed out their arithmetic errors.

If we could get UND Hockey games with any other  satellite provider we would switch services.  BUT we both kinda enjoy Hockey on Friday and Saturday nights in the winter, and hockey is only on the Fox Sports Northwest channel only with their service.

So we are stuck..if we want to watch UND Hockey.

I have lots of old VCR tapes and DVD’s… me and The Bee Gees One Night Only Concert finished up the huge mailing for the is ready to go.  It is one of our major fundraisers over the winter.  I will be glad to drop it off at the post office this morning..and I will breathe a sigh of relief.   I tried a little Willie Nelson Live with Bob Dylan..uffda..those boys need tuners.

I might go to wally world and rummage through the sale pile of DVDs in order to keep my sanity.  I did find out that my copy of Fried Green Tomatoes is bad so I will have to search for a replacement DVD.  That is one of my favorite movies..Towanda!!

I suppose I could start a Red Green Show Marathon..he would put me in a pretty good mood before too long.

I don’t like movies with violence or ones that scare me so bad I have nightmares.  I  have a collection of Lassie Movies..they are my favorites although they make me cry.  I didn’t cry during Love Story ( I think I was the only person in the theater that didn’t cry..I must be weird.) Lassie.. well that is another story…bring out the hankies! 

Chance and I sat outside in the sunshine for a long time today..we shoveled snow and watched  birds.
This little White Breasted Nuthatch male reminded me of my Aunt Marie, she called them Assups..because their bottoms are always up:)
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  1. Morning, I hear ya, sheesh.......No good programs on all these channels.....what gives.....Love that little bird, so cute, Blessings Francine.

  2. I think you wrote its Direct TV and Im' with you on that... uffda. My wife switched from Dish because her girlfriend was selling Direct. Grrrrr. Too bad you can't get a better provider with the Number One rate Gopher hockey teams one it. Amanda Kessel is superawesome and the women have set the all time NCAA hockey winning streak. Yah sure. And I surely would have enjoyed meeting your Aunt Marie....:)

  3. I reaaly enjoyed youar post especially the name your Aunt gave to the nuthatchers assups! LOL!

  4. How frustrating! Things like this make me so angry.
    Glad you and Chance were able to get out.

  5. High five, I didn't cry during Love Story either. I pray the cable people can come to an agreeable solution, I have a feeling it could get ugly!!! Good Luck!

  6. That is frustrating... we parted ways with that provider some years ago... their customer service was any better back then :( I also enjoyed the little nuthatcher story ~ kinda like Wassup Assups!

  7. I hear you about your satellite provider. We have cable and still nothing decent is on. Then God help you if you have a problem. Customer Service doesn't seem to exist anywhere anymore. I like you would like to switch but no one else has the one channel we always watch. Hang in there. I'm also with you on the types of movies I like to watch. Have a great weekend.

  8. I left Comcast because of their customer service. When will the mega companies ever learn?

  9. Are you actually named Linda? Or, maybe you are Susan? Or Scott? I hear the same thing from them. I hate that customer service is lacking in so many places.

  10. Far Side meant Fighting Sioux instead of UND.

  11. So sorry for the lousy service you are experiencing with your satellite service. I had a round with our cable provider last summer because I was unable to get the stations that the Tour de France was being broadcast on. I had two service calls, which I did not pay for, that went nowhere. When I called back, extremely upset that I had missed over half of the 21 days of the Tour and threatened to have everything taken out (at the time, we had cable, internet and phone service with them), they sent another service tech on a Saturday. Bless his sweet heart, he spent 5 hours here testing everything and discovered that the cable connections were all old and eroded. He changed every cable end in the house, even one we don't use anymore just in case we might decide to put a TV back there. He was super sweet and polite and I told him so. I really appreciated all the help he gave us. I made a point to call after he left and give him high praise which pointing out that they needed more like him since the others didn't bother to look for the problem. I hope you get this straightened out soon. It's very frustrating to want to watch something and not be able to. I love your Aunt Marie's name for nuthatches. I'll never be able to see them again (and I have several around here) without thinking of that. Sorry for the long comment, but this story just got me wound up.


  12. My manager gets very upset about service and she is right. she also goes after them like you did. If nobody checks them up they get away with it.

  13. I'd be mad too and VERY miserable to get along with. I have the same sort of fights with my internet provider.

  14. After all that crappy service, it will really suck to have to stay with that provider to be able to see what you want. I'm sure you'd like to drop them like a hot potato...

    In my camp, we are pretty excited because at Wyndson Cottage we found out we can get ONE analog channel with an aerial. Will have to do, because we don't want to be paying $40 a month for a service we will only be there to use a small percentage of the time.

  15. Okay...that seals the deal....we're sisters, separated at birth! 1)I just got a thank you card from Dish Network for being a loyal customer and in it they told me they were adding $5.00 a month to my I ask you? What kind of thanks is that? On top of it, it was one those big pricey glossy mailings that probably cost them that much to make it and pay the salaries of the dufusses who sat around in meetings to come up with such a stupid marketing ploy! 2) I love Red Green and have watched him for years! Remember when Iowa put him over the top? That was ME! LOL! 3) I feel the same way about movies and violence and all that nonsense too. I must be getting old because even the comedies aren't funny anymore just disgusting 4)Fried Green Tomatoes is my favorite movie too!!!! TOWANDA....loved that parking lot scene! LOL! 5)Lassie was my favorite show as a kid and I will cry over those too...I had a real live Lassie (her name was Foxy) when I was growing up. She literally waited on the corner for me to get off the school bus. 6)I never liked Love Story...what do you mean you never have to say you're sorry? You better say it plenty! LOL! I thought her husband was a jerk. Having an affair while she's dying of cancer? HELLO????
    So there..... you see, we are sisters. When's your birthday? I suppose now that I know I'll have to start sending you cards and presents. Mine's January 4th! LOL!

  16. That little bird is really cute. Nothing better than getting outside, having the sun on your back and just resting...helps cure so many least it does for me.


  17. Sorry about the customer service. It seems to be a lost art anymore.
    Loved what your aunt called the nuthatch. And loved Leah's comment about the Wassup Assups.

  18. I feel for you, Connie. We miss a few things about having cable, but mostly we only miss the good internet connection. We don't miss the TV all that much at all.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  19. I watched "Steel Magnolias" the other night - - - with black actors/actresses! I had never seen that version before. It was good. So sorry you have had TV problems. We just signed up with them and like them better than our old cable company. Don't know if their customer service place is central or in our area but they have been super nice and helpful. The animal movie that gets me emotional is "The Incredible Journey". When the two pets of the three pets show up, I start getting quite misty-eyed. Then the little boy is saying he understands that his dog is old and probably didn't make it - - and who do we see coming over the hill next?!! I have lost it at that point. The funny thing - - even though I have seen that movie countless times and know the ending, it still affects me the same way.


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