Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Snow and More Snow

We spent most of yesterday morning moving snow.  So Chance could potty..and so we could get the vehicles out if need be and to feed the hoards of birds that were waiting in the trees.

IMG_5181 (2)

I am not much of a machinery person, but managed to spell Far Guy with the snow blower.  I handed him my shovel and said “Here lean on this for awhile.”  Good thing he is a great mechanic..as we sheared off a shear pin.  Luckily he had several replacements.


The snow stick is still out there..I think it is measuring about 20 inches of snow for a total..since I would have to wade out there..I am not sure.

Snowstick and wheel Feb 11

Perhaps I will shovel my way there tomorrow or the next day.  Yes, we will have a snow stick contest  again..I am working on a couple of cute bark carvings..more details will be forthcoming. 

This storm brought in 14 1/2 inches of snow. The most snow we have had in one dump for quite a while.

Far Guy and Chance ventured to the mail box..Far Guy had to roll over the top of a four foot high snow bank to get to the road..and then there was no mail..

Chance on the way to the mailbox

They took my old camera with them.  Chance is wondering if they shouldn’t turn around.  Blazing a trail was not easy:)

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  1. It's been the seventies since we had that much snow...we get ice. Kinda' funny to think about rolling over a snow bank and then no mail. Good job Chance!

  2. Wow!!!!!! so much snow, crazy......lovely pictures though, white on white here to, Francine.

  3. ugg snow! If we had that much there would have been a run on milk, eggs and bread at the grocery store.

  4. Now that's an amazing dump! Good thing Far Guy thinks ahead and is ready for anything. Chance does look a little confused by it all. He's too smart to think it's a good idea to keep going! :-)

  5. Those are some incredible photos. You really got dumped on. We got plenty, but nothing like that. Sunday we had rain all day; so now it is all ice. Chance looks like he is enjoying his trip to the mailbox.

  6. Too much snow for me.

    Around here if there is a possibility of snow the stores are swamped and every one panics to dig in. We could not move with this much snow.

  7. Dark and dreary looking! Since when do they name snowstorms?

    1. Same thought I had so I had to look it up! Just last fall the weather bureau decided it would help "the public". Duh

  8. Bet you all slept well last night after all that exercise and fresh crisp air!

  9. Wow that is a lot of snow!! Glad the snowblower works. So perhaps you should have a contest when the last little pile on the north side of the shed will melt. My bet is June 1!!!!

  10. Great photos! No snow here and I am thankful for that!

  11. Ugh....really hoping that this goes away for you guys soon.. This isn't normal right?


    1. Normal..I suppose it is..we have been in a dry cycle. I have seen more snow than this..117 inches one year:)

  12. Just keep saying to yourself, "The moisture is good and is welcome." Trust me, it helps - at least for a while.

    Start a new jigsaw puzzle and put on a pot of tea.

  13. You did get your fair share of snow. Chance has the same expression as Barney has when he has to wade through the stuff. Barney is older now so he likes it when I shovel a place for Button, the short one, to go. He goes there too.

  14. Oh WOW ! did you guys ever get a lot of snow ! Ours is melting slowly seeing grass here and there and the best thing is I saw and heard the Robin this morning so I did a post, happy about that ! Good thing Far guy got that snow blower going ! Nice photos ! Have a good day !

  15. That's too much snow for fun unless you're a kid with a sled. However it does make for super pictures.

  16. Oh my! That is LOTS of snow at once! It looks pretty but I can see it's lots of work too especially as I'm getting older. Although when I lived in the country in Iowa I never shoveled or plowed. The dogs made a path to the garage and I had 4 wheel drive and usually the neighbor's tractor made a path of some kind. I'd step on the gas and plow through it as I had to get to work...I had no time to plow! LOL!

  17. MY HEAVENS! You have snow, snow, snow...I guess it made up for last year. WHEW!


  18. So is the long road to your mailbox a road or your driveway? Will a snowplow clear it or will you have to snow blow it, too? Doesn't the cold weather aggravate Far Guy's Trigeminal Neuralgia? When Chance comes in from being up to his belly in snow, do you have to towel him down or just wait for him and the little snow ball on his fur to melt?

    1. Hi Lynda, The long road is our driveway. My brother will take that snow away with his skidsteer or snowplow. Yes the cold weather is hard on Far Guy especially if the wind is blowing. Chance just melts all over..puddle here..puddle there..we have a tile floor..so it evaporates:)

  19. looks like our U.P. of Michigan for sure!....we have about as much as you do on the ground now too. I am tired of winter but here we will have at LEAST two more more months of it...

  20. Looks like you might have to wait until June for the contest!!!

  21. No mail?!! What happened to the "neither snow, nor rain, nor...." creed?
    Those big drifts are tough to negotiate. We had them only two times between the house and the barn. It was hard going.

  22. Oh gosh - that is a lot of snow! At least here the paths are ploughed as is the lake. Wading through snow is no fun.

    Lovely shots though!

  23. I know it is not always easy to enjoy the snow, but try


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