Monday, January 7, 2013

On the corner of happy and healthy

That commercial rankles me something fierce. 
December 20..that would have been 17 days ago.  I used a gift card online at the corner of happy and healthy..for a photo gift for myself.   Of course my purchase was for more than my gift I enter my credit card number..but the wrong expiration date..boom my card was refused and my gift card eaten up or out there in cyber space someplace.
I called the “number” and was told that gift cards could not be used online for photo gifts…it is not permitted.  I asked for a supervisor and was transferred to someone else who had no idea how to fix the problem.  Then I was given a different number to call..I did and the cranky non helpful teenager I spoke to..said that there was no way she could check my balance on my gift card or do anything about it for two days.  I said “fine”.
I wrote a very detailed account and emailed it to Customer Service..with a request demand that they call me in two days when they found my gift card money.
Since then I have received numerous emails saying they are working on it and it should be resolved shortly.  They gave me 20 free 4 X 6 photo prints.  I used them too.
They emailed me a customer service survey..the dummies can guess what my reply was to that.
Seventeen days I have been waiting..the gift card was a gift..I guess it is no skin off my nose if it is never resolved..but it is just the principal of the situation.  A less bitchy  stalwart person would have given up by now.  They stole my gift card or at the least they are holding it hostage.   I am not real pleased with those people at the corner of happy and healthy.  If this ever gets resolved I am going to go into the store and buy something ..anything..and they will never see me at their online or local store ever again.  So there! :)  (  I feel much better now.)
Update 11:33 AM It pays to bitch in a blog..they called from Corporate Headquarters and the 10.00 should be back on my gift card:)


  1. Urrrggggg!!!!!! That sucks big time.......hope works out for you, Blessings Francine.

  2. Stick to your guns, just don't use them!!! I hope you have the perseverance to get the value of the card back. Keep us posted how it goes!!!

  3. I wouldn't be happy, either. At least you got the "free" photos, if you can discount your disgruntlement over the whole thing! :-)

  4. That really blows. Sure hope you get some satisfaction over their error. I have always been hesitant to use gift cards as I have had them "it doesn't work accept it on our machine" more than once. And if you have tried to use it in a restaurant it really blows cuz now you have to pay for the meal out of pocket. Good luck and stick to your guns.

  5. I get so angry when something like that happens. A good piece of my anger stems from

  6. You go girl - that makes me furious!

  7. I hate it when something like this happens. The only place I do online shopping is Amazon and they haven't let me down yet.
    I hope this gets straightened out soon for you!

  8. Oh how frustrating...I take it the store is starting with a W, and ends with a s? We don't have them here, but we do get the commercials.

    Why on earth don't they just get it resolved, then you would be one happy customer.


  9. Hang in there! It always gives me a giggle when I *meet* someone just as stubborn and *stalwart* as I am. Hoping you get some resolution soon.


  10. Hang in there - and give it to them good! (They won't give a tinker's toot, but it'll make you, and us, feel better.)

  11. I love shopping online but I too have to say, there was something to the days when you could actually deal with real people when there was a problem or a success. I love your sign though ... keep that thought.

  12. I am glad that you did not give up. Businesses need to establish and maintain their customer service, and the only way that can be done is if people COMPLAIN. Too often we give up because it is not worth the hassle, and that is what they expect; thus, they continue ripping people off. Principles are important!

  13. I have been trying to have conversations with the IRS and the Social Security offices. The SS office in Ames, Iowa was quite disturbed that I was bothering them and they were certain that I had no business calling them. With a few curt questions she finally referred me to Joel, and he was an answering machine. I called them on the national level and after 30 minutes of pushing buttons and just waiting through their bad music, I actually talked to a person, a nice woman, who took my information.
    The IRS has no intention of talking to you but they will gladly send you bills with hundreds of dollars of interest and fees attached to it. I still have not talked to a human from the IRS.
    Staying calm and carrying on sign originated when England thought that Hitler was going to take over their country physically and they printed them to put up, once the Nazis had taken over their island. The IRS has taken over the land already.

  14. You go girl ! I would of done the same thing trust me ! I worked in retail for 10 years and didn't put up with crap from no one and still don't ! I am glad it all got sorted out ! Love your header . Have a great day !

  15. Your key word is principle. I applaud you for fighting for what is right. Not nearly enough people fight for what is right and what really makes me grouchy is that many people don't even realize that hey have been ripped off.

  16. I think our government "service" folks (like the DMV) take (or give) lessons in this sort of "absolutely no" service model.

  17. You GO, Girl!! Proud of your determination.

  18. Glad to see the update on this one! Yes, it pays to have a voice, and a blog is one way to get one.

    Since I don't spend my time watching commercials, I guess I'm blessedly oblivious to which big, bad, evil corporation that might be :D

    ...which is just as well. Besides, I have a healthy aversion to any store which begins in "W" and ends in "s." Which is another way to round that corner to "happy."

  19. HA!!! It pays to complain! Good for you!


  20. Glad you didn't give up and you are right..they know how to take your money but have no one to help when you need it and that goes for most places I have to deal with. So far I haven't had any bad luck with gift cards I receive or buy but if I do I will follow your lead :)

  21. Been there. Definitely know how you feel!

  22. Reminds me that a friend and I were going to start our own business -- and she was going to be the "bitcher" for people who had troubles like you with business.
    Now I think maybe you should go into business with us -- sounds like you know how to do that.

  23. Glad you stuck to your guns and got your money back!

  24. I'm glad you finally got justice!! ;)


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