Sunday, January 27, 2013

Camera Shopping

I hate in store shopping..but I had a list..checked it twice and wrote down what I thought I needed and the sale prices if I would have ordered off the Internet.

Next stop Best Buy..I was searching for a new point and shoot.  I have been researching them. So many choices. If you have to shop..then shop..I tried every Canon camera out..I even set off one of their alarms..I knew almost as much about their cameras as they did.  Far Guy paced around..he knew I needed a little time to try them all out.   Some were scrawny..some were too heavy..some had awkward pop up flashes…up and down the row I went.  None were exactly like my old sticky button point and shoot.

Old Camera

My old point and shoot a Canon SX 110 IS is temperamental..sometimes the on /off switch works and sometimes it doesn’t.  Then I gently shake it and it works again for awhile. I have loved that camera…I think it is about four years old and it has served me well.

I do not like to take my other fancy smancy new camera out when it is is heavy and just not what I need on a walk in the slip and fall and the camera and I would be upset.  All the lenses and the huge camera bag are sometimes a pain in the butt.

I  needed a little camera to stick in my pocket. A fit in your hand comfortable camera.

New Camera

I chose a Canon  (of course) a SX160 IS  and I think I will like it. The cover for the SD card and batteries is a little stiff for arthritic fingers..I swear every camera they design has a different cover and mode of operation…( a woman did not design them.)

Far Guy is the lucky recipient of my old point and shoot…I can borrow it back any time.

Anyways..I wanted to share with you that when I was shopping at Best Buy..I told the salesman that I could order it off the Internet for $10.00 less..he said tell the I did and I got the 10 bucks off.  Everything else was as priced as advertised..Flash drives and SD cards.

The only thing I didn’t get was a new camera case.  I like a case with a strap so I can sling it over my shoulder or hide it under my parka in the winter. 

It takes good photos of Chance.  He wasn’t very impressed..but at least his eyes are mostly open…he wanted to ignore me.


Time will tell.  I ordered some extensions tubes for my fancy smancy camera and haven’t had time to try them out yet..but I am done camera shopping for awhile:)

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  1. My camera is almost six years old and I'm very attached to it. It's served me well, but it's becoming very temperamental and I know it's only a matter of time before I'll need to go camera shopping.

  2. Morning, looks like ya done good on the camera buy...Love the picture of a very impressed Chance, Blessings Francine.

  3. I have a Cannon from 2006 and I still love it. Once in a while it does something temperamental, but it has always revived. My sis in law, who teaches photography, just got a new small type point and shoot Cannon for her carrying around camera and she says that the clerk told her that the new ones aren't as good as the old ones. Her old one was also a very small Cannon. But she always complained to me that it was "slow." I think slow meant that there wasn't enough electricity to make it faster, meaning she had only two batteries, whereas mine has four batteries. That makes a big difference. I was surprised she didn't pop for a bigger camera when hers croaked. Of course, she owns lots of older big cameras, but rarely uses them.

  4. As long as it takes good pictures of Chance... :-)

  5. I just put away my old Nikon Coolpix. It finally just died. Now I have another newer one (it's actually a couple of years old) and it works fine. I keep it in my purse for those times that I don't want to schlep my big Canon around with me! It takes pretty decent photos. I do have to remember to replace the batteries in it, though.

  6. I replaced my stolen camera last year with a Canon SX150IS, which is close to your new one. I love it and have almost learned how to use all the bells and whistles! :-)

    I think you will be pleased.

  7. I love the picture of Chance so I think you made a very good choice!

  8. Lovely photo of Chance ! Hope you get a lot of fun out of this new camera . Have a good day !

  9. When I first saw the post title, I thought...OH no she's broken her fancy camera.
    Thank goodness it's fine, I understand, they are too precarious to just take outside for a walk, it's slippery out there, and the temperature change can make the lens too damp.

    Love this little point and shoot, it's so cute, and aren't you clever to get another $10 doing your research.

    I am thinking, why on earth don't I take my perfectly good P&S Lumix, that I loved out for walks with me. It's lonely, and sitting in the cupboard by it's self...great idea Connie.



  10. Nothing better than a point and shoot. We have an Olympus SZ-12 14 megapixel that we really love. Unfortunately I can't find any camera that makes it easy to get the card out of. Good luck with your new camera. Chance looks so handsome.

  11. I think you made an excellent choice! It will be fun to learn more about it as you get those great shots!

  12. I don't think you can ever go wrong with a Canon…but that's my personal choice, as well.

    Happy shooting!

    Chance…he cracks me up.

  13. Good choice! My camera is the SX20 (20x zoom). Not as handy as the little point and shoots, but I love it. It takes 4 batteries, so has a perfect hand shaped bulge on the right hand size. I don't like the ones that don't have a view finder, because for them I need to put my glasses on to focus on the lcd screen. I got an awesome camera bag from the dollar store ($3). I can put it in on it's side and it's ready to heave out by the bulgy handhold part. It has the long strap with an ergonically shaped pad for the shoulder. It's a Samsonite, but I can't find it on their website. Probably discontinued, that's why it was in the dollar store:) 10,000 pictures and counting....
    It's coming up to three years old and has taken some beatings. I never take my card out, just plug the camera directly into the computer. Takes more battery power I guess, but I always have another set charged and ready to go.

  14. My wife and I continue to share her camera, it was actually ours and I yielded it when I got the cheap point and shoot. I want to replace my point and shoot but I like smaller. You look like you have a winner with the cannon.

  15. Typical couple. The wife an obsessive shopper and the guy a sometimes patient bystander. Okay, the word obsessive will get me into trouble!!!

  16. I've got the camera in between your first and second (mine has 12X optical zoom) and it's served me well and even landed on it's beak once. I need to be shopping for a new one soon too.

  17. What I hate is that so many cameras now days do not have view finders, they only have the screens. If the sun is really bright, you cannot see what you are pointing at with just the screen, but I've also found that most cameras with view finders cost about $500. Canons are good cameras. They are the brand that I have always chosen.

  18. Love the camera! I sometimes wish I would of went for a more simpler camera than the Nikon, because I actually need different lenses to get the pictures I want and that can be a pain in the butt to deal with! Hope you have fun with yours!

  19. Well you defined pretty well what I needed and got some years ago in a point and shoot. It fits into my small hands and/or my pants pocket. Waterproof would help also when I trip and fall on a trout stream...:)

  20. I use my small Canon so often when I don't want to carry the big one...and also indoors where it performs much quicker than the big one. Great for quick shots of the kids. Have fun with both your cameras!

  21. i love my little point and shoot canon. though it does have that annoying pop up flash.

  22. Cameras - for me are just like computers (I have to have one) if doesn't work I will be out shopping! My first "real nice" camera with a Canon T70 35 mm --- now I, although they both are aging, like my Nikons.... hoping to not be in the camera market any time soon!

  23. I will have to check into that camera because I'd like one just like you described. Thanks!

  24. I thought you had just bought a new camera...but now I see your reasoning. Glad you found a good one--and nice work on negotiating the price break. Every little bit helps!

  25. Your new camera takes a good photo - or is it just that Chance is photogenic? I have a hefty Nikon SLR which is a pain when dangling around my neck, so I need a point-and-shoot :-) Jo


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