Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shiny Brite Tree

It is many ornaments do you think it has?

Shiny Brite Tree December 14

From one direction..unless I go out on the deck which is covered with snow..this is the best photo.

Shiny Brite Tree (2)

From the other direction. It is a seriously tall tree.  Just like in the movies where the gal dressed in a red skirt, and a white cardigan sweater in her new Christmas heels climbs up the ladder to place the ornaments..and then her Prince comes in and she innocently falls into his arms..and he drops her on the floor. ( Just checking to see if anyone is reading this drivel.) Of course he catches her..and steals a kiss.  AND they live happily ever after.

Chance let me photograph him for quite some time…he was bored.

Chance December 14

How many ornaments did you guess?  If you guessed 437 you would be exactly right. 

Yesterday the gift list was checked..and checked again.  Several gifts were ordered online with hopes that they will come before Christmas!  The gifts we have were wrapped.  One Christmas Letter was had no address said “Returned for a better address.”  We will keep on decorating..the downstairs tree is next..we are supposed to get freezing rain…so I guess we will stay safely at home. 

Some parents in Connecticut are hugging their little ones close today..and others are wishing they could have just one more hug.  Such sadness when little children are not safe at school.  I cannot begin to understand what madness precipitates a massacre in a Kindergarten room..I can only imagine how terrified those little ones must have been in their final minutes. Sad, so sad..really really sad:(

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  1. Wonderful tree and photos ! Yes it is sad , some of us bloggers are posting around a prayer chain for the victims and family's .

  2. I went to sleep thinking of the CT tragedy and woke with it on my mind.
    I love your big tree with the special ornaments. Wow! What a collection. Very special indeed. Chance is handsome as ever.

  3. I also woke in the middle of the night and shed tears over the tragedy. It won't leave my mind and heart. I did so enjoy looking at your Shiny Brite tree, though. It is truly beautiful.

  4. Such a beautiful tall Shiny Brite tree, never would have guessed that many!!!! Love Chance sitting there........Sickens me about all those sad families right now, Heartbreaking, Francine.

  5. That is an amazing number of ornaments! You must have been tired after that.
    Chance looks bored. 'Is this all we're going to do?'
    Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

  6. Beautiful tree!

    I am praying for those children and the brave teachers and responders.

  7. What a beautiful tree. Can see why you love the shiney brites. Am praying for all those families and the people involved. What a sorry shame. Blessings to you and yours today Blessings Mary

  8. That is one big beautiful tree! Chance does look bored. Remind him he gets presents. (I'd bet my life on that one.) Feeling for all of us after the madness of yesterday. Thankfully we are sad and we weep. May the day never come when we are NOT affected.

  9. Super decorations. You have mega energy to do all the decorating.
    437!!!! I can't even count that high!
    I hope your freezing rain goes away. not nice stuff.

  10. What an amazing tree! #and, bored or not, Chance is a handsome boy :-)

  11. The tree looks great and yes, Chance, does not look thrilled with you making him sit there even though he is handsome as ever.
    The Connecticut shootings are almost incomprehensible and when parts of it do start getting through to me, I want to toss my stomach and cry non-stop. I hurt for those families and the community.

  12. Yes, I'm still reading...but your first scenario with the fainting beauty is more convincing...albeit less romantic.

    I was on the road and not able to get the news on Connecticut except for little snatches here and there. Inconceivable. Still trying to piece the story together. Yes, you are right--there are some families who never dreamed that yesterday, they'd be giving their little one their last hug. What a shock. For those still fortunate to have their little kindergartner still with them, it will still be hard. Those memories of an incredibly violent scene will not easily let them go. Imagine those little minds, replaying that fearful scene over and over in their mind. It's for them we need to pray for peace.

  13. I absolutely adore your tree. It is so beautiful and colorful. I think I saw some shiny brights in the consignment store, I'm going to have to go check for sure! I am heartbroken about the children and teachers lost yesterday. I cried a lot last night for them as my heart was broken. Finally had to just shut the TV news off. There is a special place in devil-land for someone that does that.

  14. Oh wow that is a gorgeous tree. I know you didn't trim the tree in your high heels as the step ladder would have rejected you with those on. You have certainly increased your collection and it is so great. I was at Menards and saw their indents on Sunday. I am just looking for now as I have run out of space. I do have to invest in more lights as my older sets are also, like yours, going bad. I close my eyes and toss anymore as some of the sets are 15 years old and I am too old to have patience anymore to fix them. We have three trees to go to finish decorating.

  15. 437!!! OMG!! That is amazing! No wonder it looks so magnificent! :):)


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