Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shiny Brite Mess

It looks like a Shiny Brite bomb went off upstairs.  Boxes of Shiny Brites covered the table, the beds and the old trunk.  One by one the boxes were emptied.  I have little post it notes in the boxes so I know what goes where when I pack them away again.

Shiny Brite mess

The top half of the tree gets decorated first.   You can see my tree coffin in the background…it is open. Ha!  The trunk is also open..yes we had Shiny Brite overflow and the coffin is no longer large enough to hold the tree and all the Shiny Brites.  I even made myself a note last says “Check the trunk for more Shiny Brites.”

Shiny Brite  additions

Far Guy found the box of extra large ornaments on the left at an antique shop..even if the box had no cover it was a steal at $11.50.  I only had one ornament that I have 13. The other “new” boxes were ornaments from Chance and four boxes from garage sales. I splurged and bought a box of reproductions at Menards the other day..I now have three boxes of them.  I will probably quit buying them when I have five for each grand.

The box with the red, silver and silvery blue ornaments had a whole bunch of tinsel twirled around the ornaments.

I wonder..were they taken down in a hurry..who was the last person to put them in the box?  Were they put away for a long time?  Did their owner no longer want them..or was she too old to decorate a tree..perhaps she died and no one wanted her “old” ornaments..perhaps she was a like Shiny Brites too! I had lots of time to wonder whilst I decorated the tree.  It takes a few hours half the day.

I am almost done. The top half joined the bottom half without too much drama.  I have a box or two of ornaments left…and then I can re coffin the empty boxes and clean up my mess.  Far Guy says it looks real pretty..and Chance already wagged his tail real near it when he was visiting me upstairs:)

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  1. I always look forward to your tree and ornaments. L.D. posted about his Shiny Brites too.

  2. I didn't realize how many shiny brites you really have. Can't wait to see the completed tree.

  3. Shiny Brite heaven, love all your old ornies......wonderful collection......found most of mine in the Thrift stores for a steal.....Blessings Francine.

  4. Although it looks like a lot of work, I know it's worth it in the end. Thanks for the progress report! :-)

  5. I can't wait to see a photo of the finished project.

  6. Never heard of Shiny Brites. I too think of the stories things like that could tell.

  7. Your decorating is officially underway!

  8. Now that I see the boxes I totally realize THOSE are what my Mom gave me years ago and I think I still have a few of them.

  9. I hope Chance's tail doesn't get tooo close to the tree! :) Progress is definitely being made. Happy Thursday.

  10. When I saw the title of this post, I held my breath because I thought it meant the tree fell and the Shiny Brights were broken. Now, I can let my breathing return to normal.

  11. I'm still at that stage where I'm trying to remember where everything is, but you are motivating me.

  12. WOW ! Lots of pretties there you have ! Looking forward to seeing this huge tree all decked out ! I think some of our decorations have grown legs and legged it over the years as they seem to have gone missing lol ! Oh well Country simple and woodsy for our Christmas decorations , Have a good day !

  13. You certainly have fun with your Christmas ornaments. Used things can certainly stoke up the imagination as to who had them and under what circumstances.

  14. Oh how I adore your Shiny Brite explosion!

    I bet your tree is somethin' to behold in person. Bea~U~ti~ful!

    God bless ya sweetie and have a splendid shiny brite day!

  15. You go girl!!!! I've missed visiting with you but I guess we all have "extra" things to do to prep for the big day! I love it all though! Love your "shiny brites" and from here the tree looks gorgeous!
    I love Chances picture on your banner...looks like that wolf picture with the one eye peeking out....was that what you were going for? It's a great photo! I'll be catching up once again!
    I have great news next Christmas will be in my hometown and once in Illinois again, I plan on coming to visit you some day and your museum! How's that for a plan!?!
    Have a wonderful holiday season!

  16. Great looking tree and lots of beautiful ornaments. Can't wait to see the tree when it is finished!

  17. What a glorious tradition! The colors are so cheerful, and the ornaments really bring back memories.

  18. Ooo - such lovely bright baubles!

  19. OHHH! The shiny brites!! I am behind reading blogs and was so excited when I saw the heading! I hope there's another post with the final display!! You have such a beautiful collection. :)

  20. I almost took a shot of our dining room table to share the mess with everyone but my wife gets mad when I show messes in our house. It is the rubble pile before the final presentation which happens in all the work we do. I am slowly moving empty boxes back down into the basement and we are shipping out the presents today or tomorrow and that will clean things up so to speak. I didn't get to put my tree on the dining room table this year, boss says no, so it will be on the standing dresser in the dining room instead.


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