Saturday, December 1, 2012

Little Things

I have been busy clearing up little things.  All those tiny details that get lost in the shuffle of life. You know the things you shoulda put away..the things you shoulda sorted..the things you shoulda  ordered..the gifts you should send..the addresses that you should update…the things you should organize.  I finally made a list. I have decided there is not enough of me to go around. As soon as I got one thing off my desk two more things showed up to take its place.  I fear I am losing the battle…and my desk is winning.


I found a spot for these treasures. They were 25 cents each in an antique shop..I had room in one of my marble jars.  I am going to need a new marble jar soon. It is best to keep all your marbles together. So you don’t lose them. 

I picked each and every one of these marbles out myself,turning them carefully in my hand to see if they conjured up a memory. Have you ever really FELT marbles..not so much in your hand..but in your memories?

..a treasure lost..several gained..playing for keeps ..Chinese Checkers all the marbles the same color..

Have you ever noticed the beauty in a marble? All the little air bubbles refract light..and how about those “thingys” inside you know the colored twisty/swirly things..are they pieces of glass..and what are they called?

More marbles

Marbles can teach you stuff.  Like the time I got out a very collectable Torpedo Canning Jar and filled it by dropping in marbles, until it cracked and broke.  Stupid…why didn’t I place them gently inside..oh no I had to launch them like a fighter pilot launches his missiles. STUPID.

Oh well December is here  now..there is no time to concentrate on little things anymore like the beauty in a marble..but I still have 24 shopping days.. I am in no big rush:)

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  1. I have always loved marbles. I remember daddy talking about playing with marbles when he was a boy (mid 1920's).
    Do you have some "new" Shiny Brites to add to your tree this year??

  2. I'm with you on the marble thing. I have a few that my Dad had when he was a little boy. They're pretty bashed and chipped but they live in my jewellery box and I love them :-)

  3. Those are such pretty pictures of marbles. I remember wishing I could play marbles as a kid but it was a boys' game. I had some marbles, though, they looked like some of these. We call them "puries." What memories! :-)

  4. Love the way the marbles capture the light. I think we used to call this type 'cat eyes'. So pretty and great memories. Have a great weekend!!!

  5. Sweet little colored marbles.......they look adorable in a small wood bowl I have.......Blessings Francine.

  6. I recently bought some marbles at a thrift shop: I could tell they wanted to come home with me. I never actually played "Marbles" as a child, but I do remember playing Chinese Checkers (oh, how I loved that game) and WaHoo (some people really take that game seriously). My next mission is to find some jacks and a red rubber ball. What memories they conjure.

  7. I too love marbles. So pretty.

  8. I used to play marbles, and Chinese checkers...and I think I've lost my marbles...both kinds:(

  9. So I need a JAR to keep from losing my marbles? Wish you'd told me earlier, as I lose more every day. Pretty photos.

  10. I remember playing with marbles and I have lost my marbles years ago lol ! Pretty sad when you can only seem to find them at antique shops whats that telling us here that played with them when we were younger lol ? Have a good day !

  11. A few years ago, marbles were all one of my granddaughters (then 5) wanted for Christmss. There was a time when that was all a child got & they were estatic to receive such a beautiful treasure. I enjoyed your reflections...

  12. Take heart. Those 24 days will rush by so quickly and no one can stop them.

    Love your pics of the marbles. They are indeed little wonders.

  13. I wonder if kids today enjoyed marbles as much as we did? I remember as we got older, we would bake them in the oven and then dump them in ice water to get the cracked effect. Don't know why we did it but it was the fad at the time.

  14. I feel that way, things to do, things to do!

    I love marbles. I have a jar and a dish or two.

    In fourth grade our teacher gave us each a marble which we heated on the stove and then carefully dropped into cold water. Most of the marbles cracked beautifully but stayed intact. We lost a few but MS Bonnie had some spares. It wasa nice little science lesson with a memory we could carry home in our hand.

  15. I adore marbles and think kids today are missing a lot by not playing with their marbles. I too feel somedays I've lost mine, but if I remember I have a lovely suede bag of them somewhere....

  16. Never played marbles but used to have a few, anyways, because I loved the look and the feel of them. We played Chinese Checkers, though.
    There's always time to appreciate the little things in life. ;)

  17. You're okay as long as you don't lose your marbles... as in head!
    We always called my mother a clutterer. She had stuff piled all over the place. When she died we spent few days uncluttering her place. All the things had an intention written oal over them. She probably knew where everything was.
    So enjoy yourself with the piles. Don't beat yourself up over a few piles of clutter.

  18. I love marbles too. And have a dreadful time keeping track of mine!
    "Should" is one of those words I try to avoid. Life is just to short for very many "shoulds".

  19. What a lovely post. Such a shame kids don't really play marbles that much anymore. Your shots are just gorgeous!

  20. Your post brings back such vivid memories...gravel playground, boys sitting with marbles between their legs hawking at each other...the bright colored marbles sparkling in the school sunshine.


  21. I came to visit from Denise's blog. I have a large jar of old marbles (antiques really since they were mine long ago). My Grands love to pour them onto the carpet and examine them. I have never heard of the condition your husband suffers from. It sounds so painful. My best wishes to you.

  22. Totally can feel marbles by memory :-). Nice post and pictures!

  23. The once-separate and sometimes compound "thingy" inside a transparent glass marble is known as a FIGURE. The figure most often is just an attractive form but infrequently the figure is an image of something specific, such as a rabbit.

  24. We used to call those "cat's eyes" and then there were the big metal ones called "steelies"....I loved marbles as a kid and had a big collection...I wonder whatever happened to them? I also had a big bottle cap collection that I loved. I played marbles but not sure how to do it now. I was a tom boy pretty dolls for me....cowboys and indians and I had my own bow and arrow set and a cowgirl outfit with hat and holster and guns! And I wonder why everywere I went they said "here comes trouble".....they still do. LOL! That's keeps the "riff-raff" away!


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