Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Getting Organized

We got a little snow..not much..an inch maybe two.  The storm that we were supposed to get Sunday afternoon kind of fizzled out.

Snowflakes in the air

It might be a white Christmas..unless it turns warm and melts.  Monday morning it was –17 F  or –27 C ..talk about a wake up call.  It was a good reminder that the weather can change drastically from one day to the next and that is why I never schedule anything before noon in the winter. 

Far Guy finally got out his parka..and warmer gloves. –17 F will make you come to your senses.

I shouldn’t have vacationed over the weekend..I should have baked and shopped.  I have vowed to get the shopping done before next Tuesday.  We are cruising right along with another gift purchased yesterday.  Menus are being discussed and decorating plans have been made.

Today will be a getting organized day..making a list and checking it twice and round one of decorating.  Round one is getting out the Shiny Brite Tree and decorating the top half in the tree stand and lifting it WAY high in the air onto the bottom half of the tree.  Far Guy has to stand on a ladder..and I hoist it up from another chair..it is always a tense moment..until it is settled into it’s proper place.  It will take me the rest of the week to finish decorating the bottom half of that tree.  Since it is such a large tree I decorate it one box at a time.  This year seven boxes of Shiny Brite ornaments have been added to the collection…I am going to try my best to count them all this year:)

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  1. How pretty with the dusting of snow......love Shiny Brites......I haver collected many myself and decorate my tree with them, looks so beautiful.....Blessings Francine.

  2. Stay steady on those ladders and chairs. I can't wait to see your tree this year. Have fun preparing for Christmas.

  3. Your Shiny Brite tree says Christmas to me! I am looking forward to seeing it this year, with all those extra ones. I wonder where you'll put them! :-)

  4. Happy to hear you didn't get all the snow Minneapolis got. Be careful when you lift the tree top into place - don't want to hear that one of you got hurt.

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing the Shiny Brite tree! Wow! Your temps are soooo cold. We had 2 days of rain and it is in the 30's here this a.m. - cold to us!

  6. I dunno...that might not be your "White Christmas" snow...yet. You still have time to add to the collection :)

  7. Silly girl you should have and DID take a break this weekend and you had fun. Never ever regret doing that! The rest will get done in due time just don't let it stress you out.

  8. I love Shiny Brights, too. My mother hung them on the tree when I was a child. I managed to rescue one from her Christmas box. It is precious to me.

  9. Minus 27 C is cold! We had that last week. Your tree sounds like ours where boxes of decorations are applied!

  10. Seven new boxes of Shiny Brites. That is heaven on earth. It will look great. I find myself analyzing the colors of the trees that they put in the background of the newspeople. The one with red, green and silver seems to be my favorite. Now the guilt has been spread to Iowa and I have to get going on our trees. Didn't get to it over the weekend.

  11. Looking forward to seeing the Shiny Brite tree...and the others as well. Please be careful on the ladders and chairs!

  12. Wow, that is cold, and a shock to the system for sure.
    Larry dragged out the Christmas tree yesterday, and I said if it got decorated within the next day or two, that would be the earliest ever. Right now it is in position, just lit up with it's million or so little white lights.

  13. Lots of work to be done. Maybe heading off for the holidays to Arizona and grands isn't such a bad idea...;)

  14. WOO WEE ! That's cold ! Lovely photo . We went to a smaller tree but all has been done for a week or so . This year I am on my game for a change lol ! Have a good day !

  15. The storm fizzled out for you, but I know where it went...we got 14 inches. I'm still trying to get the energy to write about it. Soon. Can't wait to hear how many Shiny Brites you have.

  16. am trying to visit all my old blogging buddies' blogs tonight and starting the process of trying to get into blogging again. I have missed posting and reading--seems life is keeping me so busy I can't get caught up.LOL Lovely to stop by and ready yours tonight!

  17. I can't wait to see the shiny brights....I do love them. And your collection is second to none.


  18. Oh, I want to see the tree! I want to see the shiny brite tree!! :):)

    We didn't get much snow here, either. But they got dumped on south of us. I am bummed! I wanted a lot of snow for Christmas!! I haven't given up hope. ;)

  19. I've got very little done :-o. Loved the Santa pics :-).

  20. Well, I'll be....the weather here said that the midwest and they specifically said MN got pounded with a blizzard...they even showed cars going off the road and whiteouts....I got so excited for you but then they showed a Christmas fair of some kind in Duluth and there was no snow on the ground...I figured they taped the fair before the blizzard hit. I'm not sure the weather isn't always pre-taped from the year before! LOL! Don't they know about the internet...we can check on them!


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