Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Day

One more day in the kitchen..I am getting real tired of being in there.  Yesterday I played sous chef for Far Guy whilst he made pans of “Cinnamon” Caramel Rolls.  I cooked a huge pork roast so that it was well done and fell apart. Today I am on a schedule..things have to be done at a certain time…so that we can eat at a certain time.

I don’t like schedules, I don’t like cooking…the kitchen is my least favorite spot in the house..yet I spend a huge amount of my time there recently.

I rebelled when it came to dessert.  The girls will bring cookies.  I should have made an apple pie..instead I decided that  Mudballs would be a perfect dessert.  Oreos will be crushed and scoops of vanilla ice cream will be rolled in the Oreo mixture, I will put the balls into red plastic glasses and refreeze them..then garnish with Raspberries and chocolate syrup..and enjoy. Sound yummy to you..I thought so!

The packages are all wrapped. The house is reasonably dust free.  Our two stockings are hung by the fireplace..nine more will join ours.  Laughter will fill the house again.  The dogs will bark and run around..and we will eat, then we will eat again Christmas morning..after that it is everyone for themselves…by that time Grandma will be exhausted.  I might need a long winters nap.

Puzzle is ready

The puzzle is ready upstairs.. it is on the same card table as it was years ago at Far Guys home.  We will play games..perhaps spoons..the Grands love that game.

The days have been dreary.. we went for a ride yesterday looking for turkeys.  We found a few.  Several are still visiting our bird feeders when Chance is in the house.

Turkeys Dec 23

We will be having a white Christmas. ( As if there was any doubt)  It will be a cool one too..days time highs are forecast to be only a few degrees above zero and night time lows below zero..  5 to –5 F or –15 to –20 C.

Neighbors dec 23

Merry Christmas Eve Day:)

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  1. Wishing each of you a joyous Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas! God bless you for keeping us entertained 365 days a year. Sending lots of love your way.

  3. Soon you will leave the kitchen and venture out into the rest of the home to enjoy the next couple of days with family. You are so incredibly blessed. I also want to thank you for your wonderful daily posts, which have become an essential part of my own mornings, sitting here reading while I drink my tea. :-)

  4. Few I got tired reading how busy you will be and have been I need a nap now lol ! Sounds wonderful . Love you photos . Have a Merry Christmas

  5. I hope you are able to relax now and have a joyous Christmas!

  6. Wonderful post, sounds like all the family time,.......I must say I really enjoy reading your blog, Merry Christmas to you, Far Guy and Chance, Warm Blessings Francine.

  7. Merry Christmas Eve Day, to you, too! I understand the exhaustion (in advance). I was just reading 'one more blog' before heading to the kitchen!

  8. Your Christmas sounds heavenly. Not counting the winter's nap, you have two of my favorite activities planned: a game of Spoons and a jigsaw puzzle. Enjoy!

  9. Could you please send some of that Christmas baking this way?:))
    Sounds like a wonderful Christmas with family. All the very best to you and yours!

  10. Merry Christmas to you and your family! It sounds like you will honestly deserve that nap.


  11. As you probably know, Scandinavians open their presents on Christmas Eve - so we've done that and eaten our Christmas dinner.

    Enjoy your day!

  12. Enjoy the family and the rest will take care of itself. I maintain that the cleaning and cooking not done will not be missed. They are there to see you and enjoy that time together!!! Merry Christmas.

  13. Merry Christmas Neighbor! AND thank you for our beautiful carved Christmas tree! Love it!

  14. Sounds wonderful! I know that all your family will enjoy your labors .

  15. Connie, wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and it certainly sounds like it will be one.


  16. I hear you about the time spent in the kitchen. I am beginning to think I never want to cook again! The man hates eating out so I don't see that in my future. Your meals sound delicious.

  17. Ditto to "fun in the kitchen..." (not) Made "Heath bar" cookies today using soda crackers, butter, brown sugar, etc. Laid crackers carefully on baking sheet, poured over the "toffee topping," placed carefully in the oven, and then bobbled it when I took it out quite a few crackers slid around and ended up on top of other crackers instead of in a single layer. Oh well...

  18. I read your blog early and it makes me day happy as can be, you live in a pristine area of the country and are happy and know the word plenty and enough..My hubbs is retired and I cook like there is no tomorrow I work, will continue to do so until may 2013 when my Medicare kicks in working for my Cobra only, saved up and paying it off quickly..I don't mind baking, cooking, roasting, I do that for a food pantry all the time, at home, I master bake, cook on weekends, so food is always available for my sweet hubbs who worked grocery retail, I like to treat him like the King he is, our only child is an excellent cook, but lives alone with a sweet kitteh cat, travels with her to boot and mostly eats out, lives in NYC, christmas is always movie time for her, she works in a film company, we love the new movies, we eat chinese that I pre-order and laze around then off to the movies, oh, my we are happy, our cats are getting older and they laze around..I prepare a feast for a lady who is elderly who has outlived her family, she loves we dote on her cat and stop and visit all the time, for christmas one of her grandchildren is staying with her and I got some more food for her..they love me & my hubbs, isn't that what the holidays are about caring for others and enjoying what God has put into ones life, we are not gonna be on this terrestrial forever! It is already the winter solstice and we will get a tad more daylight, I am rejoicing in that fact, I hate cold, dark weather, so I get out and walk at the crack of dawn after I get a cup of tea and read your blog, merry holidays, god's blessings to you and your hubbs, a big hug for your doggie too, may 2013 be peaceful, healthy, joyful and full of love!

  19. Dirt was one sad man on Christmas morning. The weathermen kept promising a chance of snow. He even woke up and thought that the moon shining on the wet barn roof was snow, he got out the flashlight to shine through the window (and give me retina burn) but alas, the weathermen were lying jerks. So once again, we are slightly jealous of your white Christmas.

    Sorry that your days have been dreary. Ours won't stop being rainy. So much for that dry warm El Nino.


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