Monday, November 26, 2012

It snowed

Yes it snowed..the ground is white.  I doubt that it will melt..until spring.  I think this is winter come doesn’t officially arrive for another month (25 days)..the Winter Solstice will arrive at 5:12 AM December 21 2012.  According to the Farmers Almanac..that is the earliest time of arrival since the year 1896. 

Chance and the bird feeders

I drug out my winter boots, parka, gloves and hat.  I splurged on new winter gloves and a funny looking hat with snowflakes on it.  I lost the hat already and had to go back into the restaurant and get it.  Far Guy wondered aloud “Perhaps you should have an idiot string on your hat.” Perhaps I should.

I wandered around in the yard looking for some beauty in the newly fallen and falling snow. Looks pretty much like the same old snow to me.  Chance loves to put his nose down in the snow and smell..he does it often so it must feel good..I wonder what he smells?IMG_3353

I got bored and began to watch the birds at the new feeder.

Feeder from Sue and Joe

The Redpolls seem to like the newest feeder..a gift from Sue and Joe in Indiana!

Yes, it is winter here in Minnesota.  Time to hunker down and begin some new projects..or to begin the daily nap schedule:)

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  1. Cute photo of Chance with snow on his nose. I love the bird feeder, too! I vote for a nap!

  2. Adorable Chance. He isn't complaining about the snow, I think he likes it. And I do like that new bird feeder! It's cold all right. Didn't I read somewhere that the solstice is also supposed to be the end of the world? :-)

  3. Does Chance like the snow? Our Huskey, Bandit, does and doesn't. He likes to play and sniff, like Chance, but he's ready to come in after a while. I love the feeder. I love all things snowmen. Stay warm and comfy.

  4. Yes happy snow - but it sure doesn't have to be sooo cold! -- I love that snowman bird feeder! Happy Monday!

  5. Love that new feeder!!! Yup, its winter alright!!! Stay warm.

  6. Lovely photos ! It snowed here as well . It was a gentle peaceful snow and the temps were mild . Miggs just loved it and we went out and played in the snow for a bit yesterday . As it still sits on the ground Miggs and I are going for a walk through the woods today . I do love that bird feeder soo cute . I love watching the birds in this weather . Have a wonderful day !

  7. Love your new feeder. Saw one like it at Wild Birds Unlimited. Chance seems to not mind the snow. I can do without it. Guess we just have to put up with snow if we choose to live in this part of the world. Keep warm my friend - along winter's nap sounds good to me.

  8. Surprised to see you say "this is winter come early." I always thought you were closer to our seasonal variations. We've had snow on the ground since about Oct. 20.
    Now just think, with snow you have some new photography options.

  9. That feeder is adorable - I want one! :)

  10. Don`t hate me but YEY!!!! WINTER WONDERFLAND!!!!! Love the snowman feeder, so cute....also your new Header pictures are great, Snow Blessings Francine.

  11. Gee that snow sure looks purty in your, snicker, snort, laughing....

    Don't have any here, snort laughing...

    I'm such a I have to go and take a nap. No maybe I should go out for a bike ride, or maybe do some sunbathing, yes that's what I will do, now where is my bathing suit, and my

    Don't worry, it's frosty here, and I am sure we will get our more then fair share.


  12. Our dogs love the snow too:)
    It's white here this morning too, but just a heavy frost, that the sun is burning off, and then it will be all green again (not rubbing it in or anything)!

  13. Snow on the ground in Minneapolis as well.

    And now, we wait. We wait for spring...


  14. Can I admit to roses blooming and oranges ripening in my winter yard? Ok, I better not. I love the new bird feeder, too. Hope the snow doesn't get too deep for you. I vote for the nap, too.

  15. It's not here yet in the banana belt of Minnesota. I can wait.....

  16. Our little dog used to do "sniff" in the snow too -- stick his nose in it and make snorting noises. I think the unmowed grass here allows the voles and mice to make tunnels under the snow, or something. He was pretty hairy and would come in with a face full of packed snow.

  17. Snow always looks more beautiful to the ones who don't have to stay and live in it!

  18. That does seem kind of early. At least Chance likes it. How about one day nap, one day new project? Best of both worlds :-) Jo

  19. I love that bird feeder. It helps make the yard smile with all that snow! Another vote here for the nap - - - it will give energy for the project!!

  20. The feeder is so cute!
    I'm so sorry that winter has descended on you.

  21. I do now understand why old people want to move south in the winter. I never thought I would care but I guess I am now old people. I hate cold now and one good snow a year is enough for me.

  22. Cute bird feeder!
    Chance looks so cute with his snow nose. Karma likes to lick the cold white stuff.
    We may have a melting. Could get up to 40 on Saturday I heard--but they're also talking more snow, so you may be right. This snow may be here for the winter already. Hunker down. :)

  23. Lucky you!!!! I miss it! Nitty loves to put her nose in the snow when we occasionally get some. She shovels with her nose and throws it up in the air. She loves it!
    Love your new cute is that!


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