Saturday, November 10, 2012

Half Done

We are about half done with the carved Christmas ornament this year.  The design works..several have been painted and sealed and delivered!  I never really know how a design will look until one is ready to hang on a tree.

How about that and it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet.  We are moving right along.  Of course there is the never ending supply of wood chips that ends up under the table..those little suckers sure can fly.  We sit at the kitchen/dining table in the afternoon and evening and carve away.

When I get the ornaments all done and ready to package I will take some photos..and some in process photos too..and then I will give a few away. Yahoo!!

Thanksgiving seems early this year…or is it just me?


I had a piece of pumpkin pie at a friends house the other sure tasted good!  It kinda put me in a Thanksgiving mood…or maybe it was just a momentary sugar high.

Today I am thankful for a little sunshine to warm my old bones:)

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  1. I can't wait to see, Connie. I think you are very talented. I think the holidays are always here earlier than I expect and want. You have a great day.

  2. Morning, Will be waiting to see what you`ve done, love your Header pictures, Your Thanksgiving is coming, ours is long gone......Blessings Francine.

  3. It seems to be just about the right time to me, Connie. I am heading down to Texas to be with my family for the holiday and leave in a week. Maybe because I bought my ticket in June it seems forever to Thanksgiving! :-)

  4. Looking forward to seeing your carvings . Papa here is starting his scrolling projects now . Have a good day !

  5. Oh, that sounds like a great pastime! Sun is always good!

  6. So no knicked fingers, just knicked wood chips, that's good.

    I still have a hard time wrapping my head around your Thanksgiving being so late, and then the Christmas rush happening the next day...

    We've been eating pumpkin pie for months, ha you have a long way to catch up.


  7. I always look forward to your carved ornaments. Glad you are enjoying SUNSHINE! Pumpkin pie sounds very tasty!

  8. Can't wait to see your ornaments! Thanksgiving is still on the fourth Thursday, but this year, it's not the LAST Thursday, since November began on a Thursday. So it seems early! Does that make sense?

  9. I can't wait to see your ornaments. So jealous of those that can design and carve! Love your header AND the pumpkin picture and now I'm craving pumpkin something....hmmm bought a can of pumpkin yesterday, maybe need to use it!

  10. A few weeks ago I had a pumpkin malt...real pumpkin puree mixed into a vanilla malt...and I was immediately in a Thanksgiving mood! Good for you, working on your ornaments. It will be fun to see them!

  11. I don't know, but Thanksgiving is sneaking up on me too. Enjoy your sunshine. We have warm air and fog~~

  12. I am so in awe of your hand-carved ornaments. You are the only person I know with that set of skills!
    As for Thanksgiving sneaking up on us... it seems like this year just went by in a split second. I can't believe we are so close to 2013!

  13. Ah, pumpkin pie! My husband has been laying broad hints...

    Yes, Thanksgiving is early this year. Bet that will make the Christmas merchandisers happy...and the Christmas shoppers more weary...or more in debt :(

    I would love to see some photos of your ornaments. They sound unique and special...a special gift for just the right recipient.

  14. Don't you just love the looks of those "warty" pumpkins.

  15. Sounds like your carving kills two birds with one stone. You get some neat gifts to give a way and you while away the hours in a very pleasant fashion.

  16. The whole year is coming faster this year. Have a great Sunday! ♥

  17. Love seeing what ornaments you decided to carve each year. What wonderful gifts!!
    I can't believe November is 1/3 over with already! Where does the time go?! :)

  18. Your evening sounds idyllic. Truly. You and yours together with your dog at your feet, working on a project together whittling away the hours... it certainly couldn't get any better than that, yes?

    Pumpkin Pie High - I love it, this week I'll be cooking many a pumpkin (and squash) for the holiday baking and consuming season approaches.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie