Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wistful Wednesday: Halloween

This photo was taken by Auntie Kathy most likely in 1977.

Halloween 1977

Jennifer is on the left she looks about 2 years old. Debra is in the middle she would have been 6 that year and Trica is on the far right she would have been 5.  Second Cousins..Debra belongs to my Cousin Art ..or Uncle Art and Auntie Kathy.

That is Far Guy in the back..not sure what he was doing.  I know he was always in charge of taking the girls around the neighborhood to get candy.  The girls would anxiously wait for him to finish supper and then they would run to get dressed and head out.  Many times the weather was horrid..snowy and cold or icy rain.. they would only go to houses where we knew the people.  Back in the mid 1970’s was the razor blades in apples scares and hospitals would x-ray candy for free.

We used to go through the girls candy..anything questionable would be thrown out.  The girls would often remember what they got where.

I can vaguely remember making those witches hats..I think they were construction paper. I think Auntie Kathy must have done the makeup..I do not remember that at all..but that was a long time ago.

I would stay home and hand out candy..when we lived in Moorhead we would get 100’s of kids if the weather was half way decent.  The dog would stay with me and bark most of the evening.  Back then we had a Scottie mutt mix by the name of Snuffer.  We got her before the girls were of those $5.00 dogs.. she was worth every penny and grew up with our girls.

When we ran out of candy or when it was nine o’clock we would shut off the porch light.  The girls were good about sharing..I always looked for a Bit O Honey and Far Guy would look for a Tootsie Roll:)

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  1. Happy Halloween to you and the picture......Blessings Francine.🎃

  2. Those were the days for sure. I remember sending out two boys out into the night....

  3. I remember going Trick or Treating myself as a young child. It is amazing to me how long ago that was, because it sure doesn't seem possible all these years passed so quickly! The 1970s are ancient history to some people, and it seems like yesterday! :-)

  4. My Halloweens were usually filled with last minute costume sewing. I would say every year, let's decide what we're going to be...every year they waited. My fault, I guess they knew I was more creative under pressure.

    Happy Halloween.

  5. Geesh.... I wish I had saved every one of the Bit O Honeys for you - I didn't care for them and never ate them!

  6. They were some cute spooks. I remember that there was a time when my two boys would invite the neighbor three guys and the other neighbor two guys to go with me up and down the streets. Cold weather, ice and snow, whatever the weather it had to be done. That seems like a long time ago.

  7. Oh happy memories of halloweens gone by. Those were the days huh? Except the razor blade parts. Just the beginnings of the scary world we now live in..

  8. Great memories of a more innocent time, razor blades, or not...

    Can't believe our parents let us run through neighborhoods alone in the dark, oh the freedom for us young girls that weren't even allowed to go to the corner store.

    It was a very safe suburb where we lived, and the group of children we went with was huge. We knew every single house we went to, just like yours...good times.

    That said, I am not looking forward to tonight...they say we will only get around 25 kids, I can only hope that there is no damage.


  9. Ooh, I loved Bit O Honeys, too. Growing up, we were limited in our costume choices to something that would fit over winter coats. I think I learned the hard way that if you wear something fitted, you'd have to cover it up in order to go trick or treating. But as you noted on my post, costumes were never very elaborate back then.

  10. Wonderful pictures! Happy Halloween!

  11. Wonderful photo and memories ! Back when I was a kid trick or treating we were on the farm and my dad would drive lots of us on a wagon being pulled by his tractor from farm to farm for Halloween all the farms did this for the kids at Halloween so instead of seeing cars it would be tractors and wagons full of kids running up the driveways . Yup we squeezed our costumes over our coats but us farm kids didn't care we were used to being out in all kinds of weather and candies were a huge treat for us . No trick or treaters for us here in our village as the kids here are mainly Mennonite . Have a good day !

  12. As parents we had to perform on a high level when it came to Halloween. Yes, one of us took the two kids and one stayed at home. Now we only get about 20 kids.

  13. Oh how that precious photo must take ya back!!! Cute~cute~cute!!!

    I remember my daddy checkin' my 'haul' after I went trick~or~treatin'...I remember my daddy helpin' himself to his favorite candy too! Heeehehehee!

    God bless ya and have a fun evenin' with the little goblins!!! :o)

  14. Cute photo!
    We only had one visitor for Trick or Treat tonight but we had fun!

  15. Lovely post and wonderful photo. Happy Halloween to you all. :o)

  16. I dodged the razor blade - poison issue on one end and then the other. But I do remember "investigating" Stephie and Michelle's candy, by the time the other two came along my ruse was up and the girls learned to bargin with me. Occasionally one would go for the brownie points and willingly give up the goods for nothing, immediately making me feel guilty and refusing to take any without and easy bargin. Not sure if that child was extra generous or extra clever.


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