Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fall is in the air

It has cooled off. It gets down into the 40 F (4 C) range at night.


The acorns are falling.  If the windows are open we can hear them dropping on the garage or woodshed roofs.  Sometimes it is quite musical.


I collected these acorns for a friend and will mail them off soon.  There are so many of them that I wish there was something I could craft..I thought about stringing a bunch on a wire to use as a garland on the Christmas tree.  It would probably be a pain in the neck project…most of the acorns lose their caps as they fall to the ground and begin to dry out.

Far Guy has been cutting wood.


The woodshed is filling up fast.  He has enough cut for this year and is working on next years supply.


The driveway is beginning to look fall like.  I am not sure what kind of fall color we will have this year…a few more days should tell the may have been just too dry for good fall color:)

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  1. Pretty photos, Connie. It is much cooler here this a.m. in the high 50's. The cats are loving to sit in the windows and enjoy the breeze. Our leaves just seem to be drying up and falling off.

  2. Yes, it sure is that time of year! Do you heat with just wood. Looks like a good stack, we have ours hear but we still have to cut and split it yet! That is a lot of acorns! Chance looks pretty content!

  3. Your pictures are really good. I especially like the acorns, Connie. It only went down to 60 last light after a sunny day in the 80s. Today is supposed to be 20 degrees cooler. :-)

  4. It sure is beginning to feel like fall. It was 48° when I got on the computer earlier. My husband slept in a tent out back (scout training weekend)last night. I say "Brrr!". He says, "It's a fine night."

  5. I can't believe how quickly mother nature changed her moody self from 90 degree days to 60s. It was 39 degrees this morning!!! I've been waiting for a nice long fall. Hummm...

  6. We are definitely in the fall mode down here. It has been a strange summer and now I am wearing a sweatshirt to stay warm while I mow my yard. It is about time for me to get my pilot light restarted for the winter heating season.

  7. I am glad it is almost officially fall ! The weather here is also cool and fresh and some trees are changing and dropping their leaves ! I like taking photos of fall ! We were in a heat wave not long ago . The nights and mornings are crisp and fresh and my windows are finally able to be open ! Have a great day !

  8. Temperatures have been bouncing around here, too, and close to 40 degrees F. in the mornings. Day-time temperatures still hovering in the mid to high 80s and sometimes into the 70s. Fall is working its way down the mountain.

  9. The lower temps have been such a refreshing change. As for color this year; the leaves have started to fall with very little color. Just too dry I think.

  10. Fall is in the air here too!! I too am wondering how much 'color' we will have. So far its kind of dull. Have to wait and see!!! Have a great upcoming week. The work countdown is on!!

  11. We don't have acorns here so it's an interesting topic and photo

  12. We had our first cool morning the other day and it was heavenly. Everyone had a little more spring in their steps!
    We are seeing a few things that are just beginning to turn color - it makes me excited. I love fall!

  13. With the acorns - - could they be dipped in a shellac or polyurethane before they dry to help seal the caps on? I don't know if that would work before they are dry though - - but it would discourage anything eating them in storage. Of course, the caps could be glued back on. Would the acorns have to be drilled first to string? That sounds like an aggravation, too.
    It looks like Chance has found some creature's scent that deserves further investigation.

  14. Love your wood supply!
    Chance is looking good, too.
    Have a great week! ♥

  15. acorns dropping probably means I won't have bluejays come visit again.
    In the last 8 plus years we have had eastern blue -jays come when the acorn crop is bad in the east.

    WE need to get wood, too


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