Sunday, July 8, 2012

Picnic Saturday

We had a busy day.  We headed way north to a family reunion for Far Guys Fathers side of the family.  We got to hear some “Lady” seems she was the Mother of “Tippy” who has been in a few of Wistful Wednesday posts.

Far Guy made a fruit bowl out of a watermelon and then filled it with fruit.  Chance was on his best behavior and kept a close eye on a dog at a neighboring cabin.

It smelled like “Christmas” up there. 

Pine Trees down

They missed the big winds last Monday night but had them on Wednesday night. In the Lake Movil area it seemed that the big old pines were uprooted by the winds.  Chain saws were buzzing on this corner and Christmas was in the air.

We saw something fly from this nest.  If I have to guess I would say it was a Golden Eagle.

A nest

I had Saturday  as one of my “off” days for the month of July.  It is real nice to get two extra days off every month so I can go to a picnic or one of Far Guy’s Doctors appointments etc…

Somewhere someplace in Missouri a dozen families were granted miracles Saturday morning.  A van filled with Boy Scouts was broadsided and then rolled over on one of the roads up north.  The driver of the van was air lifted out.  All of the scouts escaped serious injury.  Far Guy was one of the first responders.  First Responders never get the recognition that they deserve.  Thanks guys! :)

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  1. I agree...first responders are so important. We tend to take for granted the special people that have accepted these responsibilities. In many of our small communities, they are often volunteer or almost volunteer positions, making decisions that can be life-saving.

    Thanks, Far Guy, for doing this important job.

  2. That is so lucky that only the driver was seriously hurt. And you're right about First Responders. Far Guy is a valuable member of his community, as are YOU!

  3. I am so glad no one was hurt.

    Thank you Far Guy for being there when you were needed. Bless you.

    Are you a Cardinal fan?? either of you, both of you??

  4. God bless Gene and all the first responders - those young boys were blessed, indeed.
    Sad about the wind destroying those big trees; I bet it did smell like Christmas. Glad you two had some time together and that Chance had a nice time.

  5. It takes special people to be first responders. Kudos to Far Guy.
    I'm glad you had a day to relax and enjoy your beautiful countryside.

  6. First Responders are definitely angels in disguise. God Bless them!

  7. I read about the accident. Kudos to Far Guy and all the others who do so much for us.

  8. Thanks to the Far Guy and other first's true that they hardly ever get the recognition they deserve. I love the way birds take advantage of power poles for nesting area's....they make platforms for them up here.

  9. Thank you Far Guy and all the other First Responders.

  10. I add my thanks to Far Guy and other first responders. Sounds like a rock band...Far Guy and the First Responders. Or maybe another kind of music?

  11. Any excuse for a picnic is great.
    Good for Far Guy to get out there and help people in need.

  12. Praise God for the first responders. They are definitely a special breed of people to be able to cope with the pain they see.
    What a sweet treat to smell Christmas in July while on a picnic!

  13. I could almost smell the pine and see the eagle fly.
    Angels were watching over all those boys. And one of them was FarGuy. :):)

  14. OMG! It was on the news here because I get Springfield, Missouri for my local channels....I know, don't ask, before that it was New York! PTL that they were spared and their parents too. I must admit, I thought of you guys as it was in MN but never dreamt that Far Guy was involved or that it was even close to you! Small world actually. Yes, first responders are a Godsend and most in rural areas like here too are volunteers. Bless them! My son was for awhile when they lived out in a small town but now they live in the city.
    I love the smell of pine and in the Winter most of my candles are pine scented. It's too bad about the wind damage but so long as no one was hurt I guess the rest can be replaced. It's still hard. I know there's a lot down here that don't have insurance to replace things. Give Far Guy my thanks for all those he has helped.


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