Monday, December 19, 2011

Where is the snow?

It is unusual for our area of Minnesota to have a brown Christmas.  We got a bit of snow the other day..and then it was warm yesterday ( almost 40 degrees F) and much of the snow melted.  We seem to be in a dry weather pattern..or maybe global warming has finally come to Minnesota. Chance December 18 2011

Last year at this time we had seven inches of snow on the do I know this?? ..because of the old snow stick photos.  Oh well in one snowy day we can be all caught up with last year.


Chance and I played ball and horsed around with the camera before it got dark at 4:30PM.  Two more days and we will start to gain a minute a day…whoopee! 


I have quite a collection of flags and this is the Christmas goose flag that took up residence outside the front door. He looks like a grumpy old goose..perhaps that big cheerful bow is choking him:)

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  1. I know! Three dustings that have already melted away and left us with a dirty brown landscape. Doesn't seem like Christmas without snow! Can you hear me singing "White Christmas" over here in Fargo? ;)

  2. Yup same here nothing but a dusting of snow then it is gone ! Last year we were at record snow fall and digging out for days ! Global warming is right . I remember as kid on our hobbie farm the snow would be so much and so high I could walk on the roof of our chicken coop and the barns and we had to dig to get out our front door as the drifts went up to our roof ya would open the front door and there litterly was a wall of snow 25 foot drifts we would get! Not now a days in the great not so white north Ontario Canada. Have a wonderful day !

  3. Looks like what snow there is, is in the southwest! Strange year. :)

  4. If you look at the Climate Prediction Center maps, it looks like the next couple of weeks will be warm and dry in Midwest and Northeast. Strange! I thought it was a La Nina year. Anyway, it'll come one of these days. I just hope it doesn't wait until spring.

  5. No snow in Minnesota? That's kind of hard to believe! I love your goose flag :)

  6. There is a snow storm coming into Kansas. It is always interesting to see how it doesn't stay inside those lines that the weather man draws.

  7. Haha, now you are tempting the snow gods you know! LOL Scott was whining about the same thing yesterday but he wants it TO snow ON Christmas Day! Told him not to hold his breath but then he awoke to 6" of fresh stuff at his place this morning.

  8. Maybe you'll need to run a 'when is the snowstick going to be buried to inches' contest:)

  9. We're green in Michigan...lots of people are really upset because they are snow people and looking forward to snow and it's not here...Where is the snow!!!

  10. We have snow in northern Wisconsin, but today I am in town and town is brown!!
    Happy Holidays!

  11. Peter bought a big new snow blower a few weeks ago, and he said, "Now watch, it won't snow all winter." So far he's right!

  12. Don't get too comfy, I think that the winter has just decided to come later than usual! We are in the same pattern but lately our snows have been hitting in February and then it decides to make up for all the snow earlier that didn't come in ;) You are right the duck does look a little grumpy!

  13. It feels like a snow coming in here. More snow...I can't decide if I like it or I don't. At least it is water for next year.


  14. There seems to be a blizzard headin' our way. If it reaches us...I'll be sure to send it up your way. "K"???

    "Chocked by the big red bow 'round it's necek", Heeehehehe!!! Your too funny girl.

    God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)

  15. We don't have snow either but a day of rain is predicted for tomorrow. It looks like 2011 will be the second wettest year on record for our area. Some years we have had several snows by now but it isn't unusual for our first big snow to come between Christmas and New Year's Day. We shall see.

  16. clearly the world is nearly at an end, how can this be?! I count on you for my snow addiction to be filled! The goose is handsome, but then I like my geese crabbily wrapped in a big red bow!

  17. It's snowing here - but we're only supposed to get 1-3". TX, OK and maybe even Kansas will get most of the snow from this storm.
    I love the goose... and I think he's mad about having to wear a ribbon - after all, you don' see too many geese flying around with red ribbons around their necks!

  18. Snow is nice but don't wish for it as you my get too much. We have about six inches of snow on the level.

  19. That metal windmill thing, is it for decoration or does it generate any power?

  20. No offense intended but your goose does look a little stern...kinda' like he's stuck minding the little goslings.

  21. Hi Ann, The small windmill is a decoration only:)

  22. I'd be grumpy too if I had to wear that big bow!

    Our snow is disappearing too - might be a grey Christmas. Unfortunately.

  23. Weird, weird, weird not having snow yet. It would be nice to have just a little for Christmas.


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