Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Bell

The Bell has a sign.  Thanks to cousins Bonnie and Wayne and Jay and Janette.  It was a project that their Mother talked about before her death.  A project that she  wanted to see completed.. and now it is.


We went to see it one day this week.   Of course Chance went along.


It was raining just a little.  I have written about this bell before.

Wistful Wednesday: The Bell

I wonder if there are any schools left that ring bells like this one:)

Blog Signature


  1. They did a great job. Many generations to come will be able to view this piece of history.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  2. A lovely memorial. A beautiful piece of history for future generations to see and admire. Have a wonderful day !

  3. I had wondered what would become of the bell after the center moved. I might have known Esther would have a plan! I miss seeing Esther. But your blog keeps me up-to-date on the Osage happenings. Thanks! The old school is the house over by OBT. Heimarks lived there after it was moved (Phyllis Brock lived there). I so enjoy your blog! Mary Dowling

  4. We rang a bell like that at Anna's wedding! It was her graduation day.

  5. All the bells in our area were given to the Historical Society...what beautiful tribute!


  6. A great piece of the past saved and documented. Good job to all who helped. Howdy to Chance.

  7. I like it! One of the books I read was historical fiction. They said the bells would also signal a death - - - and peal the number of years of the deceased's life. It seems like the bell gave a sense of community spirit.

  8. My Dad had an old train bell that he probably got on an auction sale. It was on our house and used to call us home. When we heard the bell we knew we had to move it and get home or we were in big trouble. One of my brothers still has the bell so whenever I go home I have to ring the bell.

  9. The inscription under the bell might have been taken directly from your blog last year.

    I love it when tangible pieces of history are preserved.

  10. I am sorry to say, that there are two errors on the tribute in the inscription. The 8th grade reference should read, "eighth grade" instead of eigth and "WW1" should be WWI.


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