Monday, July 11, 2011

Rainbow Sunday

A double rainbow appeared last evening..practically in our yard.


It was a beautiful site that we would have enjoyed longer but we were getting pelted by rain and the wind was blowing fifty miles an hour.


Photographing a real rainbow has been on my photographic bucket list a long time.  I  got one barely acceptable rainbow photo all last summer, so I am very pleased to have captured these.

We spent the afternoon at a Flea Market and in an Antique Shop..I bought more old photos and Far Guy bought more “stuff” for his train. What we purchase is predictable.   We took Chance along, he loved the Flea Market and all the smells, one of the vendors even gave him a dog treat.

I spent the evening getting the old computer all set up for the Grandboys..I tried the Flight Simulator a few times..needless to say I am not a pilot.  I left lots of games on that computer for the boys to play.  Hopefully they won’t fight over it..I may have to get one of those wind up timers:)

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  1. Great pictures of the double rainbow.

  2. Great rainbow shot! It sounds like everyone had a great day at the flea market, even Chance!

  3. Good for you - that's one of the prettiest rainbow photos I've ever seen, Connie.
    I stopped in the local Chinese restaurant to get take out and their son and daughter were politely playing on one computer. I was very impressed!
    Have a good week.

  4. I think double rainbows are so special. The lighting on your pictures is very interesting.
    Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  5. So many double rainbows this year. Yours is just beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Don't know that I have ever seen a double!

  7. Did you check the rainbow picture off your bucket list? What is next on the list?

  8. As an adult I have a hard time sharing one computer. God keeps giving me chances to learn that lesson.

    Double rainbows are so amazing, I love them, often seen here in the front yard - northeast - unfortunately I've seen the nutty double rainbow thing on YouTube - grrrr.

  9. You did really well. I have never managed to capture one to my satisfaction - I often take pictures of what I think of as stunning rainbows only to discover you can hardly see them in the captured image

  10. Great capture Connie. YOu did good on the rainbow and two of them to boot. Wish I could take Buddy out like that - at the flea market.

  11. Your rainbow picture is pretty too; you and Leah must have gotten it taken about the same time. I got one out of the front door, but it was hard to hold the door open and take a pic at same time!!!lol
    have a grea day'

  12. Gorgeous picture.

    Glad you found another spot to get your old photos. You provide such a great service in helping them find their way home.

  13. It was just beauitful with the sun shining on the trees it just shimmered.GW

  14. Your rainbow pics are great! I am so glad you didn't get blown away to Oz with that wind.

  15. the leprechaun in me is looking for a pot of gold


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