Monday, October 25, 2010

Chance: Happy Birthday to me..I am six!

Guess what happened exactly six years ago today???  I was born!

Betcha didn’t know that..well neither did Far Guy or Far Side until I picked out Far Guy the day after Christmas in 2004.  Chance #3 2004

Okay!  You can all say AWWWW all together now..I was really cute!!

Fast forward six years…One of my favorite games next to playing ball is jumping for water in the lake..

Chance and Gene Water in the air

Far Guy splashes water into the air and I try to catch it in my mouth.  It is a really fun game and I like to play it until my tongue is hanging in the water.  Far Side took these photographs last summer and was saving them for a special day.

IMG_5089 Jumping for joy..just because I can!

IMG_5139 Sometimes Far Side gets a little wet..and she giggles..

IMG_5198 I get a little wet too..Far Side says there is nothing better than the smell of a wet dog. She is a true dog person.

I am a very happy dog.  I have lots of balls in all colors, I play ball many times a day…it is my job.  Border Collies need jobs!   I  sleep indoors every night where it is safe and warm. I get brushed and my teeth get cleaned.  I chase squirrels and chipmunks out of the yard but I hardly ever bark, I am a silent stalker. If I bark either I want something or I am announcing to the neighborhood that I am outside and I am on duty and something is out there.  I go on adventures almost everyday even if it is only a walk to the mailbox.  My food dish is never empty, but I only eat when everyone else eats their supper..cause I am just a tad spoiled. Far Guy gives me special treats, but not too many of them because Far Side says I have a sensitive stomach. He is not allowed to sneak me any extra treats..and I do not eat table scraps..unless of course it is spaghetti squash or French fries..I bet I get some French fries today:)

Here are some of my other birthday blogs.

Chances Birthday 2009

Chances Birthday 2008


  1. Happy Birthday to Chance! Great photos!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHANCE! You sure were a darling little baby! And you have grown into a very handsome adult. I enjoy reading your posts and hope to hear from you again soon.

  3. Happy Birthday you beautiful boy. You sure did luck out when you arrived at your forever home....but then, you know that. And you know they feel pretty lucky too cause you're just about perfect. Hope you get plenty of treats today.

  4. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Chance,
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    What? You didn't know I could sing? Well, I don't sing for just anybody. Only the ones I love....

    Have a wonderful day :)

    Emma Rose

  5. P.S. Tell Far Side the pictures are GREAT!!!

  6. Oh, I love baby pictures! And that is such a sweet one of you, Chance, as a baby. You are indeed a lucky dog, with a great life, and so smart you can write in Far Side's blog, too! And you have grown into a very handsome guy in the prime of your life!

  7. Happy Birthday Chance - you were a very cute puppy.... Aawwwwww! Have a wonderful adventurous day!

  8. Happy birthday Chance, I love the way you can jump!

  9. Happy Birthday CHANCE!!!

    Fuzzy and Boomer

  10. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to Chance
    Happy birthday to you

    What a wonderful life you have and such great people with whom to share it...

  11. Awwwwwww, what a cute little bundle of fluff your baby self was and what a beautiful dog you've become. A very happy birthday to you Chance. I know how much love and enjoyment ya bring to the 'Side's" lives.

    Have a grand day filled with squirrel chasin', chipmunk stalkin' with some fries with that!!! :o)

  12. Awwwwwwwww... so cute way back then, and so cute now! Hope you got yourself some special treats.
    And tell Far Side she took some wonderful photos of you jumping for joy!

  13. Happy Birthday! and you are still a big AWWWWW cute.
    Tell Far Side I posted the name of those rivers.

  14. Happy Birthday, Chance! Aren't Far Side and Far Guy fortunate that you picked them out? Enjoy your day.

  15. Happy birthday, Chance! I love-love-love that you catch water droplets!! :):)

  16. Happy Birthday Chance! You went from one very cute puppy to one very handsome dog:)

  17. HAPPY B-DAY Chance ! You are still a cutie !

  18. Happy Belated Birthday Chance! You are an awesome jumper in the water! You sure have grown a lot and just get more handsome each year. You are lucky to have such a loving home and Far Side and Far Guy are lucky to have such a loyal friend to share their days.

  19. Happy birthday to Chance the water loving dog. I couldn't keep my Chesapeakes out of the watereither. Baron the GSD likes to fetch and swim but runs away in terror at the sight of a garden hose

  20. I'm so in love with Chance!!!! This is the first time I have visited your blog, but it won't be the last. Simply beautiful!

  21. Happy Birthday Chance. I don't let Button and Barney blog because they leave mud on the keyboard, but if I had, they would have been wishing you a happy birthday too. I know your jobs are good ones and I know there is no one else out there in your family to do those jobs, so you are a very important person in that family. I enjoy your blogs and I hope you got some good doggie treats for you day.

  22. I tried to comment yesterday but we have had some internet problems. Your previous posts are as precious as this current one. It was fun to learn the story of how you claimed Far Guy - - - too precious and obviously a match that has been heaven on earth. That relationship in itself is the best gift you could receive every year!


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