Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Quilter

Meet Glenn, a quilter.  He was demonstrating at the Lake Itasca Pioneer Farmers Show.  I asked him if I could take his photo, he said sure, fire away! 

IMG_6662 I asked him why he picked quilting as a hobby, he replied “I retired and my wife said I had to have some kind of hobby, and I figured quilting was for me.  I love it. Of course I have streamlined the process, and I can put together a quilt in a day or two, this one will be finished by the end of the show this weekend.”   I asked him about his sewing machine, I said it must be the best operating sewing machine around.  He replied “I oil it every three or four quilts.” 

IMG_6663I was very impressed with his sewing skills, I was also very impressed that a man would find great satisfaction in a hobby that is predominately female, and be comfortable enough in his own skin to demonstrate those skills:)


  1. Good for him. He is creating some real keepsakes there. Thanks for sharing your visit with us Connie.

  2. What can I say??? It takes a 'real' man to quilt a quilt. This is just great...I love it! Thanks Connie!

    You have a beautiful day girl! :o)

  3. That is so cool. Remember Rosey Grier, the football player? His hobbies were macrame and needlepoint. I used to have the patience to sew - wish I still did!

    Emma sends kisses for Chance!

    The Duchess

  4. Wow! I am amazed at his ability to create. Actually, all quilters amaze me. I haven't tried it yet, but I have so much difficulty tearing myself away from the computer screen. That takes up so much time.

  5. Good for him - shining in a female world!

  6. Cool Beans Dude!!!
    I love it....that a man would love to quilt....my hubby just likes to curl-up with one.....


  7. That is something I've been thinking about trying. Thanks for sharing your visit.

  8. That is neat to see. He probably feels like he is painting with cloth instead of painting a design. Cool story.

  9. I'm impressed! I also love the color of this quilt.

  10. That is an interesting hobby for the male gender...great story! -- I love your new header!

  11. My guess it's like doing a puzzle for him. It's wonderful he enjoys it - - and is obviously making a little money on the side while meeting many new people. Cool post.

  12. Very impressed by him! Nice to see.
    I have a married brother who has sewed his own sleeping bag & down jacket and even liked to do crewel embroidery for a time. He woodworks--just loves making all kinds of things with his hands. Kind of runs in the family, I guess--male or female. ;)
    This guy really looks like a great guy! Love that he's demo-ing. :)

  13. LOL my brother in law took up sewing.........because he likes to fix the machines.........I think why not just come and fix MY machine.....he will of course.

  14. I love it! I agree with Larry, quilting is an artistic expression for me, maybe him too.

  15. Nice find Connie. I'm not all too surprised, through out history some of the best textile craftsmen have been men. In my own life the most beautiful sweaters (the ones with pictures of deer and bears on them) were knit by a man and the strongest sail cloth tended by a man.

    And ya the double bonus is that they keep their tools well. I'm fairly mechanical but sometimes I have to walk away from my machine 'til Dirt comes home. Most inconvenient.

  16. Good for him...and he looks like he truly loves it too...that is what matters most!!


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