Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chance : Jailed

It is I Chance, the wonder blogging Border Collie! 

I was in jail, I have never been in jail before, I had no get out of jail free card either.  This is how it went down..

Far Side has been talking about this "jail" for years.  She has been holding out for a big jail, with a doggie door to the out of doors.  She goes on and on about how great life was when they lived in Harwood, North Dakota.  They had a big jail, and there were two doggy doors one from the house to the garage and another from the garage to an enclosure that was six feet tall..with lots of room for the Shelties to play and bark ( That is what Shelties do best.)

Anyways..she gave up because Far Guy said he didn't want me locked guys gotta stick together! Then "she" had that garage sale and announced "He will be on the lead or in the house all day..NO exceptions.  We don't need a sail dog."  Just in-case you don't know what a sail dog is is one that is flatter than a pancake that you can pick up and sail across the road.  Yew...  Far Guy saw the light.  He went to Farm Fleet and bought me my very own jail.

It isn't very large, Miney kept me company.  I never howled or barked or anything.  Lots of kids came to visit me, and I watched the cars come and go.  I do not chase cars, only the ball.  But when someone drives into the yard, I run to greet them..kinda like a Border Collie Welcome Committee... Far Side says it is not my job..but I think it is..when she drives into the yard she stops and glares at me, until I sit down and don't move.  She has a mighty powerful stare.  Far Side says that this kennel will be just the ticket on days when I cannot go to town because it is too hot for me to be in the car.

Since the garage sale, I have only been in there once, I had a little lapse in judgement and left the yard by myself running after a squirrel..when I returned ..she locked me up and hollered at me.  Then we kissed and made up..cause she needed a model amongst the flowers..:)


  1. Oh, Connie, I loved this one. Thanks. Please give Chance a kiss for me.

  2. Chance you are a very good boy for not putting up a fuss.

  3. Don't ya hate that you have to do this. Buddy has to be on a leash or on a chain. He wants to run away from me and runs harder if he thinks I am after him. It is dangerous for him to run around. Cars drive near by at 50mph plus and they wouldn't be able to slow down and Buddy loves people. So he would cross the road. I wish I had a fenced area but he would dig his way out. I love Chance's stories. He will get used to it.

  4. Chance, I submit this logic to you to contemplate, please. Dogs are animals that should enjoy a nest or cave or some place that is safe and that they can go to when they are feeling alone, scared, or ill. So, please don't think of that enclosure as a jail, Chance, but as your safe place. OK?

  5. ACK! JAIL!!!! Man, I'm so sorry!!!! That is terrible! Mom tied me up once and I chewed through the rope, then she chained me. That worked. Sometimes I get the chain, like when she wants me to stay clean so I can go to the vet and it's been raining, but it doesn't happen often.

    Gosh, I'm sorry Buddy. Maybe if you give her lots of kisses she won't do it ever again.


  6. Love the picture of Chance in the blue flowers!

  7. Oh that is so precious, I just love you Chance, you be a good one now, and make sure you never lock mommy in the jail, by mistake of course, giggles, just too funny, loved it my friend just loved it, Hugs and blessings, Barbara

  8. Geez Chance, Far Side never even gave you a jury trial first. Just put you in the old slammer. Poor thing! Good thing Miney was with you to keep you company. Since you have been in jail, I guess this makes you a parolee now. Better stay on your best behavior from now on - no more leaving the yard alone. You don't want to violate your probation or Deputy Far Side might just toss you back in there. Call me if you ever need bail. I will be there in a flash to rescue you.

  9. I love this post Chance!!! My kitties & Harriet have a "safe place" jail also and you will get where you absolutely love it - I promise. It's a good thing you get good behavior because you are such a handsome model. Beautiful photo among the blue flowers. Hey Connie, my mom and I both had/have a stare that really means business too!!!

  10. I hate having to do stuff like this cause you know they don't understand its to keep them safe. Mine is out on a 50' lead just because of that squirrel chasing addiction she has. I once had a dog that NEVER EVER left the yard unless she was following me. I never trained her for that either, she just did it. I haven't successfully been able to get another dog to do that for me since. Those squirrels are devils, I tell ya....devils! LOL

  11. Poor Chance! But you know it could be worse. If you had been locked in the house you would not be able to see what's going on. At least this way you can watch everything and everyone!

    Emma Rose

  12. I won't tell you Chance what Barney does to escape. Your are such a good dog to behave and stay in the jail, even if you didn't do anything wrong. Of course Barney being a rescue dog that ran the streets for months, he has separation issues. He will gladly just stay in the house and wait for us. Sail dogs are bad things, I agree.

  13. Mr. Chance, the Wonder Blogging Dog - - - do you wonder how you ever ended up in this jail? And do you go willingly or have to be led? But you love those Far Friends so much that you would do anything for them - - - correct? You know they love you too much to do something that isn't to your benefit!!

  14. Chance you are truly a well behaved doggie, and I'm sure that if you continue to honor your parole, you'll be well rewarded. And you can always count on Rae to come get you in a minute!

  15. Chance you are a very good dog!! Everyone makes mistakes!!

  16. A successful yard sale...successful jail mishaps...good pictures...Great Day!!

  17. Connie,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blob. Yours is great and I will be back. Enjoyed reading back quite a few posts. I found it interesting one of your favorite books is Sand County Almanac... it is one of my favorites too and hubby has read it at least three times and quotes it often. I'm also a big fan of Sean Connery :o


  18. Sorry Chance........I'm with Far Side on this one. Behave yourself and you won't have to do jail time. You should meet NotShy......she's a pro in the jail department ;)

  19. You are the most adorable model!

    My poor Oscar would not do well in the jail.. He would rather laze around at home with the radio for company... You're such a good dog!

  20. Ooh the stare! Yikes! When our old Border Collies were young they responded better to the stare but our last old girl is awful bad at picking up on it, she barely responds to "down!" anymore either, makes coming in a long driveway very hard. The ratters on the other hand stay clear of the car 'til I pop open my door and they all flood in like it's a clown car! They all have a kennel that they have to go to for some reason or other, even Fluffy got tricked into the kennel the other day when Martin had a girl friend visit the other day. Some of our dogs don't mind it, some even like it, but Dale's old lab that grew up living most of her life in it or in a metal kennel box on the back of his truck, hates it the most and barks me batty.

    Your picture with the flowers is very nice, you do make a good model and backdrop for the flowers.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie