Saturday, May 15, 2010

Robin's Nest

For many years, Far Guy has been sharing his ladder every spring.  He is a real sweetheart, during the nesting season his very tall stepladder which he stores under the overhang of his garage becomes a nesting site for a Robin.  This far south-east corner of his garage, is nearest the woods, it is a nice dry spot and probably warm too.  Every year shortly after the Robins arrive the female robin begins to build the nest, she is not the neatest builder either.  She uses long coarse grasses for the outside, then makes a real mess lining the nest with smeared mud followed by softer Chances hair!

The male robin must be just a supervisor.  He leaves her alone to build her nest, and to lay the beautiful blue eggs that will hatch fourteen days after they are laid.  He does help to protect the young, and the nest and brings food deliveries, he takes on more responsibility when the chicks have fledged about fourteen days after they hatch..because his mate is off building another nest for the next brood.  Robins do not reuse their nests for the next brood, they can raise three broods from April til July.

Our Robin is sitting on her eggs now,  Chance can get closer than I can..too bad he cannot take a photograph!

One thing we have noticed about birds, once they raise a batch of babies successfully in one spot..they return year after year.  After the young have fledged, Far Guy can destroy the nest and hose down his garage. If the timing is right he could even use his ladder before she begins to build another nest on it:)


  1. Far guy is sweet to share. If he were in school, the teacher would give him a smiley face sticker!

  2. That is cute that she chooses his ladder and he graciously lets her. We have some type of gray bird that builds underneath our deck every spring. It gives our cats something to worry about!

  3. What a charming it. birds deign to dine here but no one build a nest and moves in. Maybe should get a ladder.

  4. I've noticed that all Robins are sloppy builders. The sparrows and wrens seem to do a much neater job of making nests. We have several of those messy nests around this year. A big wind knocked one of them down recently. I tried my best to put it back together. Momma Robin came back to the lone baby that was inside, but a big downpour of rain tore it to pieces the next day. I felt sad for the momma because she kept trying to put it back together to no avail. Poor little baby did not survive.

  5. We had a couple of Steller's jays build a nest in the tree outside our front window. A couple of crows were able to get into it, eat some of the chicks and knock another one to the ground. He survived the fall but didn't survive the night. Sometimes it's sure hard to see these things happen. I love the fact that this successful place has fledged quite a few robins! Makes me feel good to know about it, so thanks!

  6. Wish all the robins here nested at your house! ha. New poop on my car this morning.

  7. I didn't know that they had 3 broods.Poor mom bird so much work.

  8. How neat!!! It must be wonderful to watch the entire process.

  9. They are so fun to watch. We had them above our front door one year only and they made a horrible mess but we didn't care. They didn't come back. Ever since I made that tray birdfeeder I have had a pair of cardinals that hang around all the time. Eating bugs from my mowing lane also.

  10. How wonderful to be host to such a miracle.

  11. I have great memories of Robin's eggs. Such a beautiful blue. How lovely to have them building a nest every year.

    We are hopeful that we might have some new neighbors moving in soon. There is a new couple of finches' lurking around.


  12. How delightful to have robins nesting in your garage!

  13. I did not know that robins can raise three broods in a season! I have a nest of starlings (yes, starlings, and at first I thought maybe they were grackles, but no) in the side of our garage (pics on my photo blog). We've already lost one baby, which we put back in the nest twice. The 3rd time, one of our cats got him. Poor baby, what a horrible way to go!

    I'm also having a spring giveaway on my regular blog, and one of the prize choices is a Peterson field guide to birds, if you're interested! (Knowing you, you've already got one??!)

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Connie!!!

  14. Such a heartwarming entry! I had a vision of Chance with a camera slung around his!!! :)

  15. I've heard that robins can build multiple nests b4 they settle on one. So you guys must really have a special spot there.

  16. How sweet is that Far Guy? He sure is a keeper and girl, you are blessed. Thanks for sharin' your little nest with us...quite interesting.

    God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie!!


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