Monday, May 10, 2010


It was a relaxing day on the lake, it was a tad cool..but non the less a good day to cruise the shoreline.
Reminder to self, the next time you photograph your own feet, you should probably give yourself a pedicure first, at the very least you could use some moisturizer on those dry and cracking heels.  Oh and summer might be set a date to shave those legs too.  Perhaps you should do your one leg a day thing again..that way you are always half way ready, as long as you remember which one you did last.
There are at least two sets of Loons on the nearby lake this year, from what I observed they are not nesting yet.  Some years there are three pairs on the lake..the Eagle was fishing..and a Crow dive bombed him or her..Yeah! Crows!!  Plucky little birds.  If I were a bird I would probably be one of those Crows, caw cawing all day long...dreaming of being a beautiful Loon..but stuck in a Crows body irritating the Eagles.  If you were a bird, what kind would you be? :)


  1. My husband calls me a turkey sometimes, that is when I wish I was a big pileated woodpecker.
    LOL Patsy

  2. Beautiful pics and stunning scenery. You are so lucky! Guess I'd be an old crow - lol!! Legs - like the idea of one leg a day. Perhaps the right on evens and the left on odds? LOL!

  3. I hate to shave too. Sometime I have to comb it before going out. Looks like a great day for the water. We had a little cool this weekend too - dipped into the low 50's.

  4. It looks like the perfect day for a girl, a boat and a lake! BTW: Girl,,,there's nothin' wrong with those feet!

    Have a great day sweetie!!!

  5. The lake looks like a good place to unwind and the loons are so pretty. I think I would be a Carolina Wren - they seem to have a lot of nervous energy like me!!! Oh yea, I hate to shave too. For one thing, the 3 cats then smell of my legs (shaving cream/lotion) for a whole day!!! Rather annoying!

  6. I think those are great looking feet! Nothing needed but a little moisturizer, preferably rubbed in by some good looking guy. As to what bird, I thought about it for awhile and just couldn't decide. Maybe an eagle, they are great parents, maybe a songbird, they make me feel so good. And then there are the water birds, like these loons. Okay, I choose the loons; I love their sound.

  7. Is the question at hand what you would want to be or what you most likely are, or what some sorcerer would turn you into? Because I am sure that a wizard would turn me into a bald eagle to torment me. I on the other hand, upon being turned into one, would set out to do community service to all those farmers my kinsmen have ticked off. There by foiling the ill intended wizard.

    But on pure whimsey I would alternate between a humming bird, cuz who doesn't like humming birds and everyone gives you free food; a ruby crowned kinglet, becuz for just a bit I would love to have real red hair and be dainty; and then a robin when I was tuckered out from being the first two, plain old fat robin which I am but with beautiful things to say, which I don't.

    More to what I actually am? A Stellar jay, a raucous pain in the rear to other birds that people occasionally want to see but no body really wants the food bill for.

  8. What a great way to spend the day. Such a clear blue sky and the lake scenery is beautiful. If I could be a bird I would choose to be a swan. They are so graceful - something I wish I could be for a change.

  9. you make me laugh
    and laughter is such good medicine...I could never do one leg....then wait a day to do the other..I hardly remember which one I did standing in the shower...2 minutes apart. Then I think...did I shave my arm pits?
    Lord have Mercy
    some days are just such forget me days...(o:
    Reading about you needing a flash light and mentioning Grand boys always using them...made me miss the days when all I had to buy as a gift for youngest son was a flashlight....oh he loved them...and always, I repeat always shinned them in your eyes...he is 24 and still does (o: then laughs like a crazy person.
    I am going to check out the blog about the border collie....loved that your daughter said authors never change their voice...I can't remember what voice i am suppose to be writing in. (o:

  10. I would be a Woodduck because I would be so colorful. You could have lied and said they were someone else's feet. I do miss Minnesota. We will visit in July on North shore for sure.

  11. Love the blossoms on your header..and those loons???!!! They are stunning!! I would be thrilled to get so close to them..I am hunting for some pix of them all the time on lakes!

  12. That looks like a great way to spend a day.

  13. Cute post! My feet are about the same but I seem to have more of a shaving schedule :) -- The loons are beautiful -- Oh and I dislike crows so much I wouldn't want anybody to be one! Maybe I would be a hummingbird - always busy busy!

  14. I think I'd like to be a songbird! dah! can't sing now, might as well hope for the afterlife! However, I probably would end up to be that messy little bird that poops all over my car!

  15. Fabulous shots. What darling birds! And your feet look OK from where I'm sitting.

  16. Fun, fun, fun! Those are lovely spring feet. You can moisturize to heal the cracks before summer barefoot days wear on them, but you've got a couple months yet for that deadline! I'd be a ptarmigan. They employ strategic use of camouflage (for safety only), don't shave their legs (either), and take their young to the high places ASAP (oh, how I wish). ;~)

  17. I love loons for their haunting calls and regal presence on special lakes.

  18. I love your header, Connie!!! Ours all froze. Then a huge wind blew off the petals. I could photograph the leaves, but yours is better.



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