Friday, May 28, 2010

For the birds

It was a good week for the birds.  I not only have to make time to photograph all the wildflowers but the birds distract me too.

Remember the little ugly robins..well they are all feathered out and one by one they fledged.  We think there were was huge and one day he pushed one of his little brothers or sister made it to safety by the woodpile.  The parents had an absolute cow, it was hours before they calmed down..the next day chubby left the nest and one bird was left.  Far Guy walked that way and saw the little guy leave the nest and fly into a they are off on their own.  We decided to leave the nest, one of my cousins happened by and he said that some Robins will reuse their nests as soon as the previous bunch has left the we will watch and wait and see.

One afternoon Far Guy was hollering..I couldn't make out what he was saying other than "Camera".  It turns out as he was sitting outside brushing Chance a Hummingbird flew into the window.  Chance was startled, and looked at Far Guy as if to say "Did you see what that stupid bird did?"

Far Guy picked up the stunned bird.   He had it cupped in his hands when I arrived on the scene.  Yup it was stunned alright, sometimes it takes a bit for them to come around.  Far Guy kept talking to it as I took some photos..
  Chance smelled it. 

I was hoping that it wouldn't die, and so was Far Guy..he had just come back from a dead body call anyway..I think he had enough death for one day.   After a little rest, the beautiful little bird flew away:)


  1. That is so cool!Hummingbirds are beautiful. We love them. We have lot's of Robins here and they do reuse a nest. We had one in a Camellia bush by the power meter one year and had a stand off with the power company. They wanted us to trim the bush to make it easier to read the meter. Once we explained our reason for not doing it they backed off. And as soon as the babies were out of the nest we trimmed the bush!

  2. You know I love birds. I watched a robin pull a big worm out of the ground yesterday, it was quite the scene, but before I got my camera out, it was gone. I just hate it when my birds fly into the window, so I have little butterfly decals and other things on it to hopefully discourage them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I love the picture of your beautiful rufous! Glad he was okay.

  3. I, too, have a bit of time today - - - even though I joyfully getting ready for a visit from my sister. The robins grew and flew away fast, didn't they?
    I am very impressed that Chance did not want to just gobble up the hummingbird. We have animals that would have done that and our animals are very well fed.

  4. That is an amazing photo, so clear, I have taken some but they seem to blur, that one is wow!!! Thank you for sharing your little hummer, we have them too, and I love watching them, we have babies nesting now, lots of hugs, Barbara

  5. I had an opportunity to hold a hummingbird one time, too. It was a cool summer morning when I found it underneath the clothesline. I cupped it in my palm until it was warm enough to fly away. It was like holding a miracle. Thanks for reminding me of that memory.

  6. Hip hip hooray for the fledglings! I find that very exciting! And hooray for the Hummer coming to his senses. We've had a few do that and we had one that nearly exhausted his little self in the neighbor's sun room. A little rest and a little sugar water and off they go!

  7. Oh I am glad it was okay. Darn windows!

  8. Wow - what amazing shots of the robins and the humming bird! I've never seen a hummer up close.. It's delightful!

  9. That is about as close to a hummingbird that most of us will ever be. Wow, amazingly resilient are they not?


  10. WOW! Up close and personal. This is really neat. I've never gotten to see a Humming bird so still.

    Lovely, Connie


  11. What a great photo. How it pays to have that camera close at hand.

  12. Great photos of the stunned hummingbird..with a great room full of south facing windows in our house, we have a lot of bird mishaps...but usually if we keep them upright and stimulated, they come round and fly away....
    I am so glad this little guy made it...loved this post!

  13. such a great pic
    so cool the way chance is just looking...sweetly
    I have had birds do that but never a humming bird (o:

  14. Nice to see one so close but not so nice for the hummer. I had one hit the window the other day and it just sat out on the lawn for about a half hour but finally perked up and flew off. I was relieved.

  15. That was a wonderful rescue. I am glad that the little guy pulled out of it. I like that reflective material on their chest. Chance is not sure the he wants to have another pet around.
    Barney did well at the vet. She thought we had bathed him when I actually just brushed him out and washed his behind. We have never given him a full bath, just he areas where he rolls in bad stuff. Button's 12 now and his visit got complicated. We have to do blood work and have a cancerous growth removed under his tongue. The vet doesn't like to do operations on older dog. I will post about it some of these days. We are not happy.

  16. I am glad this story had a happy ending. So grateful all 3 robins fledged and glad the hummer could fly away. Kaboodle has been sick, then Magic who spent 2 days at the vet. He was really sick but looks like he will make it. What a week. I love the pic of Chance sniffing the hummer.

  17. Hi there Lady! Looks like you are out of the thaws from winter and blessed with springs bounty! I love the baby birds...we have some annoying Magpie babies that are adorable!

  18. You are so lucky to get those pictures. Have a wonderful Memorial weekend Blessings

  19. gosh he's beautiful. i've never seen one so close-up. hummingbirds are fun but they also seem a bit like overgrown insects...

  20. Far Guy is so lucky getting to hold a hummingbird. I think that would rank right up there on the list of life's memorable events.


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