Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Big Read

About eighteen months ago, one day I was bored. Yes, even I can be bored. I did a Google search for blogs about Border Collies..and I began to read. 

Somehow I ended up at Three Dog Blog a blog by Laurie Hertzel. What a treat for a reader, a blog about her part Border Collie Boscoe and Wild Boy Riley..and there is a dog that will steal your heart. I can tear up just thinking about how much Laurie loved that dog. Laurie is a born and raised Minnesota gal who claims Duluth as her hometown. She and her husband Doug live in "the cities" now.  Everyone in Minnesota calls Minneapolis and St. Paul "the cities."

Laurie is a books editor for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. She is also a very talented writer, one thing led to another and soon I was reading her blog everyday..finding out what the boys were up to and following along with her life. Laurie was writing a book. She asked for opinions..well you all know by now that when someone asks for my opinion they will get it!! She would toss part of a chapter at us..I would give her feedback..just as a reader..I told her "I am not an editor, just a reader."

Laurie's book is due out in the fall. You can pre order it here.  ( How cool it that..Laurie is on Amazon!!)  I have a copy..a galley..which is an uncorrected copy as I have been asked along with others to review the book. It arrived from University of Minnesota Press yesterday.. I opened it slowly..the anticipation was almost too much to handle. I was so excited I nearly peed my pants, so I danced a little jig then I crossed my legs at the knees, while trying to read.  Far Guy said "Who sent you a book?" I had explained it to him I quickly read aloud the first sixteen pages..he was in the next day or two or three I am going to settle in for the big read. After the big read which will probably be accompanied by just a few pieces of chocolate..I will prepare questions for the author. I will review the book for you later and blog about Laurie's answers to my well thought out questions closer to the publication date.

I spoke with my daughter the English Professor, I told her..Laurie's book is just like her blog. She said "Well of course Mother, writers scarcely change their footprint, they write in their established voice. If they changed their voice it would get too confusing."  I guess I never thought about it that way before. I have never reviewed a book before either..well maybe back in High School..forty years ago.  So I will look at it this way..I will just be telling my readers what I think about this book, honestly without restraint..just like I write my own blog everyday.

I am really looking forward to reading Laurie's book, it is titled News To Me  Adventures of an Accidental Journalist. (We got to give input on the name of the book too!) So far I can tell you this, reading her book is easy, she wrote her book the same way she writes her blog. With a Lauriesque style, with humor and grace, a real adventure and I have a ticket before almost everyone else.  I think it might be compared to waiting for your favorite dessert, which in my case is sour cream and raisin pie..being presented with a large piece and a fork ready to dive in and come up smiling:)


  1. Actually, only Minnesotans not originally from St. Paul or Minneapolis refer to St. Paul and Minneapolis collectively as "the cities." Laurie is from Duluth, so she uses that phrase. I grew up in St. Paul, so I do not. My mom, from southern Minnesota, began many reminiscences with the phrase, "Before we moved to the cities, we...."

    Well, now that I have that all-important correction off my chest, and the world is again safe for democracy, I can say that I like Laurie's blog, too.

  2. Wonderful! I just love this world of blogging and all the real friends it brings.


  3. You lucky duck(loon) you! I'm excited that you get to read and comment on this book. The author sounds amazing. This is one chick who is lookin' forward to hearin' more about this book.

    Ya'll have a fantastic day filled with warm sunny blessings!!!

  4. What a thrill and an honor for you...can't wait to hear how you liked it...

  5. Oh what fun. I'll have to visit her blog and I can't wait for you to review the book. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  6. How did you get so lucky?? I have been following Laurie for a long time too AND I can read...I don't want to wait!

    Enjoy and tell us how it is, of course, I already know the answer to that.

  7. How exciting for you - Just up you Alley! I'll be waiting to hear too! Why didn't you tell me last night! As you can tell, we're all jealous that you get to read it first. jo

  8. I'm with Mildred--I can't wait to read your review of my book! Thank you for agreeing to be an early reader.

  9. ps the ARC (advanced readers copy) you have has promotional copy on the back of the book, so you dont' see the real book jacket. you'll be happy to know that Toby's picture will be on the back of the completed book.

  10. What an honor! Congrats, I'd sure be thrilled to be one of the first to read it.

  11. Oh, lucky lucky you! Sounds wonderful.

  12. Well, that is pretty darn cool! You will have to let us know how good it is!

  13. Honestly without restraint! I love that here.

    The book sounds interesting. I was cruisin' the book table at Costco, wishing something would catch my eye enough to warrent a slice of my time, alas nothing made me bite. I used to be a several books a week sorta person, reading a good sized book in a night many times.

  14. I read 3 dog, too. But WT in Australia introduced us. Funny how bloggers kind of congregate.

    I'm just not having as much reading time as I did, Try to stop in weekly and catch up!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie