Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: Old Folks

Making Great Grandma Katie comfortable in  the shade in the yard..making sure her head is covered, and that she has her favorite sweater on.  I wonder did they carry her out of the house in her favorite rocking chair, or did she walk ..and I bet her pipe was in her pocket. 

Yes, she smoked a pipe, so did her daughter, my Dad says after everyone in the house was quieted down at night..that was Grandmas time and she would light up her pipe.

My Dads Aunt Elena is the lady in the apron, she looks a tad impatient..she must have been in charge of the chair, or was she impatient with the photographer?  I am not sure who the other lady is..the one helping to light the pipe.  I am not sure what year this photo was taken in or if anyone remembers the dogs name ( he/she seems happy to have everyone outside).

This was before old folks homes or nursing homes as they are called today. Old folks used to be cared for in their homes and died in the beds they shared with their loved ones..perhaps even the ones that their children were conceived and born in. Now it seems at the first stages of forgetting something..they are shipped off to the home:(


  1. I love this photo - full of love and care for each other.

  2. That is a great family photo! Captures so much more than the posed, "smile everyone", photos.

    I wish there was better assistance and programs to help family's keep their parents in their homes. But it seems like health insurance and medical care programs are geared more for putting people in a nursing home.

  3. My worst fear. I want to be active and doing stuff, not stashed away. If I fall out on the ditch bank oh well.


  4. Phenomenal post! Again! Complete agreement with the message, the "home" message. Home is home, not the warehouses we want to call home! Diggin' the pipe and scarf, think I might try and pull that look off. Love it, that's the kind of old lady I want to be, somedays, then somedays I want to be a different one, wonder what we will be like when we get there?! Two little chicks just hatched out, Anna came in with the news and now you are the first to know, just 'cause I was typin' here. We've got sun and chicks how cool is that! Hope your day is just as groovy as ever!

  5. I LOVE this picture! I work in a Home for the Aged and believe me, I will do anything I can to keep my dad at home. I believe the trend to institutionalize should be called "the Warehousing of the Elderly." I recognize though, at times there is just no other recourse...but look how content granny looks in this picture...

  6. Wendy, one reason Grandma looks so content in this picture is that she's got family to take care of her! In so many cases the family is all scattered and nobody wants to inconvenience themselves. That's not fair, we all have different circumstances. Nobody in my family has ever lived long enough to worry about warehousing them!

  7. I, of course, love that Great Grandma has many folks there in the photo caring for her needs. I think most of us, if given a choice, would prefer to remain at home surrounded by folks who WANT to be there. We don't have kids but I even know folks who do that still don't have anyone who wants to care for them. My 88 year old friend I visited yesterday had been without her radio for six months - no one in her family took the time to figure out the wall switch had to be on. What a shame! Not enough time.......

  8. What a great picture to capture caring of an elder. Much to my surprise many women smoked pipes back then. I too wish we had a better system in place for the elderly.

    Have the best day Connie!!!

  9. I have to say that I hope that I don't live long enough to have to go into a nursing home. I have worked in one and have seen some folks that are pretty frail and hope to never get that bad.

  10. Part of the problem is now it takes two paychecks to pay the bills so no one is home during the day, kids are in school or daycare, and parents off to work. I guess having your parents grow old in your home is the good ol' days now.

  11. Wish things were like that now!! Lovely photo!!

  12. My grandma never let anything pass her lips that wasn't good for her. She lived to be 99, so it worked. But then my husbands grandmother smoked and drank.. lived to 95. so, who knows.

    We've moved my husbands 60 year old sis into a retirement center -- (she's got early onset Alzheimers) But she LOVES it there.


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