Saturday, April 3, 2010

What's for dinner?

Our yard is filled with little grey birds..the April Fools wind brought them in, they are Juncos. "Snowbirds" on their way to Canada.  There are hundreds of them. Hopping on the ground..looking for seeds. The Chickadees and Nuthatches do not have to share their feeder. One of our Nuthatches seemed real put out this morning that there were so many birds in our yard..he looked around as if to say.."We need an air traffic controller in this yard."

Thursdays Baked Beans were a dismal failure..homemade beans take all day to cook..well these took all day and half the evening. Apparently they were old beans..I was disappointed..I usually make a big batch of beans and I freeze them. I froze these..we can eat them..but they are not good enough for company. Lesson learned..don't buy beans at Wally World..and don't be in a hurry for them to cook so you can go to the Antique Shop.

Dessert and Turkey were accomplished yesterday. Far Guy roasted the turkey and sliced it. I played with ice cream. Vanilla Ice Cream that was formed into a ball and then coated in crushed Oreo cookies and put into individual punch cups and frozen, they will be topped with chocolate, caramel or will be a personal choice. I have discovered over the years that even if the meal is not top notch..if the dessert is memorable..that is what people remember!

My Mom and "she who sees robins first" both were lucky Ham Bingo they are bringing Ham. Yes, she saw Robins yesterday..I had just a glimpse of one that doesn't she wins again! One of these days I will get a photo.. anyway back to the menu. My Mom is bringing a salad and pickles and daughter Jen is making homemade buns...and will arrive early enough to make some spatzle. Spatzle is a german noodle. I have made them..I do not like Nutmeg in them..and I create a mess the likes you have never seen trying to squeeze that dough through practically every strainer and ricer I had..I even tried my own pastry style bag ( A plastic bag with holes in it.) I usually buy imported Spatzle in a box..ready to cook! I hear that there is a spatzle maker out there..perhaps my daughter has one...if so I am going to steal hers.  She lives near a big town and can get another. The rest of the menu is mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and mixed vegetables..simple fare for simple people. Thirteen little kids and eighteen adults. I don't often cook for this many..but they all know my cooking skills are they will probably have lunch before they come. I invited my brother from Oregon..and my sister from Mora, Minnesota..both have declined.

Happy Easter from our house to yours, tomorrows post will just be a Easter Greeting..I will be in the kitchen:)


  1. Family is good --- and so many little kids fun! Our weekend will be much like other days accept more food to eat! I haven't seen a robin yet either -- Happy Easter!

  2. It all sounds wonderful. Part of the meal is the love and time you have put into the preparations. The most important part is enjoying time together - - - which it sounds like you are already anticipating.

  3. You have been the busy one. Sounds like it will be a wonderful meal and get together. Luckily I don't have to cook a big dinner. Sadly though I am all alone for the holiday - my family, even my hubby, are all out of town for the weekend. It will only be me and Piper together. I am not sure what I will be cooking - not much probably.

  4. Happy Easter Gene and Connie! We have robins!!!!You must too, just haven't seen them. As soon as company leaves, come play cards!!!! If you're still awake!!!

  5. That must be where all our winter-time juncos have gone! They visited our yard for a couple of hours each day, hanging out in the forsythia and venturing out to scavenge under the bird feeder. They were busily pecking at the forsythia, too, which is probably why it has very few flowers this year.

  6. Sounds good to me, we'll be having chicken tomorrow.....I think. When it's just the two of us it really doesn't matter all that much. I heard a blackbird yesterday, wierd, they're usually a lot later and there is ALWAYS robins here before them. Not a peep out of a robin yet though. Happy Easter to you and yours and do make sure you swipe the daughter's Spatzle Squeeze!

  7. We didn't see juncos this year, we must have moved out of there flight path.
    Dinner sounds wonderful.
    Happy Easter

  8. Our juncos returned about a month ago, and sometimes they are so numerous that the outnumber even the sparrows! They will leave come summer, but I enjoy them for now. Happy Easter to you, Connie! I love your descriptions of your traditions.

  9. You are blessed to be surrounded by so many loved ones and I am sure you will have a great time and a feast! We are alone with the pets and of course, there will be green beans for Harriet! Happy Easter.

  10. I missed your invite and your family probably is kind to foreigners. It sounds like a great meal. Easter is a two person deal for us now. We go early to church and have to see which place will have the shortest line. I may have turkey in honor of Far Guy's turkey. Dessert sounded wonderful. Enjoy the day and get some rest later. I am wondering if my son will have moose this year at his wife's family table in Maine.

  11. A great meal prepared with love is always appreciated. Have a blessed time with you clan, Connie.

    Happy Easter!

  12. Sounds like a gourmet meal.. but good company is even better!

  13. Send those birds our way. All of our little ones have disappeared and we don't know where the chickadees have gone to. Maybe the crows are nesting and driving them off.

    Happy Easter, and it sounds like you had a great time.


  14. the Juncos visit my feeding station all winter -- about this time of year they head to higher elevations. I have a few still hanging around. Mine are the Oregon Juncos. Yours look like the Slate Juncos.

  15. Everything sounds delightful, especially the expectations. I always say, around me the best bet is high hopes with low expectations and then no one is disappointed. Spatzle is a good thing to eat! Weird really but good.


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