Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A May Day Reminder

Last year I told y'all  that I would remind you that May Day was coming up and you should get your butts in gear and make some May Baskets and fill them with candy and or flowers and deliver them on the coming of May.  May Day is this Saturday!!

Last year I was told..no one does May Day Baskets anymore..well excuse me..I do..and many of my readers thought it was a great idea, and they could remember doing it as a child.  Some had never heard of this May Day Custom.  When I was little we looked forward to May Day, baskets were always made, filled with candy or cookies.  They were loaded up in a cake pan and delivered one by one, you ran from the car to the house and put the basket on the door knob and then ran back to the car.  If someone came out of the house they were supposed to chase you and kiss you.  After our deliveries we went home to wait for someone to deliver a basket to our house, which wasn't hard to watch for..we had a fairly long driveway.

I will make some baskets and deliver them to my great nieces and nephews filled with skittles and fruit roll ups, and I will probably make Hooch and Odda a basket with dog bones in it.
This is a holiday that I enjoy..I don't have to cook or clean or get all dressed up.  I don't have to shop for days..buying the wrong thing, May Day is one of those days that I don't have to pretend to enjoy...for me it is one of those effortless fun days.
I made a pattern using a plate and a plain piece of  paper.  I made the first one too large, I folded down the straight edge til I got it right!  I then transferred the pattern to a piece of 12 X 12 scrapbook paper..twice.. centering the half circles, that way I still have two straps for my baskets at each edge.  It isn't rocket science...I formed the cone and used a stapler to hold it in place, then you attach the handles..viola a May Day Basket!!
You could have small children that like to color, do their own designs on pieces of paper..I was tempted to do some coloring myself!  I miss coloring, my grands hardly ever color anymore.
You could buy some cups and make a handle out of a pipe cleaner, you could decorate the bottom of a cake mix box..you could just let your imagination run wild.
 Certainly there is someone in your neighborhood that needs a May Day Basket..a child, a little old lady, maybe someone who you have never met but would like to.  May Day is the perfect day to celebrate the small child within you! :)


  1. Hold it! Aren't those MY M&M's?

  2. Yes, I stole his M and Ms for the photo..guilty:(

  3. You two are a hoot. I love me some m&m's too Far Guy. I do not remember doing this growing up. However we did have May Day - during my earlier school days May Day was the day that we competed and played and ate sno-cones and candy. Gave away cakes and there were so many kid activities.

    I like your May Day idea and I will just have to make a basket for the young girl next door to me.

  4. What a wonderful idea and thanks for the photos of the basket. I had not heard of this before. I think I'd like to start a new tradition around here. It didn't look like you put a name on it so how do you know who they came from? Those M & M's are looking might appealing. It's alway a great idea for a blogging post! Happy Early May Day! Maria

  5. Hi Maria, I don't bother putting my name on it..everyone will know who it is from..my May Day reputation precedes me:)

  6. I have had people over the years that left us a goodie may day basket...rang the doorbell early in the morning while we were still in bed...I was always surprised...forgetting that it was Mayday.
    I need to do it for some older neighbors.

  7. Oh, yes, yes, yes!! I love May Day! And I have my stuff all made and ready to go! Love this Post CONNIE!!!!


  8. What planet was I born on? I have NEVER once heard of this tradition, and I am just amazed that it somehow passed me by. I love the idea, and your May Day baskets, Connie! Now to get busy and make some for the old ladies in my apartment complex, including me! :-)

  9. We made these in grade school, and I made them at home for a few years after that because I loved the whole idea. Now, kids from a nearby elementary school leave one at each house in the neighborhood. Usually just a greeting and a paper flower, not candy. Love it.

  10. I love May Day! My mother would arrange a big old basket of lilacs each year for my teacher. The whole bus filled with the aroma of the purple beauties on the way to school.

    God bless ya and have a terrific Tuesday!!!

  11. You could be a 4-H Leader --- the local club delivers each year to the assisted living residents -- each year doing a different type of basket decorated with flowers!

  12. Yup - I'd help you this year, but we'll have company! I'll just make them for our little boys staying here. But we need to think of our next escapade! Oh - thanks for taking care of Odda and Hooch the other day.

  13. That sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for the great idea!

  14. What fun you have with May Day. I don't think anyone around here does that. I have made little Easter baskets to give older people at Easter, just not May Day.

  15. What a wonderful tradition.. and hey, even a klutz like me could make those baskets.. I think... No burning or cooking involved! ;-)

  16. You are talkin' my language today, well the day you wrote this. I am totally a May day person. Imagine my surprise when my neighbors were surprised that my girls and I love to do this!

  17. Oh I should also say that my first baby missed Valentine's by three days, my second missed May day by one, the third missed July 4th by three, the fourth missed Labor day by two. The missed holiday birth that bugged me the most? The May day miss!

  18. when i was young and single, my older brother and his daughters used to make me may baskets every year. it was such a sweet thing to receive.

  19. A neat thing to do. I saw dancing around the May Pole with long ribbons and lots of songs and yelling when I went to country school. Then when I got in the Army I found that May Day was a big day for workers in the Communists States but never heard about these baskets. What a nice thing it is.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie