Sunday, March 28, 2010

Whats Blooming?

The Pussy Willows...the joy of finding these was kinda over shadowed by the dead as a doornail drowned beaver.

These little green berries are on the forest floor among the Oaks.  I have no idea what they are. I have searched all my references..I will have to tag one with a piece of fabric and wait and see what happens next and what kind of leaves it gets...I hope it isn't the Poison Ivy.  I may have known what they were once upon a time, I just cannot recall at the moment, then again maybe I never knew.  It is okay to say that you cannot remember or that you don't know..there are no stupid questions.

We have been in the woods, getting some of the dead trees hauled out and branches cut up for firewood. The brush has not yet begun to bud.  There is no Poison Ivy in sight the in the woods adventures can continue.  This is one of the first years in a long time that we could be in the woods without two feet of snow this time of year.  I heard a rumor that we could get to seventy degrees this week...practically bikini weather.  Not that I even have a bikini to wear..or that I would consider wearing one.. but just in case I wanted too, it will be warm enough.
I went and did it and got a new blog template..what do you think?  Can everyone read it OK?  Decision..decisions..from font size to color..after awhile my brain just said what looks good with beige. :)
Thanks to Erin P..I found out that the little green berries are Poison Ivy Berries..good thing I didn't get too close:( 


  1. We've been in the woods too (still wet and muddy, really muddy) -- header is wonderful and the rest looks good too!

  2. Love the blog layout, and header pic too. Like the bigger print. that little print on some is so hard to read!

  3. The berries look familiar but don't know wht they are.

    Your blog looks great. Very easy to read. What size font are you using? It looks really good!
    Now I'm heading over to your photo blog to see if there are changes there too!

  4. Wish I knew where to find pussy willows in the Twin Cities. Growing up in Hibbing we always drove out to one of the rural roads and cut some, and I know the grandkids would love them.

    The new blog looks good.

  5. Oh, this blog template is perfect! MUCH MUCH easier to read, and it goes well with all that beige. Really nice. And I agree that the drowned beaver was a real bummer...

  6. I miss pussy willows. You don't see them much in our area.

    Your blog layout looks great!

  7. Changing the blog look is a little like spring cleaning. I am still thinking about consolidating something, but not to decide is to decide. I don't think I have seen those berries before either. They remind me of the plant that gets a lot of white berries on them, but I am now to old to remember much anymore. Take care and enjoy the warmth while you can.

  8. You can tell I haven't been by lately, I love your new look! Love the header. My son just loves pussy willows.

  9. Looks great! Pussy willows - I had forgotten about them from my childhood days in north - eastern Iowa. We don't see much of that stuff in Wyoming - just sagebrush and grass! Even a tree is a treat. HA. Spring is here - we are calving. Good bye winter.

  10. the change is nice. I can read the print the header the top of a water tank?

  11. Hi! I like your new format...the font is easier to read. I also love the new picture.

    I'm afraid you do have poison ivy berries there...they looked familiar to me and I found a site for you to compare them to:
    Hope you didn't have too much contact with it!!

  12. The new look is good. Love the header pic. Need to get myself in gear and find something new as well but I have no patience for such things.

  13. You've given me courage to try and change my header. It really needs it .
    I've been following you for a few weeks and find you always have something interesting to say.

  14. That is a great photo in your header! And the font size is good too. I set mine in the template but it's like blogger just ignores it and I'm tired of manually adjusting the font in every post. Someday I'll have time to fix the things that drive me nuts. I'm looking forward to the promise of warmer temps, just wish I wasn't going to be inside in my cubicle...

  15. Thanks everyone for your comments.
    Erin P.. I do believe they are Poison Ivy Berries..thanks!! I did not touch them..thank goodness!
    The Retired One, That is an old grain bin that is in our yard. I have vines that grow up it:)

  16. This layout is easy to read - and the print is not too small...

    Hurray for bikini weather... Send some sun our way, please?

  17. Your puss willows is late this year? The Chinese like to use them for decoration for Chinese New Year.

  18. Yeah, I like the new look!

    And if you don't have a bikini, I challenge you to post a picture in what you do wear for a swimming suit! :)

  19. I have a friend who has pussy willows and she said I can cut some for rooting here. Can you cut / dig out the poison ivy in the areas you go while they are seeding?

    Like the new layout ... really nice.

  20. Jinglebob, Highly unlikely that you will ever see a photo of me..much less in a bathing suit. Cute challenge tho:)
    Connie, Yes, Willows will practically root anywhere in the dirt. I am not sure if we want to disturb the Poison Ivy..I get it easily. The birds eat the berries and spread the seeds everywhere. I don't need to go in the areas that have it..except I was cleaning out some dead and down branches and noticed the berries:(

  21. Thanks everyone for your comments on the new blog look and the font. I guess I will keep it!
    Emma Rose's Duchess I am not sure what size it was ..14 or 16 Veranda I think:)

  22. I like the new look here too......I need to to that soon too. Nice pussywillows!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie