Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Trip To The River

 I am warding off a dreary day with a few old memories today and some photos I took last September 30, 2009.

Last September we took a trip over to "The Farm" about four miles away on the road or two miles as the crow flies.  It is the farm that Far Guys grandparents purchased in 1917.  It now belongs to Far Guys Uncle.  This trip I did not photograph any of the buildings.   Sometimes it is all about the river.  It was a relaxing beautiful fall day in Minnesota.
The river and the bridge..I think that Grandmas old cook stove is under the bridge along with lots of other iron stuff to keep the bridge from washing away.  I have walked this way with many people. Far Guy, Far Guys Dad and with Grandma.  When Grandma was newly widowed she loved company..well she loved company even before she was widowed.  She was a special Grandma. I miss her just about everyday.  I used to walk with her down to the river, after supper before the bugs got too bad.  We walked slowly drinking in the evening air, the scent of grasses and the river mixing..the mosquitoes would always chase us back.  
 Far Guy and I talked of the early morning deer slaughter the day we were sitting just north on the river one foggy morning during deer season..it sounded like WWII..but it was only Uncle Jim.
There is a time in the spring when the fish run through this stream..very tempting for a late night rendezvous with a few of your relatives with a spear and a gunnysack..I have never participated in these late night adventures..but I hear tell they were looked forward to and planned down to the last detail during the long Minnesota winter evenings.
 I wonder who put up this fence and how long it has been here.
The plantings of Norway Pines..provide a different view than we are used too..but they are a great addition.  Plantings are here in all ages and stages.   Sometimes it is good to go back and not only appreciate the memories of a place..but to appreciate the changes that have taken place:)


  1. I too have grandmothers who were so very special and played a huge part in my life. I miss them probably way too often. Thanks for the beautiful stroll down by the river.

    Have a fun day Connie and may it be filled with sweet, sweet blessings!!!

  2. We have such wonderful memories. I hope that the young today have the same quality of memories.

  3. Those are such sweet memories. Too bad that our children don't have those kinds of memories. Things were different back then when families were close and spent so much time together.

  4. From the way that fence has grown into the tree, it's been there a long time. Very nice set of pictures, Connie. I love that first picture especially.

  5. I enjoy going to "our" river much the same as you. Change is often good.

  6. Loved that first river picture..so pretty!

  7. I enjoy these sweet memories and the beautiful photos Connie. I am thankful to have the same kind of memories; simple times to warm our hearts for a lifetime.

  8. Lovely area. No wonder you find it so peaceful. I think the way you share your memories in your blog will someday truly be cherished by your grandchildren.

  9. Your photos are great and the memories even better. I loved hearing about your walk with grandma. She must have been a wonderful lady.

  10. Lovely memories.. that certainly is a gorgeous spot!

  11. I never met any of my grandparents. It sounds like a big experience to miss out on. Do I sense some spring fever?

  12. Isn't it amazing how much you can miss a person year after year?

  13. sweet post. three of my grands were gone long b4 I was a twinkle.
    The one surviving was not one for hugs and sweet memories. I'll share yours and be happy!


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