Sunday, March 7, 2010

Looney Bin

Sometimes I feel like I live in a looney bin, and I have the rug to prove it.  A gift from our friends Sue and Joe in Indiana.  It made us both laugh out is the perfect gift!   I collect Loons..they are mainly in the kitchen..but I have several upstairs..and this rug ended up in front of the fireplace is perfect!

Last fall Far Guy and I attended a carving show and sale.  While Far Guy was off doing his thing, I sauntered by all the tables..lots of people just ignored me.  I can't figure this out..people selling their wares were sitting down and reading..which in my opinion is not exactly customer friendly.  Finally I came across a very interesting table, a guy and gal with a friendly hello and carvings with personality.. proof that I was not an invisible shopper.  The thing is.. their masterpieces sold themselves, and they made me laugh out loud..talking to them was the icing on the cake.

This is the loon that made me laugh hangs near my calendar the one that Far Guy never looks at between the kitchen and the computer area..all he has to do is sit back in his computer chair and look at the calendar and the loon.  Now me, I am way too far away at my computer to see the calendar..I must get up and walk over to it, which takes much more effort than just glancing up.

Part of the reason I feel like I live in a looney bin..must have something to do with the long winter.  Although it rained yesterday..some of the snow melted..but mainly things just got more slippery.  The driveway is like a big old ice skating rink. Six more weeks until the real Loons come..six weeks until we will hear them at night..calling for their know they don't overwinter together..they just meet up in the spring to lay eggs and raise their chicks..then they are foot loose and fancy free all winter long. That is a pretty good arrangement if you ask me..but I am way past the raising chicks I am stuck in the looney bin:)


  1. I love, love loons too! Your wall hanging is adorable as is your rug!
    It's funny when you talk about walking about at the craft shows, because I feel the opposite. I prefer the sellers DO NOT talk to me and "hard sale" me...I prefer only to be addressed if I ask them a question. Otherwise I feel like they are pushing their items on me as a browser. LOL

  2. I miss hearing loons on a regular basis. We used to have a family cabin in northern Minn., and loons were a great part of the experience.

  3. That mat is hilariously appropriate! ;-)

    And that wooden loon looks as if it's in mid-air... is it on a string?

  4. I love the sound of loons calling, Connie. And I agree with Jo (TRO): I much prefer not to be solicited when I peruse people's wares, although it is nice to be acknowledged.

  5. Lady Fi, Yes it is a loon decoy that is swimming..and it hangs from a piece of fishing line:)

  6. Thanks for another interesting update. Once again, I have learned something new from you.

  7. Connie, there is little sounds more haunting when first heard, than a loon calling at dusk. I think it stays with you for life.

    I have a thing for them also....


  8. Oh, my grammer. Sorry, typing and thinking toooo fast.


  9. Hi--I hate it when people ignore me, too. Retired One has a point about the hard sell--I hate it too--but the least they could do is to be attentive, give a little nod, smile, or hello. We're starting to see hints of spring here, so I hope you get some soon up there.

  10. Oh girl, that door mat is perfect for you loony bin! Heeeheehe! I'm with ya all the way, I have to have several things goin' all the time or I get restless.

    God bless and have a terrific Sunday!!!

  11. I really miss hearing them call in the night on the lake. I had forgotten that. It is a beautiful bird and such an unusual one too.

  12. I love your Looney Bin rug. I am glad to know that there are other people that live in looney bins too. Mine is pretty crazy with kids and dogs in and out all the time.

  13. I sure know what you mean when it comes to the looney bin! My hubbies dad was a wood carver and we have some of his beautiful ones that he did, alot of his was bird carvings.

  14. There is something so wonderful about hearing a loon call or seeing them go down in one spot and pop up so far from where they started. I worry when I hear stories that their populations are declining. The ice is truly a pain but it's getting to be less and less each day. The mud though is getting to be more and more and more.

  15. You're so right about vendors in booths not paying attention to their customers. Very frustrating.

    I love the rug, one of those would be appropriate here.

  16. have I ever mentioned that my eldest brother was born in a cabin up on a lake in northern washington. My mom said that a loon was calling and her mom (my grandmother) thought it was my mom yelling. The baby was breech but between my mom and the old country Doc, all went well. (my brother is now 73 years old)

  17. Ya know I think the Great Lakes and loons just might have to be on my bucket list. Not sure why but those seem to go together in my head. One of my favorite books is Paddle to the Sea and I always play the call of the loon a couple of extra times on my bird calls even though we don't have them in the area, our lakes are not deep enough apparently, they are in eastern Washington, and I have heard them there but that was so long ago. But ultimately I would love to see the Great Lakes (but also do some canoeing, your state is smattered with lakes) and hear loons live not recorded. Do all your lakes have loons?


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