Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dreary Days

We have not seen the sun in has been the 30 degree day almost 40 degrees. Really nice weather for March..but I need me some sun. Sun and blue skies..

I finally got the freaking taxes done and to the accountant. An audible sigh of relief should have been heard across Minnesota. Now it is just a wait to have them completed. I am no good at depreciation schedules..or I could do the darn things myself. I could try..but since I might make some huge mistake and get a large packet in the mail.. and then they will want to know how many times I went to the bathroom in the past year..and whether it was hard or soft..dark or light..smelly or non smelly. I just take them to the accountant, he gets paid well enough to make no errors.

Things I do to occupy myself on dreary rainy days, I clean out drawers and organize "stuff." I have a afternoon nap. I even cooked one day. Neighbors have come for coffee..they were restless. Chance and I went to visit Hooch and Odda, those two are always happy to see me! Chance and I drive aimlessly on the muddy, rutty country roads..looking for some sign of spring. Well if mud is a sign.. then it is here. Then just for fun there is the inevitable Doctors appointment, where everyone knows your first name because you are a regular.

I had my last eye appointment..and a pair of reading glasses was ordered. In ten days I will get them. My eyes are all healed up..better than new. My vision is 20/20 and 20/25. The Doctor says my eyes are still right eye was dominant and then since it had the worst cataracts..the left took over cause he is helpful, after the first surgery the right was top dog because he could finally see something, then the left was repaired and all hell broke lose..the left is way better than the after fifty some years of being right eye dominant..I am smack dab in the middle of an eye war. Sometimes they fight so bad, I just have to take charge and close them. It is quite an adjustment not wearing glasses for the first time in fifty years. In a perfect world, I would have the ability to focus and see close up like before..but have the distance vision that I have now. But it is not a perfect I will settle for a pair of prescription readers.

We spring ahead on Saturday night..the last time we sprung computer crashed. I wish we could just be on one time. Real Time.. what a novel idea.

All non dreary photos taken last summer:)


  1. Even in the midst of a dreary day you are entertaining and so funny. That eye war thing sounds distressing. Hopefully the battle will be won soon with one of them waving a white flag of surrender. I like the new header - Chance looks like he was locked onto something - whatever it was I bet it didn't escape.

  2. The whole menopause thing, I've sometimes felt like my body was at war but not my eyes. That sounds brutal. I totally understand the sun thing, I need my sunshine!

    Have a beautiful day!!!

  3. I'm like you. Just one time, no switching around, it's tiring. And I don't think it saves anyone any money any how.

    We have half blue skies right now. I'm sick of clouds. I need sun. I so understand what you are saying.


  4. My hat is off to you. Anyone that can consider 30 warm is a better person than I am. However, I have always thought that people are made to fit their environment. I know you would probably feel the same way about our summer heat. Nevertheless you can keep those cold temperatures up north and I will keep the heat down here. Have a great day.

  5. I wish we could be on real time too! I'm taking a break from getting the tax stuff together but it's going in Monday and I still have a few things to go over. We have some mud here again today but it beats -40* by a long shot!

  6. I agree - I need some sunshine too! This is a hard time of the year for me -- can't snowmobile unless you ride a canoe and it is still icy underneath for those 4 legged creatures...

  7. Amazing how medicine has advanced. Isn't it awesome to only wear glasses part of the time??

    I would send you some sunshine, but we have rain coming. We even had one day in the high sixties but that was the stormy night.

    I need to occupy my time cleaning drawers and such but I pick things I want to do like playing in the barn.


  9. Oh dreary me! I sure hope you see the sun soon. But taxes done and good eyesight, that's pretty groovy eh? Sorry you left is fightin' with your right, which one has the better cross?

  10. Sunshine - What's that! hopefully tomorrow!

  11. I'm sending you sun and blue skies! ... You're welcome! ;-)

  12. I'm with you about the time thing - Leave It Alone!!! How do they figure we gain or lose an hour. The sun still comes up and goes down the same length of time each day just the clocks are different - we may have more light at night but less in the morning. Go figure?

  13. I'm glad you are almost finished with the Eye Wars. It was strange to see my hubby who wore glasses every day of his life from his early teens until his mid-sixties just not have to wear them any more! He loves his "new" eyes. He wears glasses for distance but doesn't need them for close up.

  14. Love,LOVE that last shot..I too, am awaiting our cherry tree and apple tree blossoms...gotta be patient! ha

  15. Oh my, I never thought fixing your eyes could cause an eye-war! I guess that must make it hard to focus or maybe even judge distances. Hope they declare peace soon. My eyes are getting old at the moment...I learned last month I can't see close anymore and am waiting (sort of patiently) for my eye appt at the end of the month. Sure do hope you see the sun soon--we had a beautiful weekend and got up into the high 50's, but are now going to have 4 days of rain. Good luck with that!

  16. my boobs are like that. they just argue with each other to see which can droop the farthest each morning.

    Hey! I think when I get cataract surgery I'm going to do it all at once.

  17. ps. (whispering) I have a few daffodils, some ground cover that blooms white spikes in early spring, and the star magnolia is threatening to burst)


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