Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: 1954

Cousins photo op in 1954.  That would be me on the left.  My cousins Geraldine and Hilda are in the matching dresses, and  their brother Danny in the front with the doll.  I think this was probably taken at my Aunt and Uncles home, I just do not recognize this floor or those cupboards.  We must have been visiting!   Since my Mother and Father came from very large families we went visiting all the time especially in the winter and we had visitors at our home often.  It is what we did to make the long winter evenings more enjoyable.  Hilda and I were born in the same year, she was born in the spring and I was born in the fall.  She may look innocent in this  photo..but she and I used to fight..I was a biter..and I think she was too.  Imagine two little girls biting each other and screaming.  I can't remember biting Danny or Geraldine..just Hilda.

Yesterday was a cousins get together, we met for lunch.  It was a good turn out, and we had a good visit.  Geraldine stopped by and picked me up for lunch.  Hilda and her Mom joined us as did Chuckie, Evelyn, Kathy, Diana, Aunt Anna and Wilma.  It is good  to get together.  We met at one of those health food I had a sandwich with lots of good stuff on it..sprouts and lettuce and tomato..and my very favorite pie..Sour Cream and Raisin..a real calorie laden piece of pie.  None of my cousins share my appreciation for it. I did learn that my  Paternal Grandmother loved it and often baked it for her family. I should have taken a photo of it..simply described it was like heaven on a fork:)


  1. I love it when we discover new family connections -- love the story about both you and your grandmother loving Sour Cream Raisin Pie!

  2. Love your new header. It is gorgeous. Funny the things we remember about ourselves as a kid. I was a hair puller, but I had a cousin that was a biter. We spent a lot of time in tears when we were together.
    Your cousin get together yesterday sounds nice. I have lost contact with all of mine. I miss not having them here. Family seems more important the older I get.

  3. I agree with Rae that family time seems more precious as we age - - and of course, relationships with friends. When I saw your picture, it reminded me of some similar we had taken as kids. Do you ever feel like Rip VanWinkle because time has flown by so fast?

  4. I met with my cousins last October for what will probably be the last time. There's 8 of us but they're much older than me, and we live in about 6 different states. We had a wonderful time.

    I, however, do not like raisins and cannot imagine in my wildest dreams, how such a pie could be good.

  5. I love the photo. We moved away when I was young and I didn't have the privilege of growing up with family. I really enjoy looking at yours. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I hope you bit the pie, not the cousin!!! Sounds like fun. Cousins are better than sisters or brothers when growing up and still as good as grownups ... you have such good memories and ties with them.

  7. You are blessed you can get together every now and then for lunch. My cousins are scattered everywhere in the USA except the Ozarks. A couple of my cousins and I had a game of bumpin' heads....hummmmmm, that explains a lot! Heeeheehe!

    Ya'll have a fun~filled day packed down and heaped over with blessings!!!!

  8. I also love your header. You make me smile with your old pictures, too. Amazing stories about your family, Connie. You were such a cute little thing.

  9. Cute picture! Your new header is gorgeous,it makes me want spring. Karen and I used to fight with hair pulling and biting - must be a cousins thing. I love sour cream raisin pie - I've got a great recipe for it because it's my husband's favorite.

  10. I miss the visiting. Since Mom and Dad are gone, we have lost touch with distant cousins.

  11. Your new header is so colorful, and very "darn that winter, I am getting on with spring" like way.

    Love it.

    My cousin, who is a week older then me, was a biter. I think she is still the same kind of person, LOL. We don't see each other anymore, after she went down a really bad path. But hopefully she is onto a good path now.

    Can I use one comment for two posts, I am sooooo behind in blog reading. And I have neglected you lately my good friend. Love the idea of a rocky path, strewn with wild flowers, sigh.... that would be charming.

    Great shots.


  12. A cousin get together sounds like fun. We reserve that for funerals, unfortunately. I take it you no longer bite!

  13. Cousin get together sounds wonderful --- sounds like you had a wonderful lunch -- I would have chosen Oregonberry pie (I think that is what its called!) Hmmmmm!

  14. You come up with the most interesting things Far Side. We have never heard of sour cream and raisin pie.

    Emma Rose

  15. What a delightful photo.. although you don't seem quite as happy as the others...

    That pie sounds interesting - I'd certainly like to see a photo of it.

  16. Sounds like a nice way to pass a long, cold winter...visiting is nice, you were lucky to live close to one another. I have never heard of raising and sour cream pie...I'll have to look for a recipe to see what it's like. Sounds kinda good!

  17. Sadly I don't have any cousins. I do have step-cousins. I don't claim them I tell everyone I am only related by marriage. I think they feel the same way. Both my parents were only children. Therefore, no one for me to bite. Although, my brother, now HE was a biter.


  18. Oh man, I love sour cream raisin pie and I am the only one, so it is a major dangerous pie for me to make, but every once in a while I do, thinking that I am making it with the hopes that I can get someone to join me in eating it. Nope, never happens and I eat the whole thing by myself. Yikes!

  19. I thought you were gonna say you bit Hilda at lunch heh heh.

    I make Sour Cream Raisin pie every Thanksgiving!

  20. ps. wow! I remember my parents bedroom had THAT same linoleum.


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