Thursday, February 25, 2010

Forgotten Old Photos

If you happened to do a google search and ended up at my Forgotten Old Photos blog what would you think?  Crazy old woman?  What in the world?  Or if I happened to write you a letter and tell you that I have a photo of one of your relatives, or if I happened to call seem excited ..but never call back to make arrangements to look at all the other photos that could be your relatives. Lordy I must sound scary.  I really am not.  
 A photo that Mildred shared of her hometown around 1900. 
Old photographs seem to fascinate me.  Recently over at my Forgotten Old Photographs blog we have been able to reunite some people with old photos of their relatives.  I get a bit excited. as do my readers over there..the last discovery was made by a google search!
 A Tin Type that Norkio shared from sometime between  1873 to 1895 
Long time blog friend Abra assists me when she can researching names, a new friend Norkio is ever so kind to explain about the clothing that women wore in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
 A photo from Jinglebobs Grandmother's collection taken around 1910. 
The Forgotten Old Photos blog was just a began with a few photos from an Antique Shop.  Then Jinglebob a blog reader sent me some of his Grandmothers forgotten old photos..we have now returned five photos to their homes, and Jinglebob is learning more about his Grandmothers family and friends everyday. Mildred mailed me photos of her home town of Alpharetta Georgia in the early 1900's.  Norkio emailed me copies of Tin Types that she had. Noriko is involved with a small group of people that are reenactors, who love literature and making historical booklets.  It has been quite an adventure!  I still have a stash of old forgotten the adventure will continue.  If old photographs are something that interest you..stop on over..we are a friendly small group:)


  1. I love the old photos, they intrigue me. I have a trunk of oldies but goodies and a handfull of tin~types in them. Thanks for sharing, Connie

    God bless and have a fab day!!!

  2. When your latest blog came up on reader and I saw the old downtown Alpharetta photo, I thought someone had contacted you about it!!! Your photo blog has been one of my favorites to check each day and I have met some wonderful new bloggers through it. I appreciate you and your resourceful helpers so much. Keep up the fun Connie.

  3. I am glad you started the old photo blog. It is fascinating wondering who the people are or how they lived. It is a great blog.

  4. I love the old photo's and it is so neat to learn about your ancestors. My mother in law is into the family geonology big time and it is neat to see the pictures and learn more.

  5. I think that's so cool! I have a small collection of tintypes, most of which I got on ebay. They are so interesting. Have you ever heard of a book called "Dressed for the Photographer"? (Kent State Univ. Press) It's a scholarly work that shows the differences in styles, etc., to allow you to date old tintypes (etc) based on what the subjects are wearing. I have it on my wishlist and next time I delve into the old tintypes I'm sure I'll buy it.

  6. I love your blog of old photo's. I like to visit old cemetery's to.

  7. I think that is totally awesome!!! I am going to sit down and go through all your old photos. My mom has been going through all our geneology and those old pictures are the best - to see the family resemblances generations back. I would LOVE if I received a letter from someone with one of my long-lost relatives.

  8. Oh, I love those old photos! Love that girl's huge white bow in the last photo.

  9. FOPs quickly surpassed the blog where I found you on my list of daily blogs. The quest to find the families is so fun. Abra is a great researcher too! She finds more than I could ever imagine. I only wish I had thought of the idea - I admire your idea and your success!


  10. do you want a few of my old photos? seriously? I have a few I'd sure like to find out seomthing about.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie