Monday, February 8, 2010

Chance: Disgruntled Model

I really should get union scale for as much time as her camera is focused on me.  I finally decided to go on strike.  I hid behind a huge mountain of snow.  I knew she wouldn't climb the snow mountain.. must be that zoom lens..there is no escape.
 Here is my "Wolf " look..take that!! Watch out who you are messing with lady..

 I can frown, she doesn't care..she says a frown is just an smile upside down. She is one tough cookie. No matter what feeling I come up with..she declares it brilliant.  
 I guess I might need an agent, you know a go between. Between Me and Far Side..I think I should demand a cut.  Then I heard she just takes these photos for fun.. foiled again, for fun she says..who does that sort of thing, is she nuts? you suppose I should ask for homemade treats..she has the recipe hung on the has been there a long time. It would be a stretch of everyone's imagination to think that she would bake. 
 I know, I will just keep my eyes almost closed:)  


  1. Our dog closes her eyes halfway too when I try to snap her pic:) I wonder why they do that?!

  2. Lovely pictures of your dog. Is he pure border collie? He reminds me of friend's dog, which was a Great Pyrenees + border collie cross. So glad your vision improved and sorry to hear about the sore shoulder. I can relate. One of my shoulders dislocates fairly frequently. Very sore indeed.

  3. At least he doesn't swat at you, like Bootsie does.

    This post is hilarious, and so then, where are his doggy treats?


  4. I love the stories that Chance 'tales'. What a sweetie. You can just see intelligence when he looks at you. Buddy is doing very well. He is still getting more that his share of daily snacks so he is happy.

    Where are those treats! He deserves them.

  5. You're one funny dog, Chance! Make Far Side bake you those treats and then give us all the recipe.. that will teach her! ;-)

  6. Chance seems to LOVE the cold snow, he's quite a comedian !
    Just by looking at his face, you can tell he's for the camera ;)

  7. Hang in there Chance, you'll enjoy the pics of ya'll runnin' and rompin' in the new spring grass chasin' robins through the tulips. Ahhhhh, sounds divine!

    Have a super day Connie, from the snow covered hills and hollers of the Ponderosa!

  8. LOL! That first picture scared me....looks like he got caught in an avalanche.

  9. Love it when Chance tells his side,wouldn't it be neat to really know what our dogs are thinking??!!
    (maybe not)!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a blessed day

  10. Chance, You SHOULD get wages buddy. For all that posing you do, you deserve a reward. Love your wolf look - so intense - but you can't fool me. I know you are a big softie. I've seen the way you look at Far Guy. You adore him. And that photo with you curled with Far Side after her eye surgery - that protective look says it all - you love her. What a special dog!!

  11. I LOVED This post! Chance you are the best. And fun to be around. Heck, you have a huge fan club out here.


  12. Chance looks pretty laid back! He's so handsome!

  13. Yes, you're terrifying, aren't you? I love these pictures, they tell so much about you, Chance. And I think Far Side is pushing her luck... I know, get your nose really COLD and then nuzzle her. Trust me, she'll love it!

  14. Chance, you rock! Oh yeah....and don't forget about getting paid vacations.

  15. LOVE this post!!! Chance, you are adorable and you do have a fan club! Do you give autographs?

  16. Chance is so photogenic, especially in the snow. My poor PD got stuck in the snow by the mailbox today, I wish I would have had my camera before he got out. It was so funny. What joy these little canine friends add to our lives! I laugh out loud at least once a day at my PD. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  17. Oh you handsome dog! Tell Far Side if the Duchess can bake treats so can she! I think that would be a fine "sitting fee" for all your hard modeling work :)

    Emma Rose

  18. I wish my dogs would pose or even just look my way when I had the camera out ;)

  19. Oh Chance - you look so handsome against the white white snow!

  20. I love your translations for Chance. She is one thoughtful dog!

  21. It Chance freezing!! Love the frown one!!

  22. I swear dogs show the same emotions as kids

  23. Oh my those model can be sooo moody! We usually see him so upbeat and excited, I think he has been staring at that recipe too long.


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